Tamko Topics 7 / 2021

Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences. How to publish in Tamko Topics? If you wish to publish news considering students and student life in Tamko Topics, send it via email to Tamko’s Communications expert at topicsiin(at)tamko.fi. Deadline for the material is Wednesday for the next week’s…

Bulletin from Tamko’s council meeting 2.2.2021

Year’s first council meeting took place on the 2nd of February via Teams. The meeting agenda included updates from the council’s chairpersons and board members, usage of Tamko’s funds and ordering hoodies for council’s use. Announcements Tamko’s actor introduction weeks on Instagram start on the 8th of February. Updates from the council’s chairpersons and teams…

Tamko Topics 6 / 2021

Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences. How to publish in Tamko Topics? If you wish to publish news considering students and student life in Tamko Topics, send it via email to Tamko’s Communications expert at topicsiin(at)tamko.fi. Deadline for the material is Wednesday for the next week’s…

Let’s all work together to take care of safety and wear a face mask on campus!

We all have a duty to keep our campuses safe. After the Christmas holidays, adherence to the recommendations to maintain a physical distance and wear a face mask has been declining. We want to remind all the members of our community that we must all work together to create Covid-19 secure campuses where we can…

Tamko Topics 5 / 2021

Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences. How to publish in Tamko Topics? If you wish to publish news considering students and student life in Tamko Topics, send it via email to Tamko’s Communications expert at topicsiin(at)tamko.fi. Deadline for the material is Wednesday for the next week’s…

Higher education students, please note: remember to pay the student healthcare fee by January 31st!

Students in universities of applied sciences and universities who are entitled to use the services of the Finnish Student Health Service (YTHS) must pay a healthcare fee to Kela. Higher education students must for the first time pay the healthcare fee to Kela for the spring term 2021. The fee can now be paid. Pay…

Tamko Topics 4 / 2021

Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences. How to publish in Tamko Topics? If you wish to publish news considering students and student life in Tamko Topics, send it via email to Tamko’s Communications expert at topicsiin(at)tamko.fi. Deadline for the material is Wednesday for the next week’s…

Tamko Topics 3 / 2021

Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences. How to publish in Tamko Topics? If you wish to publish news considering students and student life in Tamko Topics, send it via email to Tamko’s Communications expert at topicsiin(at)tamko.fi. Deadline for the material is Wednesday for the next week’s…

Tamko’s office is open by appointment until 7th of March 2021

Tamko’s office is open by appointment until 7th of March 2021. NOTICE: When you are coming to Tamko’s office during the pandemic remember to always contact us beforehand via phone or email: office@tamko.fi Our office phone/WhatsApp: +358 443 826 561 You can contact us via Tamko.fi chat If you are coming to Solu, contact us…

Tamko Topics 2 / 2021

Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences. How to publish in Tamko Topics? If you wish to publish news considering students and student life in Tamko Topics, send it via email to Tamko’s Communications expert at topicsiin(at)tamko.fi. Deadline for the material is Wednesday for the next week’s…