Degree tutors, like Finnish degree program peer tutors, support and assist new students during their studies. Degree tutors are selected from TAMK degree programs and their training language is English. Their training is more focused on adapting to a new country and culture in comparison to the peer tutors training. Degree tutors play a key role in integration of foreign students who come to study at TAMK. Tutors will gain new friendships and study credits: sounds like a great deal, huh?
Students who attend in tutoring will take part in tutor trainings organized by Tamko and help their tutees at TAMK’s orientation week at the beginning of semester. They also meet their tutees monthly so that they know what’s up and show them the Finnish student life. Degree tutors are expected to support their group during the whole first academic year. Lastly, the tutors will write down their experiences about tutoring and return the report back to Tamko in order to get 4 study credits.
Enrollment for Degree tutoring is open every autumn. Please keep an eye on our messages.
Further information from: Tamko’s Board member in charge of international affairs and the Expert on Tutoring