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Student clubs


Antura is Tampere University of Applied Sciences’ building trade students’ club. Its purpose is to boost the feeling of solidarity between the Construction Engineer and Construction Site Management students and strengthen the cooperation between students and the field’s firms and trade unions.

Board 2024:

  • Aku Käkilehto – chairperson
  • Tuomas Koskimäki – vice chairperson
  • Paavo Pörhölä – secretary
  • Jenita Liukkonen – financial coordinator
  • Enni Ohrankämmen – event coordinator
  • Viljami Virtamo – company and cooperations coordinator
  • Eetu Paasikivi – member and tutor coordinator
  • Tommi Lund – marketing coordinator
  • Emma Juvonen – graphic designer
  • Christian Telilä – molding maestro

Aku Käkilehto –
Paavo Pörhölä –
Christian Telilä –

Antura on Facebook

Instagram: @anturatamk


BICEPS on Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulun fysioterapeuttiopiskelijoiden kerho, jonka tarkoituksena on toimia jäsenistönsä yhdyssiteenä sekä tiedonvälittäjänä. Kerhon tehtävänä on kehittää opetuksen ja opiskelun sisältöä sekä toimia linkkinä alan toimijoihin. Kerho toimii alan opiskelijoiden edunvalvojana koulussa. Kerho järjestää jäsenistölleen erilaisia koulutuksia sekä mukavaa yhteistä tekemistä tuodakseen eri vuosiluokkia yhteen.

Board 2024:

  • Kaarle Kalliojärvi – chairperson
  • Onni Saavalainen – vice chairperson
  • Elviira Alastalo – finance and educational affairs
  • Dagmar Wirén – secretary
  • Elviira Alastalo – event and social media coordinator
  • Julius Virtasalo – board member

Kaarle Kalliojärvi –

Contact the board by email: biceps(a)
Contact the chairperson of the board by email: pj.biceps(a)
Biceps on Facebook
Instagram: @BicepsTAMK


BioKe is Biomedical laboratory scientist students’ club that brings all students in this field together. We want to make this field more visible and bring forward our important place in the healthcare system. Therefore we thrive to enrich the student life.

Our purpose is to organize different events and co-operate with other clubs and organisations.

Board 2024

  • Aliisa Parikainen – chairperson
  • Sanni Merta – vice chairperson
  • Jaana Leppinen – secretary
  • Salla Korhonen – financial coordinator
  • Elviira Hermonen – co-operations and educational affairs coordinator
  • Henna Väisänen – leisure and events coordinator
  • Mariella Luukkonen – marketing coordinator
  • Piia Sulasalmi – social media coordinator
  • Aino Nurmi – graphic designer
  • Pirta Rontti – graphic designer

Jaana Leppinen –

Instagram: @bioke_tamk


GLOBE (= Giant Leprechauns On Behalf of the Environment) is a student club for Enviromental Engineering students in TAMK. We organize different sorts of events, gatherings and trips for all ENVEs. We also try to influence on important environmental issues in our surroundings. Everyone is free to join us and also to bring in new ideas.

Our website will tell you more:

Hallitus / Board 2024:

  • Ilias Foteinos – chairperson
  • Noore Serlippens – vice chairperson
  • Ada-Sofia Luomajoki – treasurer
  • Evelina Gruzdova – secretary
  • Tiuku Akkanen – event planning
  • Oona Kuusisto – event planning
  • Karen Ali Djaja – social media

GLOBE Facebookissa

Instagram: @globetamk


HAPPO ry is Tampere University of Applied Sciences’ Laboratory Engineering students’ club. HAPPO ry promotes the interests of the Laboratory Engineering students and organizes events and excursions to firms in the field. The organization offers its members affordable coffee, participates in tutoring activities, helps new students to acquire overalls and sells overall patches both to its members and non-members. You can find Happo members from Kuntokatu Campus, wing A’s underground floor (A0), and you can reach us by this address: happo(at)

Board 2024

  • Teija Vähäkuopus – chairperson, pj.happo(at)
  • Laura Tiainen – vice chairperson
  • Mira Hietanen – education and social affairs coordinator
  • Olivia Mönttinen – treasurer
  • Laura Niinimäki secretary
  • Maria Vakkilainen – event lady
  • Nelli Huotari – event lady
  • Oona Kontio – cooperation coordinator
  • Julianna Lamminsivu – communications coordinator
  • Lotta Vääränen – member coordinator

Nelli Huotari –
Laura Niinimäki 

HAPPO on Facebookissa
Instagram: @happo_ry

Tampereen Konekerho ry

Tampereen Konekerho ry is TAMK’s Mechanical Engineering students’ and Vehicle Engineering students’ club. Konekerho organizes excursions to firms, our own events and cooperative events with other clubs and organizations. Konekerho offers its member a club room that can be found on the floor A0. The club room has capabilities for both group work and leisure time between lectures.

Board 2024:

  • Patrik Mäenpää– Chairperson
  • Arttu Heikkinen – Vice-Chairperson
  • Noora Ojanen – treasurer
  • Otto-Oskari Suuronen – secretary
  • Eero Järvinen – educational affairs
  • Janika Laitinen – event coordinator
  • Rasmus Ruuth– member and entertainment coordinator
  • Toni Hyyryläinen – company and cooperation coordinator
  • Santeri Heino – project coordinator
  • Jussi Koivurinta – publicity and marketing
  • Ida Kuukkanen– graphic design

Noora Ojanen –
Santeri Heino –

Konekerho on Facebookissa
Instagram: @Konekerho

Puusuutarit ry

Puusuutarit ry is TAMK’s Construction Engineering students’ club that organizes Asta Fair in cooperation with Tampere Trade Fairs and TAMK every spring. The association consists of third-year and fourth-year students of which the fourth-year students have the lead responsibility and the third-years students act as apprentices.

Actors 2024:

From this link:

Puusuutarit on Facebookissa
Puusuutarit website
Instagram: @Puusuutaritry


SOURCE is TAMK’s ICT Engineering students’ club. We organize all kinds of events, and our purpose is to create a more tightly-knit network of IT professionals and share information about the opportunities in our field.

Board 2024:

  • Sylvi Kokko – chairperson
  • Juho Mäkitalo – vice chairperson
  • Vertti Salo – treasurer
  • Juuso Alanko – secretary and communications
  • Eetu Reijasto – educational affairs
  • Antti Venetjoki – event coordinator
  • Juha Hautakangas – leisure coordinator
  • Eino Palomäki – external relations coordinator
  • Joanne Hoikka – members and facility coordinator
  • Wilhelm Nilsson – webmaster

Joanne Hoikka –
Eetu Reijasto –

SOURCE’s website
SOURCE on Facebook

Instagram: @source_ry


SYNTAKSI ry is TAMK’s Business Information Systems students’ club. The club’s purpose is to make the students more visible and create suitable events for them.

Board 2024:

  • Pyry Ikonen – chairperson
  • Noora Vainionpää – vice chairperson
  • Otto Melentjeff secretary
  • Mikko Pasanen – treasurer
  • Matias Leppänen – external relations coordinator
  • Teemu Tontti – webmaster
  • Ville Lindgren – member responsible
  • Anna Kulovuori – social media princess
  • Leo Pura – commucations coordinator
  • Aleksi Väätäinen – event coordinator
  • Riku Saarijärvi – game master
  • Santeri Korpela – functionary
  • Patrick Palmroos – functionary
Harassment contacts:

Anna Kulovuori –
Pyry Ikonen –

syntaksi(a), syntaksiry(a)
SYNTAKSI ry on Facebook
Instagram:  @syntaksiry


Talotekniikan Kilta (freely translated as Building Services Engineering Guild), TaTek, is a club under the Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences (Tamko) that was established in 2010. The purpose of the guild is to enhance the feeling of solidarity between students of HVAC Systems and Electrical Systems and improve the cooperation with firms in the field.

Board 2024:

  • Viivi Vatanen – Chairperson
  • Teemu Palojärvi– vice chairperson/education policy coordinator
  • Eero Lahdenniemi– treasurer
  • Pekka Leikas – communications coordinator
  • Maria Niemelä – event coordinator
  • Juuso Kaskilahti – company and co-operation coordinator
  • Arttu Niska – secretary and member coordinator

Viivi Vatanen –
Eero Lahdenniemi –

TaTeK on Facebook

Instagram: @talotekniikankilta


Tarkka is Tampere’s Construction Architect students’ club that offers its members fun recreational activities and interesting extra content to their studies. The primary purpose of Tarkka is to enhance the feeling of solidarity between the Construction Architect students and Architect students. Tarkka cooperates with other clubs, associations and

business representatives. Tarkka was founded in the autumn of 2014 when the Degree Programme in Construction Architecture was reinstated to the curriculum. All Construction Architecture students of Tampere University of Applied Sciences can join Tarkka as student members. Students from other fields of study can also be accepted as endorsement members. You can join as a student member by paying Tarkka’s membership fee at Tamko’s office.

Welcome to Tarkka!

Board 2024:

  • Eero Malila – Chairperson
  • Hanna Koivisto – Vice-Chairperson, educational and social affairs
  • Emilia Kettunen– treasurer
  • Anniina Petäjä – secretary
  • Tanita Mäkinen – vuosijuhlavastaava
  • Aarto Markkanen – excursion coordinator
  • Veera Pulkkinen – calendar coordinator
  • Elina Mäkipää – event coordinator
  • Jaakko Saarinen – publicist
Harassment contacts:

Emilia Kettunen –
Elina Mäkipää –

Tarkka on Facebook
Tarkka’s website
Instagram: @Tarkkakerho


The purpose of Tampereen sähköopiskelijat TASO ry (freely translated as the Electrical Engineering students of Tampere) is to enhance our members knowledge of the electrical engineering trade and offer them facilities, equipment and materials to carry out their own projects. In addition, we have a spacious office in the downstairs of the electrical wing of the Kuntokatu Campus (A0-18) where we offer five-star services and equipment, such as computers, a refrigerator and a coffee maker. You can find us by following the smell of smoke and the signs that start by the elevator. When possible, TASO ry aims to organize small-scale activities for its members, such as excursions to industrial plants and visits to fairs dedicated to the electrical trade. We aim to also organize more relaxed forms of entertainment, such as sauna evenings, when there is demand.

Because TASO ry consists of students from different student year groups, we also offer assistance in matters related to electrical and electronics, studying and whatever else you may require. TASO ry’s membership fee is a paltry €5/academic year, and you can join through

Board 2024:

  • Juuso Torikka Chairperson
  • Sini-Marjaana Ikonen – Vice-Chairperson
  • Sofia Heino – treasurer
  • Juho Raitanen – secretary
  • Joakim Sundberg – educational affairs
  • Markus Korpela – event coordinator
  • Antti Paasikivi – co-operations coordinator
  • Riku Juvalainen – facilities and member coordinator
  • Juuli Heikkala – communications coordinator

Sini-Marjaana Ikonen –

TASO ry on Facebook

Instagram: @tasory_tamk


The VETO club is a club for students of the Network Learning and Competencies Degree Programme (Veto). We consist of students from the interdisciplinary study line, and our goal is to promote the interdisciplinary nature of the student community and to make the voices of our green overalls heard.

The VETO club acts as the guardian of Veto students and organizes various events for its members. As a new club and degree, our goal is to reach everyone’s awareness in the higher education community and beyond.

Board 2024:

  • Tiia Ania – chairperson
  • Iida Aaltonen – vice-chairperson
  • Maria Pulkkinen – treasurer
  • Tiia Määttä – secretary
  • Vera Vuorio – advocacy captain
  • Rauli Mäkinen – network coordinator
  • Helena Maijanen – event coordinator
  • Emmi Grönroos – member and tutor coordinator
  • Riika Toiviainen – overall coordinator
  • Martta Romo – social media captain
  • Waltteri Pere – board member
  • Minttu Karvonen – board’s brother

Instagram: @vetokerho

tamko’s hobby clubs


Bubiklubi maintains and improves students’ knowledge of the city and sub-region by cultural events and supports social relations between students during the academic year by means of collaboration. Bubiklubi organizes visits to restaurants and pubs in Tampere Region.

Hallitus 2024

  • Ville Paananen – chairperson
  • Severi Kettula
  • Toni Mähönen
  • Juho Mäkitalo
  • Jarno Nevanperä
  • Arttu Laukkanen
  • Markus Inkinen
  • Pauli Matilainen
  • Marianne Lehvilä
  • Lauri Ristimäki
  • Henri Helin
  • Juuso Alanko

Bubiklubi on Facebook
Bubiklubi’s website
Instagram: @Bubiklubi


Club International Tampere (CLINT) is a sub-organization of Tamko (Student Union of Tampere University of Applied Scienses).

The main mission of CLINT is to enhance the co-operation between Finnish students and exchange students who come to study in Tampere University of Applied Scienses, and that way facilitate their adaptation to Finnish culture. CLINT is operated by its board members and many active international tutors.

Our main activities include maintaining and supervising the Survival Kits as well as organizing various events for the exchange students. CLINT also takes part in training the new international tutors.

Board 2024:

  • Sandra Mustonen– Chairperson
  • Md Fakhruddin Ferdous – Vice-Chairperson and event coordinator
  • Joey Audi – Vice-Chairperson and social media coordinator
  • Willy Wesslin– treasurer
  • Saaga Mylläri – member coordinator and event coordinator
  • Jenny Pohjolainen – overalls and event coordinator

CLINT on Facebook

Instagram: @tamkclint

Kolpakko – Kaupin olut- ja panokerho

Kaupin olut- ja panokerho KOLPAKKO (freely translated as Kauppi Beer and Brewing Club) promotes the homebrewing hobby of TAMK’s students. KOLPAKKO improves its members know-how in tasting specialty beers and homebrewing. The members can rent equipment from the club for their homebrewing activities.

Board 2024:

  • Jaakko Järvenpää – chairperson
  • Jukka-Pekka Jänkälä – vice chairperson
  • Aleksi Lamposaari – treasurer
  • Pekka Parviainen – secretary
  • Janne Ananin – pano and entertainment coordinator
  • Juha Hautakangas event coordinator
  • Eevertti-Iivari Salo – cooperation coordinator
  • Aisha Prévostgraphics
  • Ville Lundén – excursion coordinator

Kolpakko on Facebookissa

Instagram: @kolpakko_tre


Mesikerho is a forest and mind club born out of the Forest Recipe project.  Our aim is to improve students’ relationship with nature, increase inclusion and provide peer support for studying. We organize both low-threshold walks in the nearby forest and larger-scale nature hikes with varying themes. Our activities encourage substance abstinence. 

Board 2024:

  • Levi Pitkäniemi – chairperson
  • Rasmus Heino  – vice chairperson
  • Annika Kivimäki– secretary
  • Henri Kosonen – treasurer and member register coordinator
  • Kerttu Seikkula – co-operations coordinator
  • Tero Vuolle– communications and marketing coordinator
  • Susanna Halme – the member of the Board
  • Samuel Mukari – the member of the Board
Harassment contact:

Kerttu Seikkula

Instagram: @mesikerho

Tampere Formula Student ry

The Formula Student SAE/Formula Student competition is international racing series in which students compete with their self-made small formula -style racing cars. Students from over 100 educational institutions conceive, design, produce and compete with approved Formula Student -class racing vehicle annually in events arranged all over the world. During recent years Formula Student has been in a strong buoyant force and especially in Europe awareness of the series has escalated among upcoming engineers, motor sport fans and also companies from all over the globe.  Therefore the events offer excellent and substantial network for making international contacts.

The competitions are divided into two main sections, static events and dynamic events. Design of the car, marketability and cost analysis are evaluated in the static events. Performance, durability and fuel economy are evaluated in the dynamic events.

The purpose for the competition is to develop future engineering skills in designing, manufacturing and also in project management and financial sectors as well. Tampere Formula Student engineering team consist of students from Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Finland. Our association was established in 2006 and our mission is to design and build a new racing car annually in order to stay in the top class of the series. Currently the development of our new upcoming racing car is in progress.

Board 2024:

  • Otto Makkonen – Chairperson
  • Eetu Snellman – Vice-Chairperson
  • Jade Kelovesi – treasurer
  • Julia Peltonen – secretary
  • Jaakko Elomaa – Board member
  • Sami Sulkala – Board member

Active members

  • Kirill Dmitriev
  • Aarne Eerola
  • Nuutti Ruuskanen
  • Matias Järnefelt
  • Helmi Lehtinen
  • Johannes Mehtätalo
  • Anssi Haavisto
  • Tomi Alkava
  • Simo Huuskonen
  • Panu Suoranta
  • Samuli Harjula
  • Santeri Saarinen
  • Stian Koivisto
  • Jaakko Numminen
  • Lauri Luoma-aho
  • Samuel Wallenius
  • Matti Vuorinen
  • Alexandr Randla
  • Miko Maunuksela
  • Remi Dubrovics
  • Vili Huotari
  • Niko Kiukas
  • Trajce Ivanov
  • Andreas Stergiopoulous
  • Arttu Matilainen
  • Niko Hellgren
  • Mikko Luopajärvi
  • Arttu Pispa
  • Paavo Järvenpää
  • Eetu snellman
  • Pyry Pihlajaniemi
  • Johanna Sihvonen
  • Pinja pöytälaakso
  • Meri Hulkkonen
  • Jan Heikkilä
  • Samuli Silvennoinen
Harassment contact:

Samuli Silvennoinen –

Tampere Formula Student ry on Facebook
Tampere Formula Student ry’s website
Instagram: @tampereformulastuden

Teatteri Ääriraja

Teatteri Ääriraja is a theater group founded in the autumn of 2014. The purpose of the group is to have fun in a theater setting and to have a play ready by the end of each academic year. In addition to theater activities, we aim to do fun things together off the setting and meet new people. If you are interested in joining us, send us an email to teatteriaariraja(at) or contact us on Facebook.

Board 2023-2024:

  • Johanna Huttunen– chairperson
  • Anna Löövi– vice chairperson, external relations coordinator
  • Matias Korhonen – treasurer
  • Minea Leppänen – secretary
  • Anitra Von Essen – member

Teatteri Ääriraja on Facebook
Instagram: @aariraja

Tolu ry

Tampereen orastavat lihakset urheiluseura ry (or Tolu ry, freely translated as Tampere’s Burgeoning Muscles Sports Club) is a student sports club that works closely together with Tamko. We participate in organizing various events and activities and in increasing knowledge about the delights and necessity of sports.

Hallitus 2024:

  • Ville Pesonen – Chairperson
  • Jenni Ijäs – Vice-Chairperson
  • Samuli Lumme – treasurer
  • Ville Lindgren – secretary
  • Mira Mänty – marketing and communications coordinator
  • Johanna Yrjölä – marketing and communications coordinator
  • Karri Pakkala – marketing and communications coordinator
  • Utsab Pokharel – Board member
  • Matias Olkkonen – Board member
  • Hermanni Koskinen – Board member
Harassment contacts:

Johanna Yrjölä

Tolu on Facebook
Tolu’s website

Instagram: @urheiluseuratolu

VaHa Kabinetti

Alumni of the Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences – VaHa Kabinetti VaHa Kabinetti was founded in November 2004.


Community Clubs

Kuisti ry

Kuisti ry (freely translated as Porch ry) is an association founded in 2020. Our purpose is to prevent the social exclusion of students and to offer a safe space for meeting other students. The main project of the association is to build a mobile porch by which we would facilitate student events and grill sausages both with meat and without.

Kuisti ry aims to improve students’ knowledge of porches and terraces, and we also annually hand out the Kuisti of the Year award.

Board 2024:

  • Aaro Toivonen – commander-in-chief
  • Mikko Wrightson – vice-commander- in chief
  • Juuso Alanko – Kuisti Minister of Finance
  • Veikka Hovivuori – Mrs Moneypenny, sk
  • Joonas Korpela – event chief
  • Jenni Kupiainen – communications chief
  • Juho Mäkitalo – ATK- chief
  • Toni Rantanen – Oil Wrestling Manager
  • Juuso Tuomaala – Co-operation and casual relationship manager
  • Teemu Urpo – Sensual Experience Manager

Aaro Toivonen –

Instagram: @kuistiry

Nääspeksi ry

NääsPeksi ry, an interactive musical plays association, is a public benefit purpose association founded in 2011 whose purpose is to produce and support the theater hobby of the universities students of Tampere. However, the activities of NääsPeksi have continued with the same objective since 1999, and it is currently one of the largest amateur theaters of Finland. We have hundreds of volunteers with various tasks from Tampere Universities each year. Of those, Tampere University of Technology is most prominent, as NääsPeksi has operated within its student union since its beginning.

Hallitus 2023:

  • Lauri Pitkäjärvi – chairperson
  • Erik Erola – vice chairperson
  • Emma Taalikka – secretary
  • Emma Brown – event coordinator
  • Miikka Saraniemi – culture coordinator
  • Henri Kiiski – treasurer
  • Miika Kotajärvi – NääsPaja coordinator
  • Siina Siuvo – NääsDance coordinator
  • Janita Rintala – IT and equality coordinator
  • Saga Porjo – communication and equality coordinator

Nääspeksi website

Nääspeksi on Facebook
Instagram: @naaspeksi

PAH ry – Puhallinorkesteri Akateeminen Henkäys

Puhallinorkesteri Akateeminen Henkäys, or more familiarly PAH (freely translated as Academic Breeze Wind Orchestra), is a student wind orchestra founded in 2019. The orchestra was founded because of the need to have an active, good-quality wind orchestra for the students of Tampere. The objective of the orchestra is to offer the members of Tampere Universities community a good-quality, goal-oriented musical hobby activities. Our diverse repertoire consists of both classics and contemporary music, from marches to film scores.

Board 2024:

  • Mikko Tiitola – Chairperson
  • Jami Särkinen – treasurer
  • Pihla Antila – Vice-Chairperson, member coordinator, equality coordinator
  • Kaisa Pihlajamäki – secretary
  • Saini Koivuniemi – sheet music collection coordinator
  • Reetta Pasula – equality coordinator
  • Maija Maskuniitty – facilities and concert coordinator
  • Daniel Koskikunnas – facilities and concert coordinator
  • Essi Korkiamäki – social media coordinator

Puhallinorkesteri Akateeminen Henkäys on Facebook

Instagram: @pahpuhku

Sinni ry

Sinni ry is a club at Tampere University dedicated to Laplanders or those with a Lapland-spirited mind. We host events inspired by Lapland’s lifestyle and culture. 

Board 2024:

  • Jere Piittinen – Chairperson
  • Assi Sipola – Vice-Chairperson
  • Pinja Tiensuu – secretary
  • Sara Nukarinen – treasurer
  • Aada Ketola – communications responsible
  • Iida Hietala – event coordinator
  • Ilona Pitkänen – event coordinator
  • Sofia Rahkonen – event coordinator
  • Aino Räisänen – external relations coordinator
Instagram: @sinniry
Facebook: Sinni ry

Sekava ry

Sekava ry is a club meant for Tampere university and TAMK students who are part of the LGBTQ+ community. The club works as a peer group to all LGBTQ+ students, organizing events and raising awareness on the rights of LGBTQ+ students.

Becoming a member is free and we welcome everyone to take part in our events!

The events that Sekava ry organizes include for example movie nights, hangouts, Queer cursing nights, various board game events, Leimarit Pre-parties, themed parties at Mixei, sitsit (sitsfests) and of course Manse Pride -events! Most events are free of charge and everybody is welcome to join!

You can find Sekava ry in social media at Instagram @sekavatampere and Telegram. Remember to check out our website as well!

Board 2024:

  • Tanja Saukko – Chairperson
  • Sani Tyynismaa – Vice-Chairperson
  • EJ Lampén – secretary
  • Vilma Halonen – treasurer
  • Maria Jokinen – event coordinator
  • Kaitsu Dahlberg – communications coordinator
  • Laura Eloranta – communications coordinator

Instagram: @sekavatampere


Tampereen akateemisesti sivistyneet Gambinan ystävät ry (TAkSiGaYs, freely translated as Tampere Academic Gambina Appreciation Society) operates in Tampere to bring students and the student-minded together in an interdisciplinary, national and international manner. The society organizes annually all kinds of events that also have alcohol-free options despite our name. If you have ever heard about the Gambina meetings, or you know what the interdisciplinary Gambina group is, you are an already familiar face for our activities. For more information:

Board 2024:

  • Konsta Martikainen – Chairperson
  • Niko Lankio – Vice- Chairperson
  • Tuomas Hakala – secretary
  • Oskari Kolehmainen – treasurer
  • Ville Porkka – member coordinator
  • Linnea Niemelä – event coordinator
  • Christopher Allen -event coordinator
  • Joni Selänne – communications coordinator

Board’s and actor’s email: hallitus(a)
TAkSiGaYs website
TAkSiGaYs on Facebook

Instagram: @kampiviina


TTHP is the skiing and snowboarding club of Tampere university students. We organize annual skiing trips to Ruka, Åre, the Alps, and nearby ski resorts in Tampere. We also arrange overseas surfing trips, as well as wakeboarding and skateboarding gatherings in Tampere. All our trips are suitable for pros, beginners, and park rats alike – whether you’re interested in après-ski or not!

Board 2024:

  • Emilia Uusitalo – Chairperson
  • Veikka Laaksoviita – secretary
  • Jesse Similä – Events coordinator and Vice-Chairperson
  • Sami Huopalainen – Communications coordinator
  • Aaro Haikonen – Treasurer
  • Eetu Kapanen – Clubroom coordinator
Instagram @tthp_official
TikTok @tthpry
Youtube @tthpofficial