
Tamko’s Council (edustajisto in Finnish) is the supreme decision-making authority. One might compare it to Finnish Parliament. The Council has 21 members which are elected through Council elections every autumn by Tamko members. Tamko members who have paid the Students’ Union membership and are enrolled as present for autumn semester are eligible to stand as a candidate and to vote in Council elections. Council’s working language is Finnish.

The tasks of the Council include:

  • electing Council Chairpersons and Tamko Board members
  • approving budget and plan of action for the upcoming year
  • defining political lines
  • supervising the Board’s work
  • deciding on Student Union rules, membership payment and the biggest acquisitions and reforms.

In the Council you can get involved in Tamko’s activities, whether you are interested in influencing, organizing events or improving the students’ life.
Take a look at the info video of the Council.

Upcoming Council meetings

Next fall’s Council’s meetings are on August 28th, September 23th, November 13th and December 10th.
Meetings are held in Finnish but every meeting will have its own bulleting made in English which has all the main topics and decisions that were discussed or decided at the meeting. You can find the bulleting from Council announcements site.

council 2024


Aku Käkilehto


Tommi Kantola

members of the council


actual members

  • Maria Niemelä
  • Patrik Mäenpää
  • Jesse Hytönen
  • Kia Kauppinen
  • Eetu Korhonen
  • Juha Hautakangas
  • Tommi Kantola (varapuheenjohtaja)
  • Aku Käkilehto (puheenjohtaja)

deputy members

  • Janika Laitinen
  • Teija Vähäkuopus
  • Viljami Virtamo
  • Enni Ohrankämmen
  • Eppu Westlin
  • Helmi Kiemunki
  • Santeri Heino
  • Jerina Mattsson
  • Juuso Jaakonsaari
  • Otto-Oskari Suuronen
  • Rosa Lella
  • Suvi Mattila

Soten valitut palat

actual members

  • Dagmar Wirén
  • Siina Kuusela
  • Milla Saarinen
  • Nona Wallasvaara
  • Eli Törmä
  • Saana Olkkonen
  • Helli Mäkeläinen

deputy members

  • Mila Paltta
  • Pipsa Heikkinen
  • Saija Kukkonen
  • Johanna Ryynänen


actual members

  • Laura Luga
  • Henri Helin
  • Satu Turunen

deputy members

  • Olli Karvinen
  • Ville Paananen

Culture and media

actual members

  • Aliina Hiljanen
  • Aila-Alisa Aikioniemi

deputy members

  • Emma Haatainen


actual members

  • Eelis Danemann

deputy members

  • Juuso Joensuu