Bulletin from Tamko’s council meeting 9.3.2021

Council’s second meeting for the year was held 9.3. via Teams. The meeting agenda included updates from the council’s chairpersons and board members, hiring a translator trainee, deciding Tamko’s official information channel and discussion about arrangements for upcoming spring meeting during the current pandemic.


Some upcoming workshops are open for participation but unfortunately, they are held in Finnish.

Tursajaiset will be held on 17.3.2021

Updates from the council’s chairpersons and teams

Chairpersons have taken part in board meeting and training sessions, participated in introduction weeks on Instagram, had a meeting with board’s chairpersons and met our contact person within SAMOK.

Teams have been planning communications and how to arrange snacks for remote meetings.

Updates from the board

In addition to standard meetings board members have taken part in numerous working groups handling for example student’s wellbeing, the quality of education and sustainability. Many events have been planned forward and the first tutor training has already been held.

Tamko’s official information channel

Council must decide yearly Tamko’s official information channel. This year, like many before, it was decided to be Tamko’s website.

Translator trainee

Based on board’s proposal, council decided to hire a translator trainee for two months. The contract can be extended by a month if needed.

Tamko’s rule-regulated spring meeting

Council’s spring meeting will be held on the 13th of April 2021. Remote participation will be allowed due to the situation with the current pandemic.

Save the date!

The next council meeting will be held 13.4. starting at 17 o’clock, all Tamko members are welcome to join (note: council’s working language is Finnish)