Tamko Topics 16 / 2020

Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences. English Summary 1. Completing of Tursaspassi passport 2. Tytti’s member service Teams desk 3. Schedule for starting with the new course feedback system 4. TAMK student: If the current situation worries you, there is help available 5. Help fellow…

Tamko Topics 15 / 2020

Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences. English Summary 1. Propose the staff person of the year in TAMK 2019 – 2020 2. What has it been like to work or study from home during the coronavirus pandemic? 3. Feedback sessions have begun! 4. Registrations are…

Tamko Topics 14 / 2020

Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences. English Summary 1. Tamko’s remote services 2. Enroll for international tutoring by 5 April 3. Propose the staff person of the year in TAMK 2019 – 2020 4. Municipal elections are just around the corner – now is your…

Tamko Topics 13 / 2020

Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences. English Summary 1. Changes in Tamko operations due to Coronavirus 2. Enroll for international tutoring 2 – 27 March 3. Municipal elections are just around the corner – now is your time to speak up! 4. Latest updates on…

Going home early and need to return your Survival Kit?

Our office and other premises are temporarily closed until 13th April as a measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19. More instructions here: Unfortunately, in the current situation, returning your Survival Kit, fetching your student card or etc. service situation is not possible due to office closure. However, we’ve agreed with POAS that students who…

Tamko Topics 12 / 2020

Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences. English Summary 1. Changes in Tamko operations due to Coronavirus 2. Enroll for international tutoring 2 – 27 March 3. Municipal elections are just around the corner – now is your time to speak up! 4. Latest updates on…

Tamko Topics 11 / 2020

Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences. English Summary 1. Enroll for international tutoring 2 – 27 March 2. Tamko’s evening 18 March 3. Corona virus – news update for TAMK 4. Tolu’s weekly sports shift 10 March 5. TAMK summer studies fair 10 March 6.…

Bulletin from Tamko´s council meeting

Bulletin from Tamko´s council meeting 3.3.2020 This years second council meeting was held on Wednesday 3.3.2020 at 05.00pm at Tamk´s maincampus. Meeting addressed updates from each Board member and from the two teams of the council. Meeting also decided the new candidate for the Tamk´s council and talked about renovating Tamko´s websites. the announcement that…

Tamko Topics 10 / 2020

Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences. English Summary 1. Tamko Council meeting 3 March 2. SportUni: Course enrollment period 2 – 11 March 3. TAMK summer studies fair 10 March 4. Tolu’s weekly sports shift 3 March 5. Tolu’s traditional floorball tournament 13. – 15.3.2020…