Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences.
1. Solu’s opening times during self studying week
2. Electronic degree certificate
3. Remember to use face mask on campus
4. CV-photoshoot day coming up
5. TAMK passed quality audit!
6. Participate to Antura’s patch designing competition!
7. Winter Sports Week starts TODAY 21.2.!
8. Check out activities at Parvi!
9. Universum’s career survey has opened – take the career test!
1. Solu’s opening times during self studying week

Tamko’s office Solu is open during self studying week 9 but with shorter opening times.
Mon 28.2. 10-14
Tue 1.3. 10-14
Wed 2.3. 10-14
Thu 3.3. 10-14
Fri 4.3. CLOSED
Come for a cup of coffee or get yourself some winter sport equipment or board games!
We also service remotely via email: office@tamko.fi or through Whatsapp +358 44 382 6561
2. Electronic degree certificate

TAMK’s transition to electronic diplomas has raised some questions and we have received plenty of feedback from students. Tamko has responded to the feedback and taken it forward to TAMK’s management. TAMK has now extended the transition period to electronic diplomas, and it is still possible to get a printed diploma when graduating.
The transition to electronic diplomas is related to the nationwide Digivisio2030 project, which aims to encourage the digitalisation of universities, and switching to electronic diplomas is one of the goals of the project. Some of the benefits of having an electronic diploma are that they are more convenient to use and difficult to falsify. The upcoming change is nationwide, and, in some universities, the transition to electronic diplomas has already been implemented last year. In the future, other universities will be switching to electronic diplomas as well.
Read the article on electronic diplomas by Joonas Soukkio, Chairperson of Tamko’s Board, and Hanna Ojaniemi, Vice Chairperson of Tamko’s Board: https://tamko.fi/news/electronic-degree-certificate-hit-or-miss/
3. Remember to use face mask on campus!

When returning to campus it is good to remind everyone about the use of the face mask. Wearing a face mask is required in the indoors facilities of Tampere Universities. Face masks will be available from the main entrances on the campus buildings.
Also remember the other intructions such as to take care about hand hygiene and that do not come to campus if you feel unwell.
We all want campuses to stay open and its is safer for everyone to come there to work or study. It is very important that all the members of our community continue to behave responsibly.
4. CV- photoshoot day coming up!

Now that the campuses are opening again, we’re able to announce a new day for CV photo shoot! In March you have a great opportunity to get your CV picture or LinkedIn profile picture taken by a professional photographer! Come to Parvi Space (B1-24) on Thursday, March 10th between 9 am and 3 pm, and you’ll receive one edited profile picture in your use. Photograph will be sent to you within the following week of photoshoot.
What? CV photoshoot (Petra Vii Photography)
When? Thursday, March 10th, 2022 between 9am and 3 pm (please, notice you might have to wait in line to be photographed so make sure to allow enough time)
Where? TAMK Main campus, Parvi space at B1-24
How to prepare? Wear a clean top of the outfit. You can think about how could you present the organization or company on their web page.
This event is organized by TAMK Career Services and Tamko. Find the event and add to your calendar at JobTeaser’s Event calendar: https://tamk.jobteaser.com/en/events/138602-cv-valokuvaus-tamkilla-cv-photoshoot-at-tamk?action=show&controller=events&i18n_locale=fi&id=138602-cv-valokuvaus-tamkilla-cv-photoshoot-at-tamk
5. TAMK passed quality audit!

We recieved great news: TAMK passed the quality system audit!
Audit was conducted by the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) and by passing audit TAMK received a quality label valid for six years. In the audit report TAMK gets recognition for its operating culture that encourages experimentation and operation with different actors.
“Warm thanks to all TAMK members and our partners for participation in the audit and continuous quality development. We thank FINEEC and the audit team for valuable observations, the report and smooth cooperation. It is good to continue from here.” said Development Manager Piia Tienhaara, who coordinated the audit process at TAMK.
Read more from Intra news: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/news/34521
6. Participate to Antura’s patch designing competition!

Anturas Overallpatchcomp!
Now it’s the perfect time to wake up your inner artist and come up with a new overall patch (or patches)! The topic is free. Draw a patch on a napkin or with photoshop and send it to us! We’ll do the rest.
The best entries will be chosen and the designers will recieve a patchpackage. We will also raffle a ticket to Kaamoksentorjunta between the winners!
The contest is open to all the students in TAMK and ends 15.3..
Send your ideas and email on instagram DMs @anturatamk or to anturatamk@gmail.com
7. Winter Sports Week starts TODAY!

You are welcomed to join Winter Sports Week organized by Tolu, TUrVoKe and Akateeminen Mahti!
Check out the best activities for the week and gather your friends to join you! The idea of the week is to offer easily approachable winter sports activities every day of the week around Tampere. Like Wappu, the aim is to collect stamps from the activities to your winter sports pass. After collecting five stamps in the pass, you have earned the honour and fame and the badge.🏆
Check out what activities are happening during the week from Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/822478625264716/?active_tab=discussion
What: Winter Sports Week
When: 21-25.2.2022
Where: around Tampere, see calendar and social media.
Why: Because there are many different opportunities to try fun winter sports!
8. Check out activities at Parvi!

Parvi is in instagram! Follow @tamkparvi and you’ll hear more about the activity, events, competitions and much more that goes on in Parvi! Parvi’s updated calendar you can find here: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=tamkparvi@gmail.com&ctz=Europe/Helsinki
Please note, that opening an activity/event you will find more details.
Examples of activity taking place next week:
Sparris workshop-Bachelor’s Thesis guidance
Wednesday at 15-16.30 https://tuni.zoom.us/j/66027550724
Support and help how to get your Thesis started or how to continue the work.
Contact person sanna.laiho@tuni.fi.
Remember that on Mondays (at 10-12) and Thursdays (at 13-15) there is Get Stuff Done
and on Thursdays (at 13-15) there is CV-clinic every week this spring!
You can also find a Student Counselor/Teacher for Special Needs and Student Wellbeing Advisor have a walk-in nearly each day of the week at Parvi and online!
See thease also:
Well-being group for students: Are you tired of Zoom meetings? Would you like to meet your fellow students face to face? Don’t feel lonely, join our group! Our goal is to improve students’ well-being and increase the feeling of togetherness. Max. 10 participants, sign up by 27.2. via email anna.kauppi@tuni.fi. For more information visit here: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/event/34322
See you at Parvi!
9. Universum’s career survey has opened – take the career test!

Take the Universum CareerTest to discover your Career Type and identify employers that fit your profile: https://careertest.universumglobal.com/s/22fitamkonetreeplanted
By completing the CareerTest you will receive:
· A breakdown of your career personality
· Salary expectation comparison to your peers
· Suggestions of employers that suit you best
· A FREE CV check and
You will also trigger a donation that leads to one Planted Tree. Together we can support reforestation, create habitat for biodiversity, and make a positive social impact around the globe. Every complete response together with registration to Universum’s CareerTest platform plants a tree in your region! The campaign will run until 7th of March 2022.