Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences.
1. This year Gateway to working life is DigiGate!
2. Student card’s 1/2022 sticker expires!
3. Winter sports week organized by Tolu, TUrVoKe and Akateeminen Mahti
4. Come and join us in Parvi!
5. Building life that feels good – wellbeing group for students
6. Remember to pay student health service fee!
7. The income limits as regards student financial aid will be increased
1. This year Gateway to working life is DigiGate!

Due to the Covid-situation annual Portti Työelämään -trade show (the Gateway to working life) is cancelled. We came up with a new concept called DigiPortti/ DigiGate! Point of DigiGate is to connect organizations and their job-and trainee possibilities with students from all study fields! So now it is possible for students to find a job from their own sofa!
DigiGate is organized on 31.1.-4.2.2022 on multiple media platforms like Tamko’s Instagram and Facebook page and on website. Event will also be on Tamko’s newsletter and TAMK’s Intra. Tamko’s student associations and clubs are also taking part in organizing DigiGate.
Participating to DigiGate is totally free and you can do it by phone, tablet or computer.
By following Tamko’s social media and websites you will know more what is happening at DigiGate in few weeks! We can’t wait!
2. Student card’s 1/2022 sticker expires!

Check your student card’s sticker! The green 1/2022 sticker is expiring by the end of January. If your studies still continue and you want to continue getting the student discounts too, remember to continue your membership! You can do it on Tamko’s website or by visiting us in Tamko’s office! Office is open Mon to Fri 9am to 4pm. Have a cup of coffee at the same time!
3. Winter sports week organized by Tolu, TUrVoKe and Akateeminen Mahti

Tolu, TUrVoKe and Akateeminen Mahti will organize a Winter sports week on the 21st-25th of February (week 8) for the entire university community! The idea of the week is to organize sports activities every day of the week in different parts of Tampere.
As a new breeze for the winter sports week, the university’s organizations bring with them a small slice of the Wappu tradition and the winter sports week will be held this year as a checkpoint tour! Collect a mark in winter sports pass every day. A full passport gets an honorable reputation and an overalls badge as proof of this.
More information on the week’s schedule coming later!
Facebok event: https://www.facebook.com/events/822478625264716?ref=newsfeed
4. Come and join us in Parvi!

Parvi is a physical place (B1-24 TAMK, main campus) and a platform for activities focused on the wellbeing and learning of our university students as well as creating a feeling of a community. You can find our online calendar here. By clicking and opening certain events you will find more information of the event.
Examples of activity taking place this week:
Get Stuff Done: Using a specific technique (Pomodoro) a facilitated moment to carry out school tasks, house choirs etc. Come and join us! Mondays 10-12 (Zoom) and Thursdays 13-15 (Parvi and Zoom).
Sparris workshop- Time management: Wednesday 15-16.30. How to use your time effectively? How can you manage the time and deadlines? Join this Zoom-session and pick up some solid tips on how to use your time efficiently and well!
CV clinic: Come and discuss how you can make your CV even better at a Zoom-meeting. Alternatively, you can send your CV to careerservices.tamk@tuni.fi and they’ll send you comments on the following Friday.
See you at Parvi!
5. Building life that feels good – wellbeing group for students

Would you like to strengthen your self-awareness or brighten your direction? Would you like a relaxing moment in the middle of everyday life or new resources to support a long period of remote and hybrid work? Would you like to find new strengths or would you like to develop new self-regulation skills? We will examine all of these in Building life that feels good -Group in the spring of 2022.
Coaching is suitable for a wide range of students who are interested in exploring their own lives, studying, resources and well-being through creative methods.
Time: Mon 14.2.- 28.3.2022 at 15.15.-17.30 (holiday on Mon 28.2.)
Place: TAU Virta 005, Draamatila, Åkerlundinkatu 5, 33100 TAMPERE
This coaching is in Finnish, but I am considering another group for English-speaking students, if there are enough participants. If you would be interested in participating this kind of group, please, send me an e-mail about that: annina.kipponen@trey.fi.
Intra new: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/news/33670
6. Remember to pay student healthcare fee!

Students in universities and universities of applied sciences who are entitled to use the services of the Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS, Finnish abbreviation YTHS) must pay a healthcare fee to Kela. In 2022, the student healthcare fee in higher education is EUR 35.80 per term. The fee may be paid to Kela for both the spring and the autumn term.
You are not billed for the fee, but are expected to pay it unprompted.
The due dates are determined based on the date on which you have registered as attending. There are four possible due dates in each calendar year. For the spring term, the due date is Monday 31 January provided that you have registered as attending by then.
More information at: https://www.kela.fi/web/en/healthcare-fee-for-students-in-higher-education
7. The income limits as regards student financial aid will be increased

The income limits as regards student financial aid will be increased by a quarter for 2022. In 2022 the annual income limit will be EUR 15,630 for students who get financial aid for nine months.
In 2022 the annual income limit is calculated on the basis that for each month for which the student receives financial aid, the income limit is 870 euros and for each aid-free month 2,600 euros. The income may be earned at any time during the calendar year as long as it does not exceed the annual income limit.
The higher annual income limits only concern student financial aid granted for 2022. It is possible that the annual income limits will be lowered for 2023. The increase in income limits only concerns student financial aid.
Read more from here.