Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences.
1. Free coffee for new students!
2. Candidate sauna night tomorrow!
3. Mesi club’s trip to Niihama tomorrow! TURSASPASSI STAMP!
4. Healthcare fee deadline is getting close!
5. Join Parvi’s activities in autumn TURSASPASSI STAMP!
6. ‘Parempi mieli’ support point at TAMK Main campus
7. TOP 3 student benefits of the September!
1. Free coffee for new students!

New student, enjoy your free cup of coffee or tea!
OP Tampere is offering coffee for new students! You can get the free coffee by getting the coupon from Kide.app during the campaign, one coupon per student. There is limited amount of coupons available.
As a part of cooperation of OP Tampere and Tamko, this coupon is only for Tamko members, membership is checked at the cashier. The coupon is valid only in Campusravita or Tori Mediapolis restaurants until 30.9.2023 and applies only to normal, regular size coffee.
Get the discount from Kide.app: https://kide.app/products/49fb1331-cd65-41b5-bc59-ea63fb63f3b0
2. Candidate sauna night tomorrow!

Welcome to Tamko’s Candidate Sauna Night!
Nominate for the Tamko’s Council elections? What does it mean?
Voting? What’s the deal? Do I have to nominate?
Get answers to these and many other questions in the Candidate Sauna Night!
In the sauna you can get to know the current members of the Council, Tamko’s people and other students! There is no obligation to stand for election, so feel free to get to know each other and have a fun evening! You can grab a free ticket here as a reminder, but you can still join without the ticket.
There will be snacks and a warm sauna! So take your sauna towels with you if you want to go to sauna. Bring your friends too!
WHAT: Tamko’s Candidate Sauna Night
WHERE: Tamko’s office Solu’s sauna
WHEN: 12.9. at 17.00 ->
WHY: Why not have a fun evening?
Get the free event ticket as remind yourself: https://kide.app/events/26a7b054-69c2-4509-b1c8-8029398f49c8
More information about the elections: https://tamko.fi/students-union/council/council-elections/
3. Mesi club’s trip to Niihama tomorrow!

Greetings! We’re welcoming you on our trip to enjoy nature, the warmth of a campfire and fun activities on 12th of September! We’re arranging our first little trip from the campus to Niihama Outdoors Cottage, travelling by bike or on foot (15min/1h). Once there, you can pick between relaxed chilling at a sheltered campfire and playful activities by the one in the open air, or do both! You’ll need fitting outdoors clothing, your ticket, optionally a bite to eat, and a good mood!
At the campfire, Mesikerho will provide a bite to eat and activities to do and the ticket is only 2€. You can also purchase café products at the cottage along with a sauna opportunity that costs 6€ (not affiliated with Mesikerho).
You can pose questions via our Instagram or at mesikerho@tamko.fi . Welcome along!
Tickets in Kide.app: https://kide.app/events/1e019b8e-19af-43cf-8375-755103320532
You can get stamp to your Tursaspassi to “Participate in Mesi-club’s activity”!
4. Healthcare fee deadline is getting close!

Students in universities and universities of applied sciences who are entitled to use the services of the Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS, Finnish abbreviation YTHS) must pay a healthcare fee to Kela. In 2023, the student healthcare fee in higher education is EUR 36.80 per term. The fee may be paid to Kela for both the spring and the autumn term. You are not billed for the fee, but are expected to pay it unprompted.
The due dates are determined based on the date on which you have registered as attending. There are four possible due dates in each calendar year. For the autumn term, the due date is 30th of September provided that you have registered as attending by then.
More information at: https://www.kela.fi/web/en/healthcare-fee-for-students-in-higher-education
5. Join Parvi’s activities in autumn

Even birds fly in a flock – Don’t fly solo either!
TAMK Parvi offers wellbeing and support services, peer support, and connecting with others, so that no student would have to leave alone.
All Parvi activities for autumn 2023, both on campus and online, can be found on Parvi’s calendar.
By participating Parvi activities you can also get a stamp to Tursaspassi. Welcome!
Psst. Feel free to follow @tamkparvi on Instagram to stay tuned.
6. ‘Parempi mieli’ Support Point at TAMK Main campus!

‘Parempi mieli’ Support Point offers support, counseling, and guidance on mental health, well-being, and life management issues. You will receive tips on taking care of your well-being, such as using self-help programs.
You have the opportunity to discuss your mental concerns one-on-one with a worker from the Parempi mieli project right away, without an appointment, or you can schedule a conversation for a time that suits you.
We offer support without diagnoses or referrals, primarily anonymously.
See you in PopUp space B1-58 this Wednesday 13.9. at 10-12.
7. TOP 3 student benefits of the September!

- F-Secure
F-Secure data security -30%
F-Secure SAFE data security -30% and F-Secure TOTAL security package -30%! The offer is valid until now, only for new customers in Finland. The subscription can be renewed once at a reduced price.
Read more: F-Secure | Opiskelijan Tampere ry
2. Haalarimerkit verkosta
Read more: Haalarimerkit verkosta | Opiskelijan Tampere ry
3. Siipiweikot
With a student card, -10% on food portions and -1,00€ discount on all beverages
Read more: Siipiweikot Tampere keskusta & Tampella | Opiskelijan Tampere ry