Edustajiston tiedotteet. Sininen edustajistohuppari etualalla ja opiskelijoita juttelemassa taustalla.


A Council meeting was held on the 30th of August 2023 in auditorium E1-06 of TAMK’s main campus. The Council discussed, among other things, course of counduct of SAMOK, payments of Tamko members’ fees and a new actor of international affairs.

§92 Announcements

  • Welcome back to school!
  • The autumn orientation weeks has been completed, thanks for everyone who helped!
  • Selection of candidates for the Council election 5.9.-3.10.

§93 Updates from the Council’s chairpersons and teams

In addition to the meetings, the Chairpersons of the Council have participated in the spring orientation weeks to help the board, for example by holding Solu-presentations and Tamko info for new students. The presidium has been involved in planning The Council elections together with the central election board. In addition, the chairmanship of the Council has participated in SAMOK’s adjunct union meeting.

The communication team has been involved in planning the Council elections and has informed the members about the elections on social media channels.

The Amusent-, culture- and sports team has organized a candidate sauna on September 12. for those interested in the representative Council.

§94 News from the Board

During the summer, in addition to meetings, the board has held evening schools, where SAMOK policy papers have been commented on and suggestions for changes have been made. The board has reorganized, as Sini-Marjaana Ikonen, responsible for social policy, was appointed as the board’s new director of educational and social affairs, combining the duties of the former social policy and education policy actor. In the field of tutoring, orientation weeks have been held, and new students have been welcomed. The event side has organized the Tursajaiset.

§95 Resignation of Tamko’s board social policy actor

Johanna Yrjölä, who is responsible for social policy in Tamko’s board, has submitted her resignation notice in June. The board has proposed that Johanna Yrjölä be paid €100 as a reward for her time on Tamko’s board. The amount of fee payments exceeding this will be recovered from her. The exceeding amount is €400. The Council has approved the proposal for the payment and recovery of the fee.

§96 Reorganization of the Board of Tamko

Tamko’s board has reorganized on August 9, 2023. The Board has decided to combine the positions of the social and educational policy representatives and change the position title to educational and social affairs. With the change, the division of tasks in the educational and social affairs sector is much clearer. The duties of those responsible for social and educational policy are divided between the person in charge of educational and social affairs and the person in charge of welfare and culture.

§97 Resignation of Tamko’s Board international affairs actor

Matti Hämelahti, the actor of international affairs at Tamko’s board, has submitted his resignation notice in June. The board of representatives has decided to pay Matti Hämelahte a fee of €100 for his time on Tamko’s board and confirmed his resignation.

§98 Completing of the Tamko’s Board

A new actor of international affairs has been applied for on Tamko’s board. The supplementary application has been opened on August 11, 2023. The supplementary search has been announced on Tamko’s website and social media channels. Erica Kinnunen, Topias Nikki and Noora Ojanen applied for the position. The representatives and the board interviewed the candidates, after which The Council voted between the candidates. 17 votes were cast and the votes were distributed as follows: Erica Kinnunen 13, Topias Nikki 3 and Noora Ojanen 1. Erica Kinnunen was elected as the new actor of international affairs for Tamko’s board.

§99 Payment of Tamko’s board members’ fees

Fees are paid to Tamko’s trustees, the amount of which is decided annually at the autumn meeting of the Council. The remuneration of the chairpersons of the board is paid monthly. The fees of other trustees are generally paid in December on Tamko’s salary payment day. Trustees can, however, get paid the fees for the past months, for example in May, by notifying Tamko’s executive director of their wishes, who will pay the fees. With such a procedure, it is possible for the trustee to increase the fees, even if he has not handled the minimum number of tasks in his own sector. The Council has decided that the work committee will process the remuneration payments of the trustees throughout the year. The working committee will bring the matter to the representative board for consideration if the remuneration criteria are not filled.

§100 Recruitment of a new member service employee

The member service expert’s employment contract ends on October 19. A new permanent member service employee should be recruited as soon as possible. Recruitment has started in week 32. The application has been open from August 10 to August 31. The new employee is expected to start on September 25. and work for as long as possible at the same time as the member service expert. The executive director and the board’s chairmanship are responsible for recruitment. The board of Tamko decides on employee selection based on the executive director’s proposal.

§101 Market Trikoon tilannekatsaus

TCR-Palvelut Oy:n hallitus on tehnyt päätöksen Market Trikoon jatkosta.

TCR-Palvelut Oy:n hallitus on kokoustanut 2.8.2023 ja päättänyt ajaa kaupan toiminnan alas kaupan taloudellisen kannattamattomuuden vuoksi. Toiminnan lakkauttamisesta aiheutuvat kustannukset tulevat omistajien maksettavaksi omistussuhteen mukaisesti.

§101 Situation review of Market Trikoo

The board of TCR-Palvelut Oy has decided on the continuation of Market Trikoo.

The board of TCR-Palvelut Oy has met on August 2, 2023 and decided to shut down the operation of the store due to the financial unprofitability of the store. The costs arising from the cessation of operations will be paid by the owners in accordance with the ownership ratio.

§102 The decisions of the SAMOK’s adjunct union meeting

SAMOK’s adjunct union meeting was organized on Saturday, August 5, 2023. In the meeting Tamko’s voting participants were Nona Wallasvaara, Eetu Korhonen, Linda Vallenius, Kati Tuomisto, Julia Väänänen, Minja Kero and Saaga Mylläri. The meeting discussed the rule change proposed by SAMOK’s board regarding community and support membership. The union meeting decided to defer the SAMOK board’s rule amendment proposal in order to make a proper risk assessment.

§103 Delegation for the actual union meeting of SAMOK

The actual union meeting of SAMOK will be held on 26-27 October 2023 in Rovaniemi. The board has proposed that the Chairpersons of the board and representative Council, i.e. Linda Vallenius, Kati Tuomisto, Nona Wallasvaara and Eetu Korhonen, will participate on October 25. to organized meetings where people applying to SAMOK are interviewed. In addition to the Chairpersons, the rest of Tamko’s board will participate in the actual union meeting, i.e. Riku Pitkänen, Sini-Marjaana Ikonen, Julia Väänänen, Saaga Mylläri, Minja Kero, Lassi Laakso and Erica Kinnunen. The Council approved the meeting delegates.

§104 Comment round of the materials of SAMOK’s regular union meeting

The documents from SAMOK’s actual union meeting have been brought to the Council for commenting in the Council’s Teams. The Board has previously added its comments to the documents. The Councils’ comments were added to the documents, from which the Board compiles a summary to be sent to SAMOK.

§105 Member survey of SAMOK

SAMOK has sent a survey to its members, the answers of which will be used in the development of SAMOK’s operations to better serve the members. The responses to the survey are compiled by the chairpersons of Tamko’s Board of and the chairpersons of the Council.

§106 The booth of the Council to Tursajaiset and representatives to be employees of Tursajaiset

The Tursajaiset has been organized on Wednesday 6 September 2023 in Pyynikinranta. The Council discussed the event booth of the Council and the representatives assisting the event. Help from the representatives has been needed for traffic control and litter patrols, and willing helping hands have been found.

§107 Shooting of Tamko’s YouTube videos

The videos on Tamko’s YouTube channel are being updated, and the video about the Council will be shot on Wednesday, September 20, 2023 from 4-5 p.m. The representatives appearing in the video are Maija Eskola, Berfin Üstün, Nona Wallasvaara, Emma Haatainen, Eetu Korhonen, Aku Käkilehto and Vili Korpijärvi.

§108 Updating the election regulations

Tamko’s election guidelines have been updated and brought to the Council for approval. The chairperson of the Central Election Board, Emmi Lainpelto, has presented the updated election regulations to the Council. The Council approved the updated document.

§109 Marketing material for the Council elections

The Council want to get a banner as marketing materials for the representative elections. In addition, you should get a new brand of coveralls that you can use for years to come. The representatives have decided that the banner can be bought as long as the costs are a maximum of €1,000. An additional €500 is set aside for marketing materials, which includes e.g. T-shirts and stand materials.

§110 Representative booths for the Council elections

For the representative election campaign, stands will be organized where the activities of the representative council can be presented, information about running for office and encouraging students to vote. Stands are organized: 5.9., 21.9., 2.10., 23.10., 24.10., 1.11., 7.11. and 8.11. Of these, 21.9. and 8.11. booths are also organized on the Mediapolis campus.

§111 The other emerge things

No other emerge things.

Save the dates!

– Meeting of the delegation on 25 September 2023 at 16:30 in auditorium E1-06

– Tamko Hangouts 2.10. from 5 pm on the ground floor of Solu

– 5.9.-3.10 for candidates in the representative elections. Via Tamko’s website

– Ruskaretki3.10. To Seitseminen National Park. More information from Kideapp.

– Tamko’s alkumetri 5.10. In Ilona