Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences.
1. Valentine’s Day event TODAY 14.2.!
2. Tamko’s actors’ social media days start
3. Changes in the use of TAMK’s main campus’ post room
4. Welcome to the Orientation for Well-being seminar on Tuesday 15.2.
5. Check out activities at Parvi!
6. Student, join for free-time activities
7. OP: Thinking about opening equity savings account?
1. Valentine’s Day event TODAY 14.2!

TAMK Parvi, Tamko and SportUni organizes in cooperation a Valentines’ Day themed outdoor event on TODAY at 12-16 at the beautiful environment of Näsijärvi! (Naistenlahti, Kekkosenkatu 8-10, landmarks Pursiseura and Satamatoimisto). Let’s stay positive despite of the weather!
You can find your way there independently or by joint departures which leaves at 12:15 and 13:15 from Parvi (B1-24).
There will be activities, grilled sausage and chance to chat with university’s President and other members of the executive board are also present at the event from 12-13.
Read more about the event and how to arrive from Intra news here: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/news/34128
This event can be found from Kide.app: https://kide.app/en/events/6dfa51cf-e8df-40cd-861a-e3580eec7462
Grab a pair of skates and some friends if you like and come enjoy Valentine’s Day with others to Näsijärvi!
2. Tamko’s actors’ social media days start this week

Tamko’s 2022 actors social media days starts this week! During this week actors will tell more about their job at Tamko. The idea behind the social media days is to let you know more about Tamko’s actors with the blue hoodies.
You can follow social media days on Tamko’s Instagram @opiskelijakuntatamko
and Tamko’s Facebook @Opiskelijakunta Tamko
Social media days schedule:
15.2 Joonas chairperson of the board / Hanna vice chairperson of the board
16.2 Jukka chairperson of the council / Kati vice chairperson of the council
17.2 Ville educational affairs / Linda social affairs
18.2 Tuomas H. tutoring / Tuomas V. international affairs
21.2. Arttu events / Laura communications
22.2. Jutta wellbeing and culture / Olli stakeholder relations
Welcome to follow social media days and get to know us!
3. Changes in the use of TAMK’s main campus’ post room

Use of the post room in Teiskontie-side lobby will change from 21 February 2022. The lockers will be reorganised. There will be no personal lockers anymore and the lockers will be alphabetised by school and unit. The change makes the locker use more effective and frees room for posting and related equipment.
The existing student clubs’ and associations’ lockers will remain in the room and current key fits in the locker. Access to the post room takes place with the key card. The persons in charge of the student clubs will have access right to the room.
Leave your post to the letterbox outside the post room. Assignments and students’ other post to teachers or service units are left to the letterbox outside the post room and caretakers will distribute them to recipients’ lockers twice a day. All internal and external post can be left to the letterbox. If you are mailing something to teachers or school stuff members remember to write down their name and unit.
When you bring your external post by 14.00, it will be collected on the same day. If you want to leave a letter or parcel to be collected by a student or a non-staff member, please take it to the Kuntokatu-side info. The info is open on Mon-Fri at 8.00-16.00.
Read the whole info from intra: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/news/34374
Information on using the post room from caretakers: vahtimestarit.tamk@tuni.fi
4. Welcome to the Orientation for Well-being seminar 15.2.

In February 2022, Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences organise the Orientation for Well-being, whose goal is to bring together members of our community to discuss these issues from different angles and present ideas and support services which are available.
The Orientation for Well-being is built around an online seminar on 15 February 2022 at 15-16 on Teams. The event features speakers from student support services from in and around the universities’ community.
To access the event, please register by using this link. You will receive the participation link to your e-mail after registering. There is no deadline for this, you can do it right before the event starts, or even during the event. The seminar will be recorded. You don’t need to sign up for the event in advance, just click yourself into the Teams meeting when the time comes.
Find out the programme and more from Intra: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/event/33728
5. Check out activities at Parvi!

Parvi is in instagram! Follow @tamkparvi and you’ll hear more about the activity, events, competitions and much more that goes on in Parvi! Parvi’s updated calendar you can find here: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=tamkparvi@gmail.com&ctz=Europe/Helsinki
Please note, that opening an activity/event you will find more details.
Examples of activity taking place next week:
Valentine’s Day event February 14th at 12-16 in Näsijärvi, see you there!
Sparris workshop-Tips for Writing: Monday 14th of February at 15-16.30
Do you need support with writing or getting started with writing? writing: Come hear ideas and tips! Contact person Marianna.leikomaa@tuni.fi.
Orientation for Well-being: Online seminar on student well-being: Tuesday 15th of February at 15-16. Taking care of student well-being, as well as the well-being of all the people in the university community is a task for all of us. Reaching the goals does not happen by itself but requires persistent and active work. In February 2022, Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences organize the Orientation for Well-being, whose goal is to bring together members of our community to discuss these issues from different angles and present ideas and support services which are available. For more information: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/event/33728
Sled hill February 17th at 13-16 in Hervanta (Turtolankatu 50, Hervannan laskettelurinne).
The event is free of charge for all the university community students and personnel. It is possible to borrow a sled onsite but advised to bring your own equipment for sledding the hill. Remember to register in advance! For more information, visit here!
Student, are you tired of sitting on Zoom-meetings all day? Would you like to get to know your peers face to face? Welcome to a well-being group for students. The aim of this group is to increase the well-being of students and increase the feeling of togetherness. Registration open until 27.2. For more, read https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/event/34322
See you at Parvi!
6. Student, join for free-time activities

If you want to meet new people and have new hobbies, join for free-time activities! It gathers together free-time groups made up of students around different topics. The activities complement the great work our university’s student associations and clubs already organise. Its purpose is to offer activities which are open to everyone regardless of degree programme, campus or study year and it is meant for students of both the university and Tampere University of Applied Sciences.
Read more from Intra: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/news/34303
See what’s happening in the coming weeks: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/event/34301
Join in the activities that interest you, no need to sign up!
7. OP: Thinking about opening equity savings account?

You can open an equity savings account if you are a customer of an OP cooperative bank. With the equity savings account, you can invest, tax-free, in listed shares of Finnish companies: no tax is levied on sales and dividends within the account. This enables you to benefit from the compound interest effect and provides the best opportunity for good returns.
Equity savings account best suits investors with a long-term horizon, who occasionally update their portfolio contents and re-invest income and dividends accrued.
More information: op.fi/private-customers/savings-and-investments/equity-investments/equity-savings-account