Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences.
1. Student card sticker expires by the end of the September
2. Council elections 2023!
3. Tamko’s Tursajaiset this Wednesday! TURSASPASSI EVENT
4. Board game Hangouts today! TURSASPASSI EVENT
5. Tamko is looking for cleaner!
6. SyysFest tomorrow! TURSASPASSI EVENT
7. Tolumppialaiset 11.9. STAMP TO TURSASPASSI
8. Remember to pay the healthcare fee by 30.9.
9. Remember the Feedback and thanks! channel
1. Student card sticker expires by the end of the September

Current orange academic year sticker 9/2023 will expire by the end of the September.
You can purchase more membership from our office while picking up the new sticker or from our website
If your Tamko membership is valid, the mobile student card is automatically working even after the physical card expires
We organize Solu Pop up points at main campus and at Mediapolis. You can get yourself a new academic year sticker, overall patches or general advice from there. We also give Tursaspassi stamps there!
TAMK main campus Service street pop-up space:
Tuesday 26.9. at 10am to 2pm
Mediapolis, Orange lounge
Tuesday 12.9. at 10am to 2pm
We will mail academic year stickers and student cards only for students living outside of Tampere.
The mailing of the sticker: https://kide.app/products/8987538d-0810-487e-8455-843b8a43ff73
The mailing of the student card: https://kide.app/products/c2 824234-29e9-47f8-8f2f-23e035de1da3
2. Council elections 2023!

“It’s crazy, it’s Council elections!”
Tamko’s Council elections are here! See below what it is all about!
There are 21 students working at the Council and they are using the highest decicion making power in Tamko. At Council, you will be able to influence Tamko’s operations, student affairs, and get familiar with meeting and decision-making together with other students. All decisions are made together, so there is no need to act alone!
Tamko members vote every autumn 21 members to Council. Council elections are held as list election, which is a method where for example candidates with the same education or same values are on the same list as candidates.
Voting takes place electronically from 18 October to 8 November 2023 and is conveniently done via the voting link to the tuni- email.
Any Tamko member who is an attending student at TAMK can stand as candidate! If you want to make more friends and make decisions about student affairs and gain new experiences, then stand as a candidate! New Council members are being trained meaning there is no need to know in much advance! Please note that Council’s official working language is Finnish.
You can stand as a candidate starting from tomorrow Tuesday 5.9.!
Read further information from Tamko’s website and stand as a candidate!
3. Tamko’s Tursajaiset on Wednesday 6.9.!

Traditional Tamko’s Tursajaiset is coming up! Event is free and meant for new students.
It’s that time of the year again where Tampere is full of new TAMK’s students, so called Tursas. It’s time for the Tursas shephards aka tutors to get to work and direct the lost Tursas into the Tampere student life. Tursajaiset is very traditional event since 2023 Tursajaiset are the 82nd Tursajaiset organised by Tamko!
This years Tursajaiset will be organised on 6th of September and the daytime activity is free for all new students. The event will start at 12:00 and this is when the new tursas groups will be formed and ready at TAMK’s main campus at the square near the Teiskontie’s entrance. From there the whole mass of new students will march towards Keskustori. At Keskustori the new students will pledge a vow called Tursas vow. After this the group will go towards the Tursasland, which is the location that will be revealed later.
At Tursasland, groups will go around doing different tasks together. The tasks will help the group get to known each others better! The group with the most points and best costumes will be awarded after the event.
The daytime activity of Tursajaiset will end at 19:00 (7pm) after which you can continue to afterparty, more info.
New students, welcome to join fun event to start the semester!
All Tamko’s events are strictly free of harassment. We have trained contacts also at Tursajaiset, so if you face any kind of harassment during the event, please do contact hairintayhdyshenkilot@tamko.fi
If you want more information about the accessibility of the event, please contact accessibility@tamko.fi.
4. Board game Hangouts today!

Hangouts are here again! September’s theme is board games, so arrive at Solu’s sauna on 4.9. at 5pm! Come try new games, beat new/old friends in Kimble and test the limits of your friendships in Monopoly! You can also come hangout and watch others play.
During the evening, there will be something to eat and drink, you are allowed to bring your own snacks too! You can also relax in the sauna. Please also bring your own sauna things!
Hangouts is a free and alcohol-free event!
Get a stamp from the event to your Tursaspassi, it includes “Participate in Hangouts”.
WHAT? Hangouts
WHERE? at Solu’s Sauna
WHEN? 4.9 at 5pm
All Tamko’s events are strictly free of harassment. We have trained contacts, so if you face any kind of harassment during the event, please do contact hairintayhdyshenkilot@tamko.fi
If you want more information about the accessibility of the event, please contact saavutettavuus@tamko.fi.
5. Tamko is looking for cleaner!

Tamko is looking for an employee for cleaning the Student´s Union’s sauna and conference facilities. Work is done mainly on Saturday and Sunday afternoons so this is perfect job for a student! Workshifts are evenly divided between two employees, meaning there are no shifts for every weekend.
Salary 32,48€ / per one time, is based on single visit. The duration of the visit is approx. 1h. If it takes a long time to clean up, there is an opportunity for additional compensation.
Return your application on the job to toiminnanjohtaja@tamko.fi by Friday 29.9.2023. The position will be filled as soon as the appropriate applicant is found. For further information, please contact Executive Director Henna Kaarivaara, +358 44 382 6560.
6. SyysFest tomorrow!

Opiskelijan Tampere’s and Särkänniemi’s SyysFest is here again!
See Tampere upside down in X and be prepare for the last drop in Log River! SyysFest is the best way for students to get to know the pride of Tampere, Särkänniemi Theme Park and the park is reserved only for students! So find your overalls, invite friends to come along and have the most awesome night in the rides!
When: Tuesday 5th September 16−21
Where: at Särkänniemi, Tampere
Price: tickets 15 € + Kide.app service fee 0,50 €
Tickets: https://kide.app/events/d4140165-e543-4004-b463-625b45a76cb9
7. Tolumppialaiset 11.9.

It’s moment of Tolumppialaiset once again! Gather your winning team and start to compete in different sports. The winning team of course will be gaining fame and every competitors will be getting an overall patch!
What?: Tolumppailaiset
When?: 11.9. at 5pm >
Where?: Liisanpuisto
Tickets?: https://kide.app/events/2f823e0a-0930-4a75-a40e-5956e83b85ee
8. Remember to pay the healthcare fee by 30.9.!

Students in universities and universities of applied sciences who are entitled to use the services of the Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS, Finnish abbreviation YTHS) must pay a healthcare fee to Kela. In 2023, the student healthcare fee in higher education is EUR 36.80 per term. The fee may be paid to Kela for both the spring and the autumn term. You are not billed for the fee, but are expected to pay it unprompted.
The due dates are determined based on the date on which you have registered as attending. There are four possible due dates in each calendar year. For the autumn term, the due date is 30th of September provided that you have registered as attending by then.
More information at: https://www.kela.fi/web/en/healthcare-fee-for-students-in-higher-education
9. Remember the Feedback and thanks! channel

Is there something in your mind that you would like to give praise on? Or what needs to be developed in TAMK?
Express your thoughts and write your feedback to the Feedback and Thanks! -channel.
This way you can affect on the development of TAMK´s activities.
More information from here: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/news/51505