Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences.
1. Tursaspassi return happening on Tuesday 26.4.! TURSASPASSI EVENT!
2. Welcome to Council’s statutory meeting 27.4.! TURSASPASSI EVENT!
3. Blood donation at main campus 28.4. TURSASPASSI EVENT!
4. SportUni new summer term fee and open house!
5. Check out what’s happening at Parvi
6. Try roller derby for free TODAY!
7. Nonverbal and verbal communication as a source of well-being and successful interaction! – A group for students
8. Enroll to Finnish baseball tournament
1. Tursaspassi’s return ceremony tomorrow!

We welcome all our first-year students, who started their studies last year, to the return ceremony of the Tursaspassi! We are now taking back the Tursaspassis, so that you could win amazing prices!
Your Tursaspassi doesn’t need to have all the stamps collected, because we are raffling prizes among those who returned their pass (as it says on the pass).
When? – Tuesday 26.4. at 12-18.
Where? – Tamko’s Solu
Why? – To win prizes worth money!
At the return ceremony, you can still check the last boxes in your pass and collect some missing stamps. If you can’t make it to the return ceremony, don’t worry – the pass can be returned to Solu until the 30.4.
You may come to hang out with your friends, buy patches for your overalls, listen to some music, and get a free lollipop or two! 🍭 We also serve grilled sausages to the participants!
2. Welcome to council’s statutory meeting 27.4.!

Welcome to Council’s statutory meeting on the 27th of April 2022 at 12.00.
Meeting is open for all Tamko’s members.
Statutory items to be discussed at the meeting:
1.TAMK’s Higher Education Council’s student members news
2. Annual report from term 2021
3. Financial statement and audit report from term 2021
4. Admitting freedom of responsibility for the board and other accountable from term 2021
5. Electing a student member for TAMK’s Board of Examiners for term 2022-2023
6. TCR-Palvelut Oy and loan
By taking part in the meeting you can get stamp for your Tursaspassi.
Welcome to join!
3. Blood donation at main campus on Thursday!

You can save a life!
Blood donation is an easy way to help and only takes about an hour. Come along to save lives!
Tamko and SPR are organizing blood donation at TAMK main campus lobby on Thursday 28.4. from 10am till 3pm.
You can book an appointment for donation and make a health survey in advance at https://www.bloodservice.fi/
Donating blood is a tangible and easy way of doing good. Every day, patients in Finland need the help of 800 blood donors. The blood donated by volunteers helps over 50,000 patient a year. This help cannot be replaced by money or medicines. Blood products are administered to patients of all ages, from unborn babies to the elderly. Blood products can often save lives.
Who can donate?
You can donate blood if you are from 18–70 years of age, weigh at least 50 kilos and have no health complications that would make you ineligible to donate blood. First-time donors cannot be over 59 years of age. You can test your eligibility to donate here: https://www.sovinkoluovuttajaksi.fi/#
When you go to donate blood, please bring a photo ID issued by a competent authority.
By donating blood you will get a stamp to your Tursaspassi!
4. SportUni new summer term fee and open house!

SportUni new summer term fee
Now you can pay SportUni fee also for the summer term. The summer term is from May 1 to July 31, 2022. SportUni’s summer price is 39 euros for students and 49 euros for staff. You can only make the summer term payments in the receptions of SportUni sports centres. Summer fees will be on sale from April 25, as Week 17 will be SportUni’s open house week.
Welcome to use SportUni’s sports services during open house week 25 – 29 April 2022.
During the week of open house, all SportUni services are free of charge (exl. personal services and courses) and you can try different type of sports.For group exercise classes and badminton shifts, sign up with Tuni IDs via SportUni selection calendar. When you arrive to the SportUni centre, show your student/staff card at the reception.
5. Check out what is happening at Parvi!

Examples of activity taking place this week:
Sparris workshop
Bachelor’s Thesis Guidance
Wednesday at 15-16.30, Parvi
The Finnish Language Club
Meet he Finnish Red Cross
Wednesday at 16.30-18, Parvi
Remember that on Mondays (at 10-12), Tuesdays (at 14-16), Wednesdays (at 14-16) and Thursdays (at 13-15) there is Get Stuff Done and on Thursdays (at 13-15) there is CV-clinic every week this spring! You can also find a Student Counselor/Teacher for Special Needs and Student Wellbeing Advisor have a walk-in nearly each day of the week at Parvi and online!
Parvi calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=tamkparvi@gmail.com&ctz=Europe/Helsinki
Parvi’s Instagram: @tamkparvi!
Parvi’s Linktree: Linktr.ee/tamkparvi
See you at Parvi!
6. Try roller derby for free TODAY!

Tampere Roller Derby and Tampere Rollin’ Bros are once again hosting popular Open Practice event – for free! You don’t have sign up in advance, just show up, try a bit of skating on derby skates and get to know our leagues! The event is on Monday 25.4. at 8 pm at Kauppi Sports Center.
The Open Practice starts with a quick info and a warm-up session. After that we hop on skates! You don’t need any skating experience or your own gear. All you need to bring with you is yourself, clothes suitable for sports, a water bottle and indoor sneakers.
If you want to pursue your derby dreams after the Open Practices, you can sign up for our next Beginner Course. More details and enrollment coming soon online, stay tuned! For Non-Skating Officials the Beginner Course is free of charge.
What is roller derby?
Roller derby is a quick-paced full-contant sport played on an oval track on quad roller skates. Both teams have five skaters on the track at once, one jammer and four blockers. Jammers earn one point for their team every time they pass an opposing blocker legally. Blockers play defense and offense, trying to stop the opposing jammer and helping their own jammer pass the opposing blockers at the same time. Each game has seven referees and up to 12 nonskating officials.
Our leagues stand against racism, sexism, homo- and transfobia and bullying.
Come as you are! See you soon!
WHERE: Kauppi Sports Center, Kuntokatu 17, Tampere
WHEN: Monday 25th April at 8 pm
More info: Tampere Roller Derby ry Event on Facebook
7. Nonverbal and verbal communication as a source of well-being and successful interaction! – A group for students

Would you like to strengthen your self-awareness in the field of interaction? Would you like a moment of respite in the middle of everyday life or new resources after a long period of distance learning? Would you like to find new strengths or would you like to develop self-regulation skills? We will examine all of these in our mini-coaching.
TREY’s tutoring specialist organizes interaction coaching for students of the University of Tampere and TAMK as part of her internship related to her own expressive arts therapy instructor -studies. The group explores interaction skills related to one’s own well-being, study and working life and resources in a safe atmosphere without criticism and interpretation. The goal of the group is to strengthen the sense of security to be oneself, to connect with one’s own body and to balance the body and mind. Your work is guided by your current life situation and important themes. In a group, difference is seen as wealth and an opportunity to learn about oneself and others.
The group is suitable for a wide range of students who are interested in exploring their lives, resources and well-being through creative methods. Exercises can help identify new perspectives, increase self-awareness, and increase resources. The focus is on exploring one’s own experience.
No prior skills or experience are required to participate in the group. Curiosity and motivation are enough. In coaching you will need notepads as well as clothes that are comfortable to move around.
Time: Tue 10.5.2022 at 15.15-17.30, Tue 17.5.2022 at 15.15-17.30
Place: TAU Virta 005 Draamatila (20)
Contact and registration by Sun 8.5.2022 to: annina.kipponen@trey.fi
By registering, you give permission to save your information for the purpose of organizing and communicating coaching.
8. Enroll to Finnish baseball tournament

Collect the team and enroll to the SportUni`s finnish baseball tournament. The maximum eight teams will be included in the games.
Games are played using the winners continuation method. There should be 9-12 people on the team. The games will be played at Kauppi Water Tower field between 5 May 2022 from 12 to 5pm. A more detailed schedule will be clarified upon completion of enrollment.
The level is open, meaning the games are for everyone. According to you need only a cheerful mind and team spirit.
It is enough to have one person from the team sign up. Enrollment is binding.
Location: Kauppi Water Tower Field, Kaupinkatu 2, 33500 Tampere. (Kaupinkatu 2 is not the exact street address to the field but the street address closest to it). Easy on the field to find when you follow the signs from the UKK Institute. When turning from the Koljontie towards the UKK Institute and proceeding up a small hill, approx. 100 m, there is a field to the left of the road.
No membership of SportUni is required for the event.
You can register immediately to event from the course listing on the coursewebsite!