Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences.
1. Apply for international tutoring! TURSASPASSI STAMP
2. Week Against Racism
3. Participate in your own degree programme’s feedback sessions! TURSASPASSI STAMP
4. How are you doing? Answer the survey if you have gotten the invite!
5. TAMK Foundation grants are now open for applications
6. Kaamoksen torjunta 21.3.
1. Apply for international tutoring!

The future is bringing us a lot of new exchange students and we need international tutors to guide them.
If this feels like a part of your future prediction, come and join Tamko’s huge family of tutors and help welcoming the exchange students next August! International tutors are eligible for 2 study credits, 1 extra point to their own exchange study application (only when the tutoring is completed) and a stamp to your Tursaspassport. Along side these, you will get an incredible chance of networking internationally and up your skills as a tutor. Anyone from any degree programme can become an international tutor.
The application period is open 11.3.-31.3.2024
Fill out the form and you are a step closer to new adventures as an international tutor:
2. Week Against Racism

This year’s Week Against Racism will be taking place on 18–24 March 2024. The theme this year is intervening in racism.
The campaign week challenges us all to identify instances of racism and take action against it. By intervening in instances of racism, we show that we care.
Anti-racism guidelines for everyone:
1. I will try to recognise my own preconceptions and change my views if necessary.
I will get to know different types of people without prejudice, treat them all equally and interact with each and every one of them as individuals.
2. I will try to affect the attitudes of individuals and society as a whole through my own actions.
I will use my role to help society promote non-discrimination and parity.
3. I will be aware that experiences of discrimination can vary.
In addition to racism, discrimination can take place because of gender, sexual orientation, disability or education level, to name a few. Discrimination in any form or shape is wrong.
4. I will intervene if I witness any racist incidents or hate speech.
I will communicate to any target of racist behaviour that I do not condone racist actions or hate speech, and will offer the person my support. Furthermore, I do not have to accept racist behaviour or hate speech targeted at myself.
5. I will listen, get training and learn.
I will familiarise myself with the topic with the help of documentaries, books and websites. I will build networks and take part in lectures, discussions and civic events.
Read more: https://www.redcross.fi/week-against-racism/?
3. Participate in your own degree programme’s feedback sessions

Student feedback was collected last year in the spring and autumn feedback weeks in the form of a new student and annual feedback surveys. Feedback was also collected from master´s degrees and through Graduation phase survey.
During the spring, students and staff will discuss the feedback at joint degree programme specific events, in which the possible development measures will also be agreed.
Follow your Degree Programme’s info on the time of the feedback events, get involved and share your ideas!
Read more from intra: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/news/53634
Feedpack summary can be found from here: Student_feedback_summary_2023.pdf
Schedule for feedpack sessions, click here
4. How are you doing? Answer the survey if you have gotten the invite!

How are students doing? The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) is inviting university students from all over Finland to a survey on their health, wellbeing, ability to study and use of services. The results will be used to improve student services such as healthcare, sports services and student catering.
How can I participate in the survey?
• 12,000 will be randomly invited to the survey, and they will receive the invitation by email.
• The respondents will be 18–34-year-old Bachelor’s or Master’s level students at higher education institutions across Finland.
• The study will be carried out as an online questionnaire. Filling in the questionnaire will take approximately 20 minutes.
The survey involves partners such as the Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS), the Social Insurance Institution Kela, the Ministry of Education and Culture, National Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences (SAMOK) and the National Union of University Students in Finland (SYL).
For the participants: https://thl.fi/en/research-and-development/research-and-projects/the-finnish-student-health-and-wellbeing-survey-kott-/for-kott-survey-participants
About the survey: https://thl.fi/en/research-and-development/research-and-projects/the-finnish-student-health-and-wellbeing-survey-kott-
Intra news: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/news/55243
5. TAMK Foundation grants are now open for applications

Tampere University of Applied Sciences Foundation awards grants to UAS students and staff to promote studies, internationalisation and research. The spring 2023 grants are now open for applications!
Grants for students
- Grant for international practical training outside EU
- Sustainable entrepreneurship grant for students who have developed a business idea during their studies and want to experiment and develop their idea further
- Research and development grant for students and studying teachers mostly for theses and in some cases for project studies.
The application is open on 11 March – 7 April 2024. The foundation will process the grant applications in April-May. The grants will be paid in May-June 2024 at the latest.
Grant application takes place on an online form via this link. Please fill in the application thoroughly and justify why the grant should be awarded to you.
You can find further information, detailed criteria and grant amounts on the foundation’s intranet site via this link.
6. Kaamoksen torjunta 21.3.

Antura is organizing one of the MOST LEGENDARY student events in Tampere once again, and we want YOU to be part of it! So gather your friends, put on something summery, and come to enjoy the return of the sun.
The battle against the polar night begins with a unique checkpoint round organized by the clubs, where the performance locations are in the bars of downtown Tampere.
After the round, it’s time to move on to enjoy a private event at the sauna restaurant Kuumaa, where the beach party continues with a dance program until the wee hours! (Rumors have it that the sauna is on and the ice hole is open too)
Ticket prices:
Antura member €10 / Non-member €13
The event is open to students from all fields!
Where: Bars in downtown Tampere and sauna restaurant Kuumaa
What to bring: Swimsuits, sauna gear, and party spirit
Why: The polar night must end
Tickets and more info: https://kide.app/events/6ad09529-b0e9-43b0-83f3-35d4c587847c
The event is entirely harassment-free. Trained harassment contact persons are available on-site.