Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences.
1. The application period for international tutoring is open! TURSASPASSI STAMP
2. Participate in your own degree programme’s feedback sessions! TURSASPASSI STAMP
3. Healthcare fee due date is on this Friday 15.3.
4. TAMK students’ annual degree show
5. Outdoor day at Pyynikki TURSASPASSI STAMP
6. Meet OP Tampere banking specialists at TAMK
7. Kaamoksen torjunta 21.3.
1. The application period for international tutoring is open!

The future is bringing us a lot of new exchange students and we need international tutors to guide them.
If this feels like a part of your future prediction, come and join Tamko’s huge family of tutors and help welcoming the exchange students next August! International tutors are eligible for 2 study credits, 1 extra point to their own exchange study application (only when the tutoring is completed) and a stamp to your Tursaspassport. Along side these, you will get an incredible chance of networking internationally and up your skills as a tutor. Anyone from any degree programme can become an international tutor.
The application period is open 11.3.-31.3.2024
Fill out the form and you are a step closer to new adventures as an international tutor:
2. Participate in your own degree programme’s feedback sessions

Student feedback was collected last year in the spring and autumn feedback weeks in the form of a new student and annual feedback surveys. Feedback was also collected from master´s degrees and through Graduation phase survey.
During the spring, students and staff will discuss the feedback at joint degree programme specific events, in which the possible development measures will also be agreed.
Follow your Degree Programme’s info on the time of the feedback events, get involved and share your ideas!
Read more from intra: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/news/53634
Feedpack summary can be found from here: Student_feedback_summary_2023.pdf
Schedule for feedpack sessions, click here
3. Healthcare fee due date is on this Friday

Hey student! Remember to pay the healthcare fee to Kela!
The fee must be paid by all students who are completing a degree at a Finnish institution of higher education and have registered as attending for the term in question.
Healthcare fee’s due date for the spring term is Friday 15th of March and it is EUR 36.80 per term. The fee must be paid for both the spring and autumn terms by using the OmaKela e-service. If you cannot use OmaKela for instance because you do not have Finnish banking credentials, please pay the fee to Kela as a bank transfer.
Read more: https://www.kela.fi/how-to-pay-the-student-healthcare-fee…
4. TAMK students’ annual degree show

Welcome to the exhibition opening on Thursday 13.3.2024 at 17-20!
This year’s annual degree show Ambit brings forth upcoming artists with new visions that question the traditional boundaries of fine art. Tradition and modern issues meet in the exhibition, which challenges the viewer to study other visual art forms in the context of fine art, and ponders upon its role in the modern world. With artworks ranging from interactive media installations to traditional oil paintings, moving image, and narrative works, the show encompasses a variety of art that values each artist’s unique creative process.
Ambit features the works of 14 emerging artists from the graduating class of Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK) Fine Art study path. The artists participating in this year’s degree show are Daria Crăciun, Robert Eftychiou, Victoria Fofanova, Veera Hanhiniemi, Halla Hannelin, Veera Jokitalo, Gustavo Juber, Saara Kankare, Mikko Louhimaa, Iiris Manner, Pihla Paju, Jan Pitkäsalo, Eevi Siniketo and Silja Tusa.
Exhibition is open 14.3.- 7.4.2024
You can find our exhibition at:
Galleria Himmelblau
Finlaysoninkuja 9
Floor 3B
5. Outdoor day at Pyynikki

Come join us on a outdoor day and good company on VETO-clubs and Mesikerho’s shared day at Pyynikki’s beautiful terrains.
We have heard your hopes and wishes and decided to start with a low threshold, yet a nice shared outdoor day. Our walk starts infront of the Pyynikki näkötorni, where we’ll continue our way to slightly pre-arranged route, yet we are open to wishes and consider the weather. We’ll at least check out the views to the lake. Our plan is not to sport, but to enjoys the journey and others company, so we can adjust the length of the route.
You can claim yourself either the free ticket or the snack ticket for a small price, which will include a juice and a small snack. If you have any allergies or need to inform something else, you can contact helena.maijanen@tuni.fi or Instagram @vetokerho.
Where? Pyynikki observation tower and its surroundings
When? Wednesday 27.3. 16:00
To who? For all students, but others are also welcome!
What to take with you? Good weather-appropriate outdoor gear
One person will leave from TAMK, the lobby on Kuntokatu side at 15.15 if you need help getting to the site.
6. Meet OP Tampere banking specialists at TAMK on Wednesday

Meet banking specialists from OP Tampere in the G-building of Tampere University of Applied Sciences’ Main campus on Wednesday 13th of March from 10 AM to 2 PM!
What kind of banking services OP offers? How to become a customer of OP? Let’s have a chat about banking topics, take part in Lippu.fi gift voucher lottery and get a Kismet chocolate bar! Maybe you will get an overall patch too!
See you soon!
Read more op.fi/tampere/opiskelijalle
7. Kaamoksen torjunta 21.3.

Antura is organizing one of the MOST LEGENDARY student events in Tampere once again, and we want YOU to be part of it! So gather your friends, put on something summery, and come to enjoy the return of the sun.
The battle against the polar night begins with a unique checkpoint round organized by the clubs, where the performance locations are in the bars of downtown Tampere.
After the round, it’s time to move on to enjoy a private event at the sauna restaurant Kuumaa, where the beach party continues with a dance program until the wee hours! (Rumors have it that the sauna is on and the ice hole is open too)
Ticket prices:
Antura member €10 / Non-member €13
The event is open to students from all fields!
Where: Bars in downtown Tampere and sauna restaurant Kuumaa
What to bring: Swimsuits, sauna gear, and party spirit
Why: The polar night must end
Tickets and more info: https://kide.app/events/6ad09529-b0e9-43b0-83f3-35d4c587847c
The event is entirely harassment-free. Trained harassment contact persons are available on-site.