Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences.
1. Tamko’s evening TODAY!
2. Tamko’s anniversary has begun!
3. Welcome to Council meeting on Wednesday 9.3. TURSASPASSI EVENT
4. TR3fest 2022 save the date and band application!
5. Welcome to the campus – Guidelines for TAMK students for springtime
6. Feedpack sessions – Let’s discuss and develop it together
7. CV-photoshoot day on Thursday 10.3.
8. No shift booking for the SportUni gyms after 7 March
9. Welcome to Finnish Language Club on Wednesdays – Let’s learn to talk some Finnish together at Parvi
10. Happo ry Winter happening 7.3.-11.3.
11. Upcoming Parvi activities
1. Tamko’s evening TODAY!

Welcome to Tamko’s first evening of 2022! You can dig up your dusty overalls and come sew patches on them, so they will be ready for all the events this spring has to offer. You can also play board games, go to the sauna or just hang out with a good crowd of people. There will be some snacks available so you don’t have to go hungry. We still have to be careful about Covid, so please do not come to the event if you feel sick at all.
Link to Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/4f79U9Exn
WHAT? Tamko´s evening
WHERE? at Solu’s Sauna
WHEN? 7th of March at 6 pm
All Tamko’s events are strictly free of harrassment. We have trained contacts, so if you face any kind of harrassment during the event, please do contact harassment@tamko.fi
If you want more information about the accessibility of the event, please contact accessibility@tamko.fi.
2. Tamko’s anniversary has begun!

Tamko turns 110 this year!
Anniversary will bring you events, history peeks, overall patch and anniversary party. You will recognize anniversary related content from this corgeous gold and black theme.
Anniversary will begin with blog series and the first post is up on our website!
Blog text can be found here: https://tamko.fi/news/anniversary-is-coming-are-you-ready/
Welcome to celebrate with us all year!
3. Welcome to Council meeting on Wednesday 9.3.

Welcome to the Council meeting on 9th of March 2022 at 6 pm in the E1-06 auditorium of TAMK’s main campus.All members of Tamko can attend the meeting! In the meeting Council goes through current affairs.
You can find the meeting’s agenda on Tamko’s website:
You can register to the meeting on Kide.app:
Council meeting is Tursaspassi event, so join us and you will get stamp to your Tursaspassi!
4. TR3Fest 2022 save the date & band application!

TR3fest is back! This urban city festival with a casual vibe and entertaining music from student bands and our main artist of the night will bring together all Tampere Universities community students for an eventful festival in Pakkahuone on March 30. The latest TR3fest was organized in early 2020 and now it’s time to party again – if the world situation just allows it!
The ticket sale begins at the beginning of March – stay tuned and save the date!
You can find the Facebook event from here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1020017545529980?ref=newsfeed
Do you have a student band and want to perform at the event?
We are looking for student bands! Search for band is open until Sunday 13.3.!
More information about the student band application can be found from Tamko’s website: https://tamko.fi/…/do-you-have-a-student-band-come-perform…/
5. Welcome to the campus – guidelines for TAMK students for springtime

The pandemic situation in the Tampere region is stabilizing and we can look forward to returning to campuses after the winter holiday week, on Monday 7 March. Here is a summary of the guidelines for TAMK students.
At TAMK we will return to in-person teaching for the rest of this spring, from 7 March to 15 May. This means that – the pandemic situation considered – most of the teaching will take place on campus during the fourth period. However, teaching can still be delivered in a remote or hybrid format for pedagogical reasons and in eg part-time studies.
Coming to campus is allowed only when you feel well, and during your stay on campus we expect you to wear a face mask and practice good hand hygiene. This way we can ensure safe circumstances for studying and working for all of us. Each member of TAMK community has a duty to act responsibly so that we will have a safe return to a fluent everyday life on campus. Face masks will be available from the main entrances on the campus buildings throughout the spring semester.
The premises and services at TAMK’s main campus are open and operating as usual, and the facilities can be booked in a normal manner. Campusravita’s restaurant services are returning to normal, but please notice that the lunch times are being staggered to avoid crowding during the congested hours. It is important to avoid close contacts by the food lines as well as at the tables. You can check your lunch time on the list here: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/news/29461
All SportUni services are available, check the instructions on SportUni’s website: https://sites.tuni.fi/sportuni-en/
Thanks to all members of TAMK community for the persistent work in prevention of infections during the corona pandemic. We have managed the exceptional times with special arrangements – let’s continue in good cooperation towards the new normal.
More information:
A dedicated coronavirus page with the latest news and guidance is available on intra: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/news/18225
Questions & comments: korona@tuni.fi
6. Feedback sessions – Let’s discuss and develop it together!

Student feedback was collected last year in the spring and autumn feedback weeks in the form of a new student and annual feedback surveys. Feedback was also collected from master´s degrees and through Graduation phase survey.
During the spring, students and staff will discuss the feedback at joint degree programme specific events, in which the possible development measures will also be agreed
Follow your Degree Programme’s info on the time of the feedback events, get involved and share your ideas!
Read more from intra: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/news/34127
Feedpack summary can be found by clicking this.
Schedule for feedpack sessions: https://wiki.tamk.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=195934632
7. CV- photoshoot day on Thursday 10.3.

The campuses are opening again, and on Thursday 10 March we’re able to organize the CV photoshoot that was postponed earlier. Now you have a great opportunity to get your CV photo or LinkedIn profile photo taken by a professional photographer.
Come to the lobby next to the cafeterias at the main campus’ B0 corridor on Thursday 10 March between 9 am and 3 pm, and you’ll receive one edited profile picture in your use. The photograph will be emailed to you within the following week.
What? CV photoshoot (Petra Vii Photography)
When? Thursday 10 March 2022 between 9 am and 3 pm (please, notice you might have to queue to be photographed, so make sure to allow enough time)
Where? TAMK Main campus, lobby at the B0 corridor, between Teiskontie info and cafeteria
How to prepare? Wear a clean top outfit. You can think about how you would you present an organization or company on their website.
During the day you can also find our career counselors of TAMK Career Services at the lobby. You’re welcome to visit the CV clinic and we can discuss how to make your CV even better.
Link to intra: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/news/34818
This event is organized by TAMK Career Services and Tamko
8. No shift booking for the SportUni gyms after 7 March

SportUni shift booking for the gyms will be eliminated from 7 March. Corona restrictions will end in the Pirkanmaa region at the end of February. From 7 March the SportUni gyms are open for free usage during the opening hours of the sport centres. You can check from the Facility calendar when the gym is reserved for other activities: https://sites.tuni.fi/sportuni-en/sport-centres/
The Regional Administrative Office recalls that the corona is not over and emphasizes the responsibility of citizens to comply with hygiene guidelines. In moderation, we will allow together to return towards normal everyday life.
Read more: https://sites.tuni.fi/sportuni-en/news/no-shift-booking-for-the-gyms-after-7-march/
+Wanna go sledding?
You can borrow plastic sledges from SportUni Kauppi Centre. There are 15 plastic sledges and you can borrow them by yourself or for your happening.
SportUni loans sledges for those who are a members of Tampere University community, so you don’t need to pay SportUni fee. Please show your student/staff card in reception.
9. Welcome to Finnish Language Club on Wednesdays – Let’s learn to talk some Finnish together in Parvi

Join us in a casual and relaxed discussion to share experiences, learn some basic Finnish and meet other students! We start on Wednesday 9 March at 16 o’clock!
People with no Finnish skills are also warmly welcome. There will be different themes to discuss each time! There are always some Finns present, too, so you can practice Finnish in everyday life situations – no grammar, no exams, but learning by speaking. Your opinions and experiences are valuable, come and share them with us and find friends and synergy in the TAMK community.
You can find the Finnish Language Clubs and the registration form on JobTeaser: https://tamk.jobteaser.com/fi/events or walk in anytime!
You can find more information and programme from intra: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/news/34522
10. Happo ry Winter Happening 7.3.-11.3.

The traditional Happo ry Winter Happening will be held in Sorsapuisto 11.3. from 17 o’clock onwards. Expect casual chilling and winter-related activities. In addition we are holding a virtual task round during week 10, from which your team can win a 200 € gift card.
More information on Happo’s Instagram https://www.instagram.com/happo_ry/
11. Upcoming Parvi activities

Parvi is in instagram! Follow @tamkparvi and you’ll hear more about the activity, events, competitions and much more that goes on in Parvi!
Parvi’s updated calendar you can find here: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=tamkparvi@gmail.com&ctz=Europe/Helsinki
Please note, that opening an activity/event you will find more details.
We are here for your support!
Examples of activity taking place next week:
Sparris workshop-Tips for reading: Do you need support with reading? Come hear ideas and tips! Contact person: Marianna.leikomaa@tuni.fi. Tuesday at 15-16.30.
Red Cross: Tampuri & International House (+ dessert): Wednesday at 11-13 (International House of Tampere). Have a cup of coffee or tea and something for a dessert while discussing with SPR Tampuri or International House of Tampere.
Tampuri is an open meeting place for the Finnish Red Cross and a center for volunteer group activities.
Remember that on Mondays (at 10-12) and Thursdays (at 13-15) there is Get Stuff Done and on Thursdays (at 13-15) there is CV-clinic every week this spring!
You can also find a Student Counselor/Teacher for Special Needs and Student Wellbeing Advisor have a walk-in nearly each day of the week at Parvi and online!
See you at Parvi!2x. Upcoming Parvi activities