Bulletin from the Council’s spring meeting held on April 13, 2021

The statutory spring meeting of the Council was held via Teams on 13th of April. The Council reviewed updates from the Chairpersons of the Council, Board members, Higher Education Council and Board of Examiners and addressed the annual report, annual accounts and auditor’s report. In addition, the 2020 actors were discharged from liability, and a student representative was selected for the board of Tampere University of Applied Sciences Ltd.


· Tamko’s translator intern starts working in May.

Updates from the Council’s Chairpersons and teams

The Chairpersons have attended Board meetings, met other chairpersons from the student unions of Finland, met the executive group and participated in the Tursajaiset event and in the feedback sessions of the degree programmes. The preparations of the spring meeting have also taken time.

The social media material of the spring meeting and the organizing of refreshments of remote meetings have been planned in a team.

Updates from Higher Education Council and Board of Examiners

Higher Education Council has, for example:

· prepared the timetables of the academic year 2021–2022 and discussed the results of 2020

· discussed about the number of admitted students in 2022

· continued quality work with the intention of compiling a quality handbook during the spring.

Board of Examiners has, for example:

· processed requests for rectification concerning student admissions

· processed a request for rectification concerning the evaluation of a thesis.

Updates from the Board

In addition to meetings, the Board members have participated in several working groups related to, for example, digital services, student healthcare services and the quality of teaching. Tamko’s actors have also

participated in the feedback sessions of the degree programmes, met the executive group, planned the Code of Conduct for Tamko and met various stakeholders.

Since the last meeting, Tamko’s actors have successfully organized the Tursajaiset event, a chocolate tasting and a conference for educational affairs as well as planned new events, such as a virtual vappu event.

Annual report for the 2020 term of office

The last year’s annual report was addressed. The annual report includes information about Board members, Council members and employees and of the last year’s activities and financial situation. The activities were strongly influenced by the exceptional pandemic situation.

The Council approved the annual report of the 2020 term of office.

Annual accounts and auditor’s report for the 2020 financial period

The annual accounts and auditor’s report for the 2020 financial period were addressed. Tamko’s financial situation remains stable.

The Council approved the annual accounts and auditor’s report for the 2020 financial period.

Discharging the Board and other liable persons from liability for the 2020 financial period

The Council discharged liable persons from liability for the 2020 financial period.

Nominating a student member to the board of Tampere University of Applied Sciences Ltd for the 2021–2022 term of office

As provided in the Universities of Applied Sciences Act, a student representative was nominated to the board of Tampere University of Applied Science Ltd. All degree students at TAMK whose studies continue through the board’s term of office are eligible to apply for the position. The selected representative is expected to be familiar with the policies of the University of Applied Sciences and with the relevant legislation.

The Council nominated Kia Kauppinen for the board of Tampere University of Applied Sciences Ltd (approved in the general meeting).


· Council members may participate in a discussion concerning Tamko’s upcoming share capital investment in TCR-palvelut Oy. Those who wish to participate will be contacted at a later date.

Save the date!

The next Council meeting will be held on 18th of May at 17:00. All Tamko members are welcome! (Note that council meetings are held in Finnish.)