Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences.
1. Valentine’s day event 14.2.
2. Welcome to council meeting 8.2.
3. Thank you for participating in DigiPortti 2022!
4. SportUni opens group exercises classes and team sports
5. Friend Programme for international students and local friends
6. FSHS: Information about HealthStart survey
7. Join in the Orientation for Well-Being seminar 15.2.!
8. Take a look at renewed intranet!
1. Valentine’s Day event 14.2.

TAMK Parvi, Tamko and SportUni organizes in cooperation a Valentines’ Day themed outdoor event on February 14th at 12-16 at the beautiful environment of Näsijärvi! (Naistenlahti, Kekkosenkatu 8-10, landmarks Pursiseura and Satamatoimisto).
You can find your way there independently or by joint departures which leaves at 12:15 and 13:15 from Parvi (B1-24).
There will be activities, grilled sausage and chance to chat with university’s President and other members of the executive board are also present at the event from 12-13.
Read more about the event and how to arrive from Intra news here: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/news/34128
This event can be found from Kide.app: https://kide.app/en/events/6dfa51cf-e8df-40cd-861a-e3580eec7462
Grab a pair of skates and some friends if you like and come enjoy Valentine’s Day with others to Näsijärvi!
2. Welcome to council meeting 8.2.!

Welcome to the Council’s first meeting of the year on 8th of February 2022 at 4 pm. Because of prevailing the corona situation meeting will be held as a Teams-meeting. All members of Tamko can attend the meeting. In the meeting Council goes through current affairs.
Meeting’s agenda will be added here:
You can register to the meeting on kide.app:
3. Thank you for participating in DigiGate 2022!

We warmly thank everyone who participated in DigiGate 2022 online event!
During last week DigiGate showcased 40 organizations and their job opportunities. DigiGate also gave tips for job hunt, told alumni stories and brought interactive content to social media. We wish that our tips for jobhunt were useful and lands you summer job or traineeship!
Next year Gateway to Working Life recruiting event will take place 23.-26.1.2023 hopefully at campus!
4. SportUni opens group exercises classes and team sports

SportUni opened its sport services last Saturday. Group exercise classes starts to roll in all SportUni Centres. Likewise, the open and regular shifts of ball games and other team sports start as planned. SportUni still continues to limit visitor numbers in Sport Centres.
Read more from this link: https://sites.tuni.fi/sportuni-en/news/sportuni-opens-group-exercises-classes-and-team-sports/
Emrollment for SportUni courses starts 9.2.2022 at 9.00!
Courses are available for a student, post-graduate student or a staff member at Tampere universities who have paid the SportUni fee. There are a limited number of places for the courses.
Find more about courses from here: https://sites.tuni.fi/sportuni-en/find-your-sport/sport-courses/
5. Friend Programme for international students and local friends

• Do you want to learn about other languages, cultures and people from other countries?
• Do you want to learn or tell about Finnish language, culture, its people, nature and habits?
• Do you want to get a friend from another country and origin?
• Do you want to be more international and have multicultural activities in your life?
If you answered yes to these questions, this friend programme is something worth committing and participating!
You may participate in the Friend Programme if you are a local individual or family living in Pirkanmaa or an international student studying in TAMK. The most important criteria is that you open-minded and willing to meet people from other cultures.
The Friend Programme is a model through which local individuals and families and TAMK’s international students can meet and become friends. Getting to know the regular Finnish way of life – in it’s smallest nuances and peculiarities – will help students feel more at home here.
You can apply through this link: https://lomake.tamk.fi/lomakkeet/27959/lomake.html
Intra news: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/news/33934
Read more about Friend Programme: https://www.tuni.fi/en/study-with-us/student-life/friend-programme
Picture: Laura Vanzo, Visit Tampere
6. FSHS: Information about HealthStart survey

The students who started their studies last fall have recently received HealthStart, a health survey for first-year students.
Normally, after completing the survey for first-year students, the student may be referred for health promotion services provided by the FSHS or offered an appointment.
Unfortunately, the situation at FSHS is now congested. Therefore, we ask the students to wait patiently for us to process the answers. There is no need to call the FSHS in connection with the health survey. Thank you for your understanding
7. Join in the Orientation for Well-being seminar 15.2.!

In February 2022, Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences organise the Orientation for Well-being, whose goal is to bring together members of our community to discuss these issues from different angles and present ideas and support services which are available.
The Orientation for Well-being is built around an online seminar on 15 February 2022 at 15-16 on Teams. The event features speakers from student support services from in and around the universities’ community.
To access the event, please register by using this link. You will receive the participation link to your e-mail after registering. There is no deadline for this, you can do it right before the event starts, or even during the event. The seminar will be recorded. You don’t need to sign up for the event in advance, just click yourself into the Teams meeting when the time comes.
Find out the programme and more from Intra: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/event/33728
8. Take a look at renewed intranet!

Intranet is renewed!
The Intranet got a new interface, structure, and visuals. The redesigning and changes based on the project group’s observations and also feedback provided by users like you all! Intra is the place to find official and reliable information about studies and current topics.
Tip! From the start page you can find events- part which we recommend to check out every now and then for interesting events!
Click here to browse new intra: https://intra.tuni.fi/en
Klick here to read the news article: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/news/33911