Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences.

1. Use your voice and vote in Tamko’s Council elections! TURSASPASSI STAMP
2. Would you like to become a tutor?! TURSASPASSI STAMP
3. Become international tutor! TURSASPASSI STAMP
4. Tamko & TREY wellbeing week! TURSASPASSI EVENT
5. Give feedback through student feedback surveys!
6. Tolu’s badminton tournament 5.11.! TURSASPASSI EVENT
7. How do I make a safety observation, report a concern, or do a close call report in TAMK?

1. Use your voice and vote in Tamko’s Council elections!

The electronic voting for Tamko’s Council elections is on! Use your voice to influence the issues of all students!

Electronic voting
You can vote until 9.11. 3pm.
The electronic voting takes place via email link. The link will be sent to TUNI email for all Tamko members who are eligible to vote in the Council elections. Make sure you check your junk mail.

Ballot box voting
On Wednesday 9.11. at 9am to 3pm 
Or you can vote traditional way with pen and paper in ballot box voting. You can vote in all three TAMK’s campuses. Bring your ID with you.

Council elections are held as list election so the voter does not only vote for person but also for a list.

There are 48 candidates from 5 different candidate lists. You can check out more information about the candidates from Tamko’s website and find the most suitable candidate for you: https://tamko.fi/students-union/council/council-election-candidates-2023/

2. Would you like to become a Degree tutor?!

Have you thought about becoming a tutor? If you answered yes, we have good news for you: enrolment for degree tutoring is now on!

Degree tutors are helping out new degree students of TAMK. They are playing an important part in integrating new students to Tampere and Finland. The training aims to train foreign students to work as degree tutors with their Finnish peer tutor colleagues. Degree tutors will meet the group once a month during the academic year 2023-2024. All the applicants will be interviewed during the autumn and the trainings will take place on the spring semester 2023. Tutors will gain new friendships and study credits: sounds like a great deal, huh?

Enroll here.

Note that if you are Finnish student studying in English degree programme, we wish you to fill in the Vertaistuutori application.

Application period 24.10.-13.11.

3. Become international tutor!

Come to welcome new exchange student arriving on January to TAMK and apply to become International Tutor. As International tutor you will help the exchange student to relocate to Tampere and Finnish student life. International tutoring is a great way to network and get new friends from around the world. You’ll get 2 study credits and an extra point from international

tutoring if you’re going to study abroad as an exchange student yourself. The application period will and 6th of November, so apply now!

There will be two training sessions organized by Tamko during autumn 2023 on 15th and 17th of November.

Enroll here!

Application period 24.10.-6.11.

4. Tamko & TREY Wellbeing week starts next week!

Welcome to Tamko and TREY’s Wellbeing week 7-11 November 2022! During the Wellbeing week, from Monday to Friday, all campuses have a lot of different programs to support the well-being of students!  
This year, the theme of the event is “together as a community”, and part of the idea of the event week is to offer opportunities to make new acquaintances. So feel free to join the events and find new friends while having fun! This year there are 33 events in five days! Programme can be found from Tamko’s website and Facebook event.
This year, wonderful overall patces have been acquired for the Wellbeing week, which are distributed only to the fastest! To get an overall badge, you just need to participate in at least one Wellbeing week event and show photo proof of this at Tamko Solu. 
For participating in the Wellbeing week event, you will also get a stamp on the Tursaspassi!

5. Give feedback through student feedback surveys!

The feedback surveys will be open from October 25 to November 11. In addition to course feedback, TAMK collect the feedback every autumn from new students, second- and third-year students and masters’ degree students who started their studies in spring 2022.

You will receive a survey by e-mail during this week from studentfeedback.tamk@tuni.fi. If you can’t find the mail, check your spam folder as well.

Your feedback is important! Please answer the survey and participate in the feedback session for your degree program next spring.

Intra news:https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/news/42905

6. Tolu’s badminton tournament 5.11.!

It’s time for Tolu’s badminton tournament. Participate in Tuni’s badminton championship!

The tournament will be 1 vs 1. Matches and playoffs will be made depending on the amount of the participants. If you don’t own a badminton bat no worries you can borrow Sportuni’s on the spot.

The tournament will be held in the Sporuni Atalpa at centre campus.

Sign up on Kide.app: https://kide.app/events/94d4f770-ddf7-4fcc-9b4f-386d576f32ba

What: Badminton tournament
Where: Sportuni Atalpa, centre campus
When: 5.11.2022, 10.00 – 19.00
What it costs?: 0€, sign up via Kide.app!

7. How do I make a safety observation, report a concern, or do a close call report in TAMK?

In case you notice something that you think may weaken safety or security in TAMK, no matter what the issue is, report it. If a worry raises of something or somebody, or you have a close call situation that could have led to an even worse situation for you or someone else, act responsibly and let us know. By acting like this we are able fix the matter or can get involved to solve it. This is the way we can improve TAMK’s safety and security together.

The reporting is done through Rego system. Go to address tuni.fi/rego. It is possible to do the reporting anonymously.

Read more from Intra: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/news/42724