Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences.
1. Summer jobs, internship and thesis opportunities
from Gateway to Working Life TURSASPASSI STAMP
2. Tursajaiset goes Winter this Friday! TURSASPASSI STAMP
3. TAMK Career Week 14.-16.1. TURSASPASSI STAMP
4. Winter sports day – Free of charge!
5. Apply for student exchanges for autumn
6. City of Tampere: well-being survey
1. Summer jobs, internship and thesis opportunities from Gateway to Working Life

Gateway to Working Life is filling up the main campus lobby with companies next week 20.-22.1.2025!
Gateway to working life (finnish name: Portti Työelämään) is free recruiting event for TAMK students where local and national organizations come to TAMK to meet their future talents. The organizations are offering different kinds of work, internship and thesis opportunities plus a chance to communicate with them.
The program also includes opportunity to take free professional CV photograph as well as CV clinic and interview simulator!
Below you can see the event dates broken down by study fields:
Event hours are every day 10am-2pm.
Monday 20.1.
Social services, healthcare, business administration, hospitality management and others
Tuesday 21.1.
Technology and ICT
Wednesday 22.1.
Get to know the participating companies beforehand from event’s own website: https://www.porttityoelamaan.fi/en
2. Tursajaiset goes Winter this Friday!

Tamko’s sixth Tursajaiset goes Winter will be held on Friday 17th of January. at 7:30 pm to 11pm. This year, you don’t have to freeze outside, since the event will be held for you at nightclub Bricks! The event is free and meant for new students who started their studies in January.
Just grab a free ticket from Kide.app to secure your entry to the event, get the link from your tutor or sending email to events@tamko.fi
The events doors open at 7:30pm and the event starts at 8:00 pm. You get to swear the Tursas-vow and get to know other students and sub-associations! The event ends at 11pm, after which the doors of Bricks will also open for others and the afterparty of the Tursajaiset goes winter can begin!
The afterparty will be held on 11pm to 5am at Bricks. By participating in the Tursajaiset goes winter, you can stay at the afterparty for free, otherwise you can buy a ticket to the afterparty from Kide! For others the advance ticket to the afterparty costs 3 € for Tamko’s members and 6 € for non-members and at the door. Tickets include cloakroom fee.
At the afterparty, the fastest will also receive the Tursajaiset goes winter overall badge!
Tickets: https://kide.app/events/9e48ef86-dfbf-4bf1-aace-c234d3823a37
3. TAMK Career Week 14.-16.1.

TAMK Career Week 2025 | Jan 14th to 16th at TAMK Main Campus and online
Welcome to participate in TAMK’s annual Career Week workshops and coaching sessions, where you will gain tools and inspiration for applying for spring internships and other jobs!
The Career Week events are designed for TAMK students, regardless of their stage of studies or degree program. Please note that most events require pre-registration – indicated below if registration is not required.
Events held in English (note, that there are also events held in Finnish and you are more than welcome to join them with developing Finnish language skills).
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
- 9:00-11:00: CV Clinic (walk-in, send CV in advance)
- 14:30-16:00: Forget CV – Expertise Portfolio Is The New Black | Demola (EN)
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
- 9:00-12:00: Career Boost Clinic DAY 1 | International House Tampere (EN; walk-in) Note: Especially aimed for international students and does not require pre-registration
- 12:00-14:00: Interview Simulator (25 min / session; Note: Since most sessions are already booked, there will be more timeslots available for interview simulator during the following week’s Gateway to Working Life)
Thursday, January 16, 2025
- 9:00-12:00: Career Boost Clinic DAY 2 | International House Tampere (EN; walk-in) Note: Especially aimed for international students and does not require pre-registration
4. Winter sports day – Free of charge!

Welcome to the Winter Sports Day 29 Jan at 12:00-15:00 in the Kauppi Sport Park.
The day will take place in the Kauppi Sports Park area. There will be small competitions and plenty of other fun activities.
During the event, you will have the chance to try out and discover various sports, including possibly some new ones for you. There will also be some snacks available. Equipment can be borrowed onsite.
Make sure to dress warmly. For the event, you will receive a stamp card and with three stamps you will earn an overall patch as prize.
Come have fun with us and your friends!
Winter sports day is organized by Student on the Move -project, SportUni and students of Varala Sports Institute.
5. Apply for student exchanges for autumn

The application period for outgoing exchanges for the autumn 2025 semester has started! There are (about 300 exchange) study places available all-around Europe and in some destinations outside Europe.
The application time ends on 21 January 2025. Please send your application with attachments in through the SoleMove system on time.
Good news! There is new grant for international exchanges outside the EU!
Read more about the grant: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/news/62167
Questions about student exchanges?
Stop by at the Student Mobility services pop-up info desk on Thu 16.1. at 10–14, room B1-12b.
Read more in Intranet:
Apply for Student Exchange
Internship Abroad
Further information:
– Student Mobility Services: Marika Kyllönen, Tarja Kononov; outgoing.tamk@tuni.fi
– the International Coordinator of your own study programme
6. City of Tampere: well-being survey

How are you feeling in Tampere?
The City of Tampere wants to hear about your well-being and neighborhood experiences! The Tampere well-being survey is open from January 7 to 21, 2025.
It takes about 15 minutes, and 8 gift cards worth €20 will be raffled among participants! Answer now (https://kysely.tampere.fi/hyvinvointikysely2025/?lang=en)
More info: https://www.tampere.fi/en/information-on-tampere/statistics/well-being-survey-tamperes-residents