Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences.
1. Students’ Mental Health Day- event on Wednesday
2. Tamko’s event calendar is here!
3. There is still time to apply for Tamko’s harassment contact
4. Tamko’s Loppumetri TURSASPASSI STAMP
5. Tursaspassi returning event TURSASPASSI STAMPS
6. Welcome to Council’s statutory meeting TURSASPASSI STAMP
7. Solu closes at 3pm on Fridays
8. OP Tampere at main campus on Thursday
9. Info for graduating students 20.4.
1. Students’ Mental Health Day- event on Wednesday

Students’ Mental Health Day- event is happening at TAMK’s main campus on Wednesday 19.4.
Next week’s Wednesday a group of different organizations will gather in the lobby of the main campus to celebrate the Students’ Mental Health Day. The main theme of the event this year is moderation. We encourage you to pause at the excesses in your own life and think about how you can moderate your own life.
Come and see what fun activities there will be!
WHERE?: at TAMK’s main campus, Teiskontie side lobby
WHEN?: on Wednesday 19.4. from 11.00-14.00
WHY?: Because students’ mental health is important!
2. Tamko’s event calendar is here!

Tamko’s event calendar gathers all sorts of student events for you!
You can find mainly TAMK’s student associations, clubs and other stakeholders’ event’s from the calendar. We update the calendar every week.
You can find the calendar from Tamko’s website: https://tamko.fi/students-union/culture-leisure-activities/events/ Currently the calendar is filled up with Wappu / May Day events!
Select ‘English’ from the bottom of the calendar as an active language, and the calendar will show you all English-language events.
3. There is still time to apply for Tamko’s harassment contact

We are seeking new Harassment Contact Persons for the Student Union!
Tamko has Harassment Contacts who provide help and guidance for students who have experienced disturbance in any form. Harassment Contacts do not document any of the cases and they have full confidentiality. Bullying, inappropriate or discriminating behavior are taken seriously in TAMK and Harassment Contact Persons are supporting students in these kinds of situations.
Harassment Contacts are regular students of TAMK and new contact persons will be trained for the part. Tamko´s Board member and employee are supporting Harassment Contact Persons. We encourage students from diverse backgrounds to enroll for this role.
If you are interested, send your application on this application form: https://lomake.tamk.fi/lomakkeet/34538/lomake.html
Application period is open until Sunday 23rd of April 2023. All applicants will be noted after this time.
Read more about the Harassment Contacts from http://tamko.fi/en/tamko-harassment-contacts.
4. Tamko’s Loppumetri

Aahh yeaah time for the hottest party of this spring it’s Tamko’s Loppumetri! It’s time to sing, dance and party when the doors to Ilona open on Thursday 20th of april at 21pm. Take your friends and festivity with you because this school year ending party is something you don’t want to miss!
And the night won’t be boring when on the stage of Ilona rises Stepa! The ”voice of northern finnish rap” will make anyone feel good and have fun.
Didn’t get an overall patch from Alkumetri? No worries! There’s enough patch to fill in both those events!
The event takes place in Ilona on the 20/4/2023, and the doors will be open from 9 pm till 5 am.
Tickets for the event are available on Kide.app NOW: https://kide.app/events/c5102d3b-c2c4-4799-b354-eb52feccddf9 Preordering the ticket costs €4 for Tamko’s members and €8 for non-members and tickets bought at the entrance are priced at €10. Preordered tickets have their own queue to Ilona all the way till 12 am.
Loppumetri is the official after party for TTO’s, TIRO’s and PIRATE’s Wappustartti!
! All Tamko’s events are strictly free of harassment. We have trained harassment contacts at Loppumetri, so if you face any kind of harassment during the event, please do contact harassment@tamko.fi.
! If you want more information about the accessibility of the event, please contact accessibility@tamko.fi.
You can get a stamp to your Tursaspassi by attending!
5. Tursaspassi’s returning event

The time has come to return your Tursaspassi!
Let’s figure out who deserves the Mighty Tursas and Boss Tursas prizes this year and who has earned the title of Active Tursas.
Tursaspassi returning event is held at Solu’s front yard on Monday 24.4. at 10am-2pm.
You can get the last stamps and grill sausages from there and of course, return your Tursaspassi and wish for the win!
Everyone who returns Tursaspassi and has at least 15 stamps which includes 5 stamps from events gets and overall patch + participate in raffle!
See you at Solu!
6. Welcome to Council’s statutory meeting

Welcome to Council’s statutory meeting on the 19th of April 2023 at 16.00 at TAMK’s main campus in room E1-09. All Tamko’s members are welcomed to join. In the meeting Council goes trough current and statutory affairs.
The meeting will be held in finnish.
By taking part in the meeting you can get stamp for your Tursaspassi.
Meeting’s agenda can be found from here:https://tamko.fi/council-announcements/welcome-to-councils-statutory-meeting-19-4-2023/
7. OP Tampere at main campus on this Thursday

Meet OP Tampere banking specialists on campus!
Let’s have a chat about banking and insurance topics at TAMK’s main campus lobby on Thursday 20.4. at 10-14. Take part in lottery and enjoy Kismet chocolate bar!
See you soon!
8. Solu closes at 3pm on Fridays

Solu’s changed opening hours will be valid from this date 17.4.2023.
Our office is open from Monday to Thursday from 9 am to 4 pm and on Fridays from 9 am to 3 pm.
So the change is about Friday afternoon, when our office closes an hour earlier.
Welcome for a cup of coffee!
9. Info for graduating students

Graduation day closing and you are looking for a job?
In the event you’ll hear what kind of support you might get for job seeking after graduating from Employment services of Tampere. You also hear what TAMK alumni services has to offer for graduates. At the end of the info, you can meet TAMK Career services career counsellor if you need help in job search.
On Thursday 20th of April between 1pm to 3pm at Parvi (B1-24)
13.00 Employment Services of Tampere: support for graduates (FIN + ENG)
13.40 Alumni services for graduates (FIN + ENG)
14.00 – 15.00 Meet TAMK Career Counsellor: get help for job search
No pre-registration required. Info is bilingual (FIN + ENG).
Welcome! More info: careerservices.tamk@tuni.fi