Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences.
1. Tamko is searching for enthusiastic international tutors! TURSASPASSI STAMP
2. Welcome to Council’s meeting tomorrow on Tuesday! TURSASPASSI STAMP
3. The advance voting of the parliamentary elections begins this Wednesday!
4. Pivo isn’t working? Mobile student card is only on Tuudo!
5. Feedback sessions – Let’s discuss and develop it together!
6. GLOBE x CLINT sauna night 23.3.
7. Tampere Anti-Rasicm Race 21.3.
8. HumaniTarina fundraiser
9. Joint order for Engineers cap is open – fitting today 20.3.
1. Tamko is searching for enthusiastic international tutors!

Join Tamko’s big bunch of tutors and be there to welcome the new exchange students in August! As an international tutor, you’ll ensure that our exchange students feel welcome in TAMK and have someone they can rely on. Not to worry, you’ll have an excellent network of other international tutors and experts helping you!
Tamko trains all the international tutors of TAMK. The training consists of two evening sessions in the April, and the exact dates will be announced later. International tutors are eligible for 2 study credits, one extra point when applying for exchange themselves (after the tutoring is completed), and a stamp on the Tursaspassi.
Application period for international tutoring is 13.3. – 2.4.2023
Apply by filling this form: https://forms.office.com/e/Jc45A9snws
…And after that you are one step closer to joining the adventures of international tutoring!
2. Welcome to Council’s meeting tomorrow on Tuesday!

Welcome to the Council’s meeting on tomorrow Tuesday 21th of March at 16:00 in the B3-28 classroom at TAMK’s main campus. All members of Tamko can attend the meeting.
You can get stamp to your Tursaspassi!
Please note that the meeting is held in Finnish.
You can read the meetings agenda from here: https://tamko.fi/council-announcements/council-meeting-21-3-2023/
3. The advance voting of the parliamentary elections begins this Wednesday!

The advance voting of the parliamentary elections begins this Wednesday 22 March!
- Have you already found your candidate? You can find a suitable election candidate for you by attending election events, by filling in voting aid applications or by chatting with candidates and their campaign teams as they give out leaflets.
- When you have found the candidate you want to vote for, decide where and when you want to vote. You can vote in advance on TAMK’s main campus 22.-28.3. so if you are around the main campus, it is easy to vote between lectures! There is also other advance polling stations around the city.
- When you go to vote, remember to bring your ID with you (police-issued ID, passport, driver’s license, or similar photo document). Be careful and follow the instructions given when writing your candidate’s number on the ballot paper.
- Then it is time for election coffee and sweets!
4. Pivo isn’t working? Mobile student card is only on Tuudo!

Pivo isn’t working? Neither should it, because Tamko’s mobile student card is only on Tuudo!
Tuudo is a free app, that has been made to make students’ life a bit easier. in addition to Tamko’s mobile student card, you can find from Tuudo example your timetables, study credits, reservations for classrooms and other TAMK’s spaces, cafeteria’s menu and course enrolments, quite handy!
You can find student card from Tuudo from page menu on right side behind the wallet icon next to your name.
– Check out the detailed instructions from Tamko’s website: https://tamko.fi/news/tamkos-mobile-student-card-can-now-be-found-from-tuudo/
– There is also video instructions on Tamko’s Instagram profile on Tuudo-highlights!
We no longer work with Pivo, so unfortunately the student card can no longer be found in that app.
5. Feedback sessions – Let’s discuss and develop it together!

Student feedback was collected last year in the spring and autumn feedback weeks in the form of a new student and annual feedback surveys. Feedback was also collected from master´s degrees and through Graduation phase survey.
During the spring, students and staff will discuss the feedback at joint degree programme specific events, in which the possible development measures will also be agreed
Follow your Degree Programme’s info on the time of the feedback events, get involved and share your ideas!
Read more from intra: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/news/45752
Feedpack summary can be found from here: Student feedback summary 2022 final.pdf
Schedule for feedpack sessions: https://wiki.tamk.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=195934632
6. GLOBE x CLINT sauna night 23.3.

Do you love sauna? Or do you like board games and hanging out with friend?
Come hang out with GLOBE and CLINT on 23.3 for a sauna night! There will be snacks and soft drinks, board games, friends and of course a hot sauna!
If you don’t like board games, take the opportunity to come hang out and sew your patches on your overalls! Nobody has time for that at home, so do it together with your buddies.
Come enjoy our very first GLOBE event with other international (and not) students! You can wear your overalls to this event.
Tickets from Kide.app: https://kide.app/events/3dc05397-774a-4fc9-b083-0719a2d7dede
WHAT: Sauna and board game night, GLOBE x CLINT
WHERE: Tamko’s sauna, L-building
WHEN: Thursday, March 23rd from 18:00 to 23:00
WHAT TO BRING: sauna equipment (swimming suit + towel) and if you want, your own drinks.
VEGAN and GLUTEN FREE snacks available!
7. Tampere Anti-Rasicm Race 21.3.

Join the Tampere Anti-racism race and enjoy a city-orienteering experience with an important theme! Gather a team, pick a name and register for the race online. You can win lunch with the mayor of Tampere, Anna-Kaisa Ikonen, or tickets to the hockey World Cup games!
Time: 21st March, starts from 12.30-13.30
Where: Central Tampere
Register your team by clicking here!
The event is organised by the City of Tampere International Talent Attraction and Migration service branch as a part of the national week against racism.
Read more about Tampere events & actions during the week: https://internationalhousetampere.fi/fi/rasisminvastainen-viikko/
8. HumaniTarina fundraiser

Few weeks ago we mourned the anniversary of the beginning of Russia’s large scale invasion of Ukraine. This week Tarina Ry offers students an opportunity to take part in helping the victims of the war.
HumaniTarina fundraiser opened on March 1st 2023 and all the proceeds will go towards buying medical and maintenance supplies, portable power stations and protective gear, which will then be donated to International Finnish Rescue Team for them to use in high risk areas of eastern Ukraine. The fundraiser will run through the whole month, ending on March 31st 2023.
Tarina Ry is working together with Ukrainian Association in Finland, who have provided their money collection permit for Tarina Ry to use for the duration of the collection.
When donating, please be mindful about using the reference number stated below. This helps differentiate the donations made for HumaniTarina from other donations Ukrainian Association in Finland collects 🙂
Collection permit number: RA/2022/388
Donation details
Name: Ukrainalaisten yhdistys Suomessa Ry
IBAN: FI87 1544 3000 2751 85
Reference number: 201236
9. TIRO: Joint order for Engineers cap is open – fitting today 20.3.!

Hey engineering student! It’s time to get your Engineers cap on and let that tassel sway! The royal violet and velvety headwear is also known as imppulakki. Best way to use it is at events, especially on First of May.
Who can wear it? Imppulakki is for everyone studying engineering and for those who have already graduated. We’ll have a more colorful Tampere by wearing and showing engineer symbol. TIRO has opened joint order, which will close at the end of the month.
Before you order, you’ll have a chance to try the cap on. Today’s fitting (Monday 20.3.) is happening at Tamko’s office Solu’s downstairs between 10 and 14.
If you already know your size, here is link to the order form: https://kide.app/products/0d95e435-0b4b-4b30-ab38-54a1244c6ce4