Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences.
1. There is still time to apply for international tutoring! TURSASPASSI STAMP!
2. Become a Peer Coach! TURSASPASSI STAMP!
3. Red Cross coin box can be found from Tamko’s office
4. Tr3fest 2022 is happening next week!
5. The storage lockers will be taken out of use in the C-building on TAMK’s Kuntokatu campus
6. Exit rehearsal at main campus on tomorrow Tuesday 22th of March
7. Check out what’s happening at Parvi
8. Feedpack sessions – Let’s discuss and develop it together
9. Answer to SportUni Customer Satisfaction Survey and win Spring 2022 SportUni fee
1. There is still time to apply for international tutoring!

Tamko is searching brave and ambitious international tutors!
Join Tamko’s adventurous bunch of tutors and be there to welcome the new exchange students in August! As an international tutor, you’ll ensure that our exchange students feel welcome in TAMK and have someone they can rely on. Not to worry, you’ll have an excellent network of other international tutors and experts helping you!
Tamko trains all the international tutors of TAMK. The training consists of two sessions in the evening, and the exact dates will be announced later. International tutors are eligible for 2 study credits, one extra point when applying for exchange themselves, and a stamp on the Tursaspassi.
Application period for international tutoring is 14.3. – 3.4.2022
Apply by filling this form: https://forms.office.com/r/m8KkbYsSb5
And after that you are one step closer to joining the adventures of international tutoring!
2. Become a Peer Coach!

Are you interested in supporting other students or would you like make TAMK even more communal and get study credits from it!? Become a Peer Coach! Application period open 21st of March until 10th of April.
Peer Coaching is indented for students from all the study programmes and all different phases of studies.Peer Coaches can support other students example when studies are not proceeding, when returning to studies after or brake or when in need of social contacts. Peer Coach can organize one on one meetings, group meetings or events based on their preferences.
Student Union Tamko will train all the Peer Coaches together with TAMK. First training session is held during this spring. Coaching itself will be starting during autumn semester. If you are motivated to support others and you have positive attitude, you are the person we are looking for!
Apply here! (https://forms.office.com/r/TVp3sqLQjZ)
You can change the language to english from the upper corner.
3. Red Cross coin boxes at Tamko’s office

Finnish Red Cross donation box has arrived to Tamko’s office. If you want, you can donate the suitable amount for you via cash or mobile pay. You can also volunteer to be collector and do good. Visit Tamko’s office and you will get coin box and vest!
4. TR3Fest 2022 is happening next week!

Tr3fest is just around the corner! Wednesday 30th of March. Pakkahuone will be filled with casual vibe,entertaining music and students from all Tampere Universities communities. Get your tickets now for 8 € from Kide.app! Ticket includes TR3fest event, cloakroom and afterparty at the Klubi.
Doors: 19.00
Student band: 20.00
Student band: 21.30
Main performer: 23.00
After party: 00.00–02.00
P.S. For the first thousand visitors, there will be an overall patch!
Get your tickets from here: https://kide.app/events/0e6a2d3a-0977-4a12-ba2b-5c286c413715
Facebook event: https://fb.me/e/1W9Kidvfz
5. The storage lockers will be taken out of use in the C-building on TAMK’s Kuntokatu campus

The lockers in the corridors of building C with a padlock must be empty and the lock removed by 28 March 2022.
If you have a locker in the hallway of Building C with your own padlock, please empty your locker by March 28, 2022. After the deadline, the padlocks will be broken and the contents of the locker will be collected. Please pick up your belongings from the lockers.
6. Exit rehearsal at main campus on tomorrow Tuesday 22th of March

The rehearsal is targeted to the A, E and F buildings at the main campus, starting at around 13:30.
When the fire alarm starts ringing, people only in A, E and F buildings are required to leave the premises.
There will be announcements in the doors of all Exam rooms explaining that the exit demand does not concern students that are having their exams at that time.
The rehearsal on Tuesday is directed by TAMK’s Emergency care students with their Senior Lecturer Pasi Vehniäinen. The rehearsals will continue in the forthcoming years so that all parts of the main campus premises will be covered.
7. Check out what is happening at Parvi!

Spring event coming up!
Save the date! Wednesday 13 April at 11–16 is the day is a national mental health theme day for students and there will be spring happening at TAMK’s main square. There will be music, games, pancakes, stands and other nice surprises. Further details will be announced later.
Worry Cafe
Is the world situation worrying you? You can share your concerns at Parvi Worry Cafe over a cup of coffee or tea.
Friday 25.03.2022 13.00 – 15.00
Friday 01.04.2022 13.00 – 15.00
Student wellbeing group
in Parvi on Thursdays 5-6.30 p.m.
Next time Dream Map. Don’t feel lonely, join our group! Sign up anna.kauppi@tuni.fi
8. Feedback sessions – Let’s discuss and develop it together!

Student feedback was collected last year in the spring and autumn feedback weeks in the form of a new student and annual feedback surveys. Feedback was also collected from master´s degrees and through Graduation phase survey.
During the spring, students and staff will discuss the feedback at joint degree programme specific events, in which the possible development measures will also be agreed
Follow your Degree Programme’s info on the time of the feedback events, get involved and share your ideas!
Read more from intra: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/news/34127
Feedpack summary can be found by clicking this.
Schedule for feedpack sessions: https://wiki.tamk.fi/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=195934632
9. Answer to SportUni Customer Satisfaction Survey and win Spring 2022 SportUni fee

With the feedback from the Customer Satisfaction Survey we can develop SportUni’s services even further. SportUni regularly collects customer feedback in a variety of ways.
Answer the Spring 2022 SportUni Customer Satisfaction Survey and win a Spring 2022 SportUni fee or free course participation for fall 2022. Enter the raffle at the end of the survey by leaving your contact details. The winner will be notified in person.
With the feedback from the Customer Satisfaction Survey we can develop SportUni’s services even further. The survey will be open from March 16 to March 27, 2022.
We treat responses on research ethics principles and as a whole, individual respondents are not identifiable from the material. Thank you.
Here you can find the survey:https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=r0Rp-nzM2EyRVMARMnmJEIA2hogH3vxKkMFuEsg8RyFUREVYMk5HSUNFRDk5RTk4WUZFTkFGOVFZOS4u
(Notice: You will find the English version of the survey from the top and right side of the survey where you can choose the language)