Tursaspassi returning party

The time has come to return your Tursaspassi! Let’s figure out who deserves the Mighty Tursas and Boss Tursas prizes this year and who has earned the title of Active Tursas.

Tursaspassi returning event is held at Solu’s front yard on Wednesday 24.4. at 10am-2pm.
You can get the last stamps and we will be serving grill sausages too! So come and return your Tursaspassi and wish for the win!

Everyone who returns Tursaspassi and has at least 15 stamps which includes 5 stamps from events gets and overall patch + participate in raffle!

See you at Solu!

ps. The official deadline for the return is 30.4., and you can collect stamps until then if you don’t want to hand out the passport in returning event. You can drop the passport to black mailbox in front of our office, if the office is closed.