Tamko’s office opening hours and member services

Tamko’s office member services desk opening hours: Mon-Fri 10am – 2pm. Remember to keep safe distance when queuing to the service desk and wear a mask. If the doors are locked during office hours (8am-4pm), please ring the doorbell. We will update the office opening hours if needed. Good to know when you are coming to Tamko’s office:

  • The old academic year sticker (red) is valid until 30.9.2021
  • You can pay Tamko membership here: tamko.fi/student-card/continue-your-membership
  • OR you can come by to our office and pay the membership with credit card or cash. You’ll also get a new academic year sticker to your student card.
  • You can also get your student card sticker via registered mail.
  • Autumn campaign for 3rd and 4th year students: Free mailing for your academic year sticker.
  • Wait for your turn to get service outside our office (if weather is ok). This way we can keep a safe distance from each other inside our office.
  • For the time being Solu is only open for necessary student services (student cards, SportUni fee, other advice or support to your questions about student life etc.)
  • Use PIVO Mobile student card as often as you can.
  • It is also possible to get a study year sticker for your friend too, in this case please bring their student card with you.

More information:
+358 44 382 6561