Restart the Student Life 6.-26.9. is Tamko’s new student event where you can participate by visiting various checkpoints around Tampere. The event is held on 6 September-26 September 2021. This event is aimed to all TAMK students, especially 2nd year students and other students who have started earlier. Restart the Student life is a fantastic opportunity to get to know Tampere and your classmates! There are over 100 checkpoints to choose from and amazing prices for the best teams. The checkpoints will be in -mobileapp (link will be published later)! Event in Facebook.
Main prices:
- Sticky Wingers -gift card (value 600€)
- Virtual experience at Portal (value 880 €)
- Megazone Tampere (value 530€)
- Escape Room Mysteeri (value 750€)
Prices raffled among all teams who have at least 75 points:
- Irti maasta -climbing experience
- Saunarestaurant Kuuma’s cabinet and sauna rental (mon-thu)
- Access to Space Bowling
- Solu’s sauna rental (including food and snacks) (mon-thu)
Partners for the event: Ammattiliitto Pro, Insinööriliitto IL ry, Tradenomit, Saunaravintola Kuuma, TOAS, Sosiaalialan korkeakoulutettujen ammattijärjestö Talentia ry, Pirkan Opiskelija-asunnot – POAS, NoHo Partners, OP Tampere ja Tresilienssi