A Council’s meeting was held on the 21st of March in classroom B3-28 of TAMK´s main campus. The Council discussed, among the other things, the Gateaway to working life – event, fee of the wellbeing- and culture member and approved sub-association- and project regulations.


  • Tamko’s Strategy for years 2024-2026 is in progress and it will inquire opinions from the Council and from the students in the future.
  • The Council statutory meeting on Wednesday 19th of April 4 pm at E1-09 auditorium
  • Kati Tuomisto has started practical training at Tamko in week 11

Updates from the Council’s chairpersons and teams

The Council’s Chairpersons has e.g. participated in board meeting and morning schools, principal’s morning meet-ups, performance training and WWF-meeting in Marttinen 22-23.2. Chairpersons have been involved in various working groups and attended to stundent’s feedback sessions. Arranging the meetings has also employed the Chairpersons.

Communication team has started posting the meeting invitations and announcements to a Tamko’s social media.

Updates from the board

In addition to the board meetings the board has been involved e.g. arranging events and has been doing parliament election matters, participated SAMOK’s candidate-calling round and student’s feedback sessions. Tutor’s evening training sessions have been held and copter training will be arranged in Marttinen 24-25.3. Board’s Chairpersons have met foreign minister Pekka Haavisto and part of the board also met the Tampere’s mayor. The new wellbeing- and culture member has been introduced to her tasks. Harassment concact training has been arranged to sub-associations.

The Gateaway to working life -recruit event overview

2023 The Gateaway to working life -recruit event´s coordinator Hanna Ojaniemi and Tamko´s communication expert Petra Toivonen introduced the event to the Council. 117 companies participated to the event and profited about 39 000€ to Tamko and 7900€ to a sub-associations who recruited companies to the event. Compared to last years, new things were e.g. visual look, brand colours, websites, music, the presenter and porttibingo. The companies were mostly satisfied the organization of the event and to a student contacts. The event can be prolonged to four days, communication towards the companies can be simplified and data can be collected from the students about how much benefit the event brings. The Gateaway to working life -event will be wanted to be part of the student calendar in the future.

Sub-association and project regulations approval

Tamko’s stakeholder relations actor introduced updated regulations to the Council. After small grammar mistakes and filling the sentence structures the Council approved the new sub-association- and project regulations.

Resignation of a two deputy members

Olivia Syrjä (Tradenomit) and Mikko Kuittinen (Kulttuuri- ja media-ala) have announced their resignation as a deputy members.

The wellbeing- and culture actor’s fee

The board’s new wellbeing- and culture actor Saaga Mylläri was chosen 17th of February by the Council. Since she was elected in middle of the month, The Council discussed about actor’s fee. It was decided that the fee will be paid since the beginning of March. The reasons we’re that the actual act started at the March.

Save the dates!

  • The Council’s statutory meeting on Wednesday, 19th of April 4 pm at E1-09 auditorium