Edustajiston tiedotteet. Sininen edustajistohuppari etualalla ja opiskelijoita juttelemassa taustalla.


A Council meeting was held on the 25th of September 2023 in auditorium E1-06 of TAMK’s main campus. The Council discussed, among other things, the selection of a new member service employee, changes in the composition of the Council, and discussed the expenses due to the abolition of Market Trikoo.

118§ Announcements

– Nominations for the representative elections ended on 3rd of October.

– Siipibingo 11.10.

– The Council discussed Tamko’s participation in the uprising on September 25-27.

119§ News from the Council’s Chairpersons

In addition to the day-to-day activities of the board, the Chairpersons of the Council have participated in the organization of Tursajaiset, campaigned to obtain representative election candidates, and held its own social media day during Tamko’s board social media week. Matters related to representative elections have occupied the Chairpersons as well as the rest of the Council.

The amusement-, culture- and sports team has organized a sauna evening on 12.9. for those interested of the Council.

The communication team has published numerous posts on Tamko’s social media regarding the Council elections.

120§ News from the Board

In addition to meetings, evening schools and executive team morning coffees, Tamko’s board has organized Tursajaiset. The Chairpersons of the board has familiarized the new actor of international affairs with her duties, as well as taking care of the abolition of Market Trikoo. The Vice chairperson has been involved in the recruitment of a new vice-principal, as well as coordinating the organization of the Gateaway to working life- event together with the stakeholder representative. The wellbeing and culture sector has organized Hangouts on the Solu. The communication actor has had its hands full in marketing representative elections and coordinating social media days.

121§ The result of selecting an employee of Tamko’s new member service

Tamko’s board has chosen Berfin Üstün as the new member service employee. Berfin’s employment began on 25th of September 2023. There was a total of 28 applicants for the position. 6 people advanced to the next stage and were interviewed by the Executive director and the Chairperson of the board. The applicant’s advantage was knowledge of Tamko and the student association field, excellent IT skills and experience from customer service.

122§ Changes in the composition of the Council

Berfin Üstün from the Tradenomit list has been selected as an employee of Tamko’s member service, so she can no longer act as a member of the Council. In Berfin’s place was chosen the first deputy member of the Tradenomit list, Miko Nurmi.

Maija Jokinen, deputy member of SoTen Valitut Palat list, is not a present student this fall, so she cannot act as a deputy member of the Council.

123§ Election of a new member of the Central Election Board

Berfin Üstün, a member of the Central Election Board, cannot act as a member of the Central Election Board while he is an employee of Tamko’s member service. Eli Törmä has been elected to replace Berfin on the Central Election Board by decision of the Council.

124§ Election of a new deputy member of the degree Board

The degree board is responsible, for example, for the results of entrance exams and processes correction requests from them. The degree board has a student representative position. The season lasts 2023-2024.

The deputy member of the degree board, Berfin Üstün, will continue the board for the 2023-2024 season, unless he announces his resignation, after which the Council would choose a new deputy member in her place.

§ 125 Selection of a new deputy member of the 2023-2024 delegation of the Tampere Student Housing Foundation (TOAS)

Tamko has two (2) regular and two (2) alternate seats in the Tampere student housing foundation TOAS delegation. Representatives for the 2023-2024 season are elected to the delegation and the delegation meets mainly two (2) times a year.

Matti Hämelahti, who acted as a deputy to Emma Haatainen, who is a full member of the delegation, has announced that he will step down as a deputy member of the Tampere Student Housing Foundation (TOAS) delegation. In Matti’s place, Maija Eskola has been elected as a regular member by the decision of the Council.

 § 126 Capitalization of TCR-Palvelut Oy to pay the expenses resulting from the abolition of Market Trikoo

By the decision of the representatives (Meeting of the Council 6/2023, §101) Market Trikoo’s operation will be abolished in accordance with the proposal of TCR-Palvelut Oy as a trade down. The costs arising from the cessation of operations will be paid by the owners in accordance with the ownership relations.

According to the preliminary estimate of the board members of TCR-Palvelut Oy, the costs to be paid are approx. €160,000. Tamko’s capital, according to the ownership ratio, is €81,600. To pay this expense, some of Tamko’s investments must be withdrawn.

If, in connection with the abolition of operations, costs can be covered with sales revenue more than estimated, the surplus is paid back to the owners.

With the decision of the board of representatives, the necessary €81,600 will be withdrawn from Tamko’s investments by consulting an investment advisor, and TCR-Palvelut Oy will be capitalized with that amount.

127§ New overall badges for the Council elections

The visual appearance of the new voting overalls badges for the Council elections has been decided. The overall badge is continuous, i.e. when voting, the student gets more different badges the more often he votes in representative council elections during years of study. Overall badges are ordered so that they can be distributed during voting time. This year, all voters will receive a blue Newbie overall badge, even if they have also voted in previous years. The purpose is to completely give up the old Vaikutin-overall badge, so they will also be distributed to all willing voters. It was decided to order such quantities of new coverall badges that there would be enough of them for exhibition pieces, as well as to be distributed in the coming years.

§ 128 The other emerge things

• Council T-shirts are ordered in S-XXL sizes 2 each, XXXL-XXXXXL sizes 1 each. • Ideation of Campusravita’s Owner Management strategy.

• Speech at the students’ uprising organized on the main campus on Tuesday 26.9. at 10 a.m., speaker Nona Wallasvaara, chairperson of the representative Council.

Save the dates!

– The next Council meeting on 24th of October at 16:30 in auditorium E1-09

– Organizational meeting of the Council 22nd of Noverber at 16:30 in auditorium E1-06