Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences.
1. Hangouts board game night 5.2.
2. Give feedback about Gateway to Working Life
3. Student, be sure to vote in the second round of presidential elections!
4. February events at Parvi – join us!
5. Hönähoki hockey tournament
6. Tolu’s weekly sports in spring
1. Hangouts board game night 5.2.

Welcome to Hangouts!
Tamko organise a board game night where you can challenge other players in board games in February! We offer different board games but you can also bring your own games. Come to Solu’s sauna in 5th if February at 5pm. You can also just come to hang out and enjoy the sauna and so bring your own sauna attire.
Tamko offers snacks and drinks but you can also bring your own snacks.
Hangouts is a free and alcohol-free event.
See you on Hangouts!
WHAT? Board game Hangouts
WHEN? At Solu’s Sauna
WHERE? 5th of February at 5pm
All events of the Student Union Tamko are completely harassment-free and no harassment or discrimination of any kind will be tolerated. Harassment contact persons can be reached at email address hairintayhdyshenkilot@tamko.fi. If you would like more information about the accessibility or accessibility of the event, please contact saavutettavuus@tamko.fi
2. Give feedback about Gateway to Working Life

Gateway to Working Life recruitment event was held last week at TAMK’s main campus and a total of 120 companies participated during the three days.
We thank all visitors warmly!
Through this form we ask you to leave us feedback so that we can develop the event for next year! https://www.lyyti.fi/questions/f92495964d
3. Student, be sure to vote in the second round of presidential elections!

Advance voting for the second round of the Presidential election starts on Wednesday!
By voting, you influence which of the candidates will hold the Presidency for the next six years. The candidates are Alexander Stubb of the Coalition Party and Pekka Haavisto of the constituency association. Finnish citizens aged 18 or more on 11 February 2024 have the right to vote.
You can vote for any of the candidates. If you decide to vote in advance, you can do so in any polling station. You will need to take along your passport, ID card, driving licence or other form of ID bearing your photo. Advance voting in Finland takes place from 31 January to 6 February, and abroad from 31 January to 3 February.
For more information about the presidential election, go to the Ministry of Justice website vaalit.fi/en.
4. February events at Parvi – join us!

Parvi offers support for studying and well-being for all students, come and join us! February’s Sparris study skills workshops in English:
Tips for Writing
Tue 13.2.2024 at 15 – 16, Zoom: https://tuni.zoom.us/j/66036364437?pwd=RGdZVklnZmxFQUJITUNPVHc5Z2ZhQT09
Stage- Fright Tips
Thu 1.2.2024 at 15 – 16, Parvi B1-24
Don’t forget Parvi’s support for independent work online in the weekly Get Stuff Done!- workshops.
If you need some uninterrupted reading/working time without the distraction of smart devices, come to the Parvi’s Not-So-Smart- Morning Coffee events on 6.2 (theme: reading paeace) & 20.2, from 8.30-10 am. Coffee will be made by TAMK’s study ability counsellor Elina. Welcome!
Read more here: Not-So-Smart Morning Coffee.
If you need help in making CV and formulating job applications, pop to February’s job search clinics in Parvi on 1.2 &15.2 at 13-15.
Finnish language clubs have also started. The club is held every Wednesday from 15-16.30 at Parvi (B1-24). Join us in a casual and relaxed discussion to share experiences, learn some basic Finnish and meet other students!
Remember to come and enjoy the activities of the BetterTogether- Valentine’s Day Event organised by Parvi, Tamko & SportUni.
You can keep up-to-date with all Parvi events and activities by following the Parvi calendar. Don’t forget to also follow the TAMK Parvi Instagram- account: @tamkparvi!
5. Hönähoki hockey tournament!

Welcome to the Hönähoki hockey tournament!
Are you ready to experience the spirit of the student community and the pulsating hockey atmosphere on the ice? Hönähoki is coming to Tampere on 17.-18 February 2024, and you are invited to join us to create unforgettable moments on the ice!
Event description:
The Hönähoki tournament is a two-day ice hockey event. It’s a two-day hockey tournament that will take place in two days. Form your own team and play against other teams in a 4 vs. 4 format. There will be great prizes and, most importantly, a great student community spirit. The event is open to anyone who wants to participate in the tournament or cheer on their team.
What? – Hönähoki
When? – 17-18.2.2024
Where? – Pyynikki sports field, Tampere
Afterparties? – offical afterparty: Hedi’s bier bar Tampere
What to wear? – Overalls and a team uniform or jersey agreed between your team and your team.
Sign up and get your tickets early to experience the frenzy of hockey! See you on the ice!
More information: KIDE.APP
6. Tolu’s weekly sports in spring

Welcome to Tolu’s weekly sports on Tuesdays at 5 to 6.30 pm!
We’ll gather at Kauppi SportUni. We play all kinds of ball sports with an easy-going atmosphere. You don’t have to be a pro of any kind to participate, and beginners and first timers are welcome no matter the sport. On the poster attached you’ll see the planned sports for the spring. “Toivelaji” is a monthly occurring thing based on your wishes. Which means that once a month you get to decide which sports, we play. We’ll hold a poll in Instagram, but you may also present your wish at weekly sports gathering.
To participate you need to have SportUni membership or pay the one-time fee 7€ at the entrance.