Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences.
1. Solu’s opening times during self studying week 42
2. Stand as candidate in Tamko’s Council elections!
3. Join the activities organized by Peer Coaches
4. Fairtrade week’s treasure hunt on Wednesday 12.10. TURSASPASSI STAMP
5. Joint departure to Hämeenkadun Appro 13.10.
6. Finnish Culture Shock 2.11.2022
7. Kela has sended requests for information about academic progress
8. Student, stop by for a coffee 13.10. to give your opinion about students’ services!
9. Give feedpack how your courses went!
10. We invite you to join energy saving week
11. Graduating student: TAMK Career Services support you in transition in working life
1. Solu’s opening times during self studying week

Tamko’s office Solu opening times during self studying week (week 42)
Mon-Fri 10am to 2pm
Welcome to change student card sticker, buy overall patches and borrow sports equipment!
2. Stand as candidate in Tamko’s Council elections

Tamko’s Council elections for 2023 will be held between 26.10 – 9.11.2022. Twenty-one members are elected to the Council. All members of the Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences who are registered as attending and have paid the Students’ Union’s membership fee have a right to vote in the elections.
All members who have a right to vote may stand as candidates. The nomination of candidates is open until tomorrow 11.10.2022 12:00 AM. The forms for candidates and lists are available on Tamko’s website.
Why to stand as a candidate in Council elections?
– You will meet new people, make new friends
– You can influence Tamko’s activities and if you wish participate in e.g. organizing events
– You will learn important working life skills, such as meeting practices and you will understand the structure and operation of larger organizations
– You get to influence the student experience by bringing out your own and other students’ opinions
– Possibility to get study credits
– Add to CV
– You get new experiences
You can find more information about standing as candidate in council elections and other useful information about Council elections from our website: https://tamko.fi/students-union/council/council-elections/ And from our social media!
3. Join the activities organized by Peer Coaches

Would you like to have some support for your studies? Or have you transported to TAMK from some other University and would like to meet new people? Join the activities organized by Peer Coaches!
Peer Coaching is form of peer guidance at TAMK, that welcomes everyone who could support to join.
Coaches are fellow students who have been trained to work as Peer Coaches. They organize both one on one meetings and group meetings. You can apply if you have some issues or if you just want to meet new people or participate example in a study group. Objectives and meeting times will be discussed together with the Coach.
You can apply by filling out this form (https://forms.office.com/r/L3k9jVRnYg). You can change the language from right upper corner. The applications are handled with confidence. We hope participants to join by 24th of October, but you can fill the application also later.
For more information please contact Tamko’s expert in tutoring Elli Korhonen via email elli@tamko.fi or by phone +358440826567
4. Fairtrade week’s treasure hunt on Wednesday 12.10.

We are participating in Fairtrade week 10.-16.10.2022!
We are organizing a treasure hunt on TAMK’s main campus on Wednesday 12.10. where you can search hidden Fairtrade products around the campus. Come to see us on a stand at 11-13, there will also be overall patches!
You can also participate treaseure hunt on Mediapolis campus!
More info coming to Tamko’s social media 🙂
5. Joint departure to Hämeenkadun Appro 13.10.

Would you like to see what looks like one of the biggest student events, Hämeenkadun Appro, in Finland? Or do you have a ticket but don’t yet know who to go with?
Tamko and Parvi are organizing joint departure to Hämeenkadun Approt on 13th of October at 16.30 from TAMK Parvi (B1-24.) Come to meet new people from different degree programmes and enjoy the big event feel at Tampere city centre. At Parvi there will be a group leader to meet you. Moving from TAMK to city centre will be done (most likely) by tram. You can tour with the group for as long as you wish, and you don’t need to have Appro ticket to participate the group. The group will decide themselves where they would like to go and in what order.
Please get the free “ticket” from Kide.app if you want to join the group, so we know approximately how many participants to expect https://kide.app/events/21984a78-8553-4ca9-b6d8-e3d99d243cda.
6. Finnish Culture Shock 2.11.2022

Have you ever wondered what`s so special about finnish culture? Now you have the chance to come and witness it for yourself!
Come and enjoy finnish fingerfoods, take part in finnish outdoor games and see if you dare to take on the finnish sauna.
Half of the tickets will be sold to exchange students and half to TAMK students, so you will also have the chance to meet new friends.
This event is organized from students for students.
When? 2nd of November at 17.00–22.30
Where? at Tamko’s office Solu sauna facilities, Kuntokatu 3, L-building
Tickets?Ticket sale begins at Kide.appissa on Wednesday 12.10. at 12.00
Price? 6 €
Bring your own drinks!
7. Kela has sended requests for information about academic progress

15,600 Students in higher education who do not meet the minimum credit requirement for financial aid have received a request for further information. The deadline for replying to the request is 25 October 2022. Students can use the OmaKela e-service to reply.
Reply and explain the reasons for the lack of progress. You may continue to get financial aid if your progress was slowed for an acceptable reason. Based on the reply, Kela will consider whether there are acceptable reasons for unsatisfactory academic progress.
Read more: https://www.kela.fi/study-progress-higher-education
If you have recieved a request from Kela to tell further information about your study progress please answer them and explain how things are, Even if you would miss the due date in October you can still answer later. The form is open until November.
8. Student, stop by for a coffee 13.10. to give your opinion about students’ services!

Welcome to join student walk-in workshop on Thursday 13.10. at 13-14:30 at Parvi (main campus B1-24)! The purpose of the workshop is to develop services on service street and Parvi, together with students.
You can attend any time between 13-14.30. Staff will be there the whole time to guide in the questions.
Leave your contact information and you can win movie tickets. Enjoy pastor’s coffee and bun so you’ll have energy for Hämeenkadun Appro. No pre-registration is needed. Welcome!
9. Give feedback how your courses went!

The first period is coming to an end and the course implementations are nearly completed. Giving and receiving constructive feedback are important working life skill! The course feedback system (OJP) is ready to receive your feedback.
In the spring semester 2022, altogether 51,354 feedbacks were given. Many thanks to all the students who gave feedback! Now is the time to do it again.
How did your period and courses worked out? Where did we succeeded and what would be good to develop in the future?
Intra news: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/news/42468
10. We invite you to join energy saving week

TAMK takes part in the national “Down a degree” energy saving week. Its aim is to get people living in Finland to take concrete, quick and effective actions for saving energy.
What can you do? – Pick your daily tips on the intranet
Link to Intra: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/news/42547
11. Graduating student: TAMK Career Services support you in transition in working life

TAMK Career Services provide personal career counselling for all TAMK students and support in transitions in working life.
You can get support for example in:
· Updating your CV, cover letter and LinkedIn-profile
· Seeking and applying for jobs
· Promoting your competence and searching for hidden jobs
In 30 min Interview simulator you will gain more experience from job interview situation and improve your readiness for future job interviews. You can book a personal career counseling or time for interview simulator from TAMK Jobteaser– service appointments -section.