Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences.
1. Get a new student card sticker, the old one expires this Friday!
2. Stand as candidate in Tamko’s Council elections
3. Become a Peer Coach!
4. New student! There is still time to get your free coffee from Kide.app!
5. Remember to pay student healthcare fee by this Friday 30.9.!
6. Student, share your experiences and views on learning and studying in higher education
7. Outdoor Express bus take you near the nature during autumn break in October!
8. OP Tampere student campus tour at TAMK main campus 6.10.!
1. Get a new student card sticker, the old one expires this Friday!

Now it is good time to come to Tamko’s office and change student card’s sticker to a new one. Black 9/2022 sticker expires by the end of the September. Our office is open Monday to Friday 9-16.
Usually new academic year stickers are to be picked up from Tamko’s office but if you live outside of Tampere you can buy mailing to your sticker through Kide.app for the price of 2€. We only mail stickers for students who live outside of Tampere. You can purchase the mailing for the sticker from this link: https://kide.app/products/8987538d-0810-487e-8455-843b8a43ff73
We also recommend to use mobile student card to get all the student discounts that you would get using the physical card. A Tamko member can use the student card found in the Pivo mobile application free of charge when using student discounts. If you have paid your Tamko membership, Pivo will work automatically after end of September too. That means that you can get all student discounts even if you wouldn’t have time to pick up the new sticker before the end of the month.
Please contact us office@tamko.fi if you have any questions!
2. Stand as candidate in Tamko’s Council elections

Tamko’s Council elections for 2023 will be held between 26.10 – 9.11.2022. Twenty-one members are elected to the Council. All members of the Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences who are registered as attending and have paid the Students’ Union’s membership fee have a right to vote in the elections.
All members who have a right to vote may stand as candidates. The nomination of candidates is open until 11.10.2022 12:00 AM. The forms for candidates and lists are available on Tamko’s website. Please note that Council’s working language is Finnish.
Working at Council you will get more out of student life. You will meet new people, make new friends and practice conference standards. All the decicions are made together, you don´t have to work alone! As as student you are expert!
You can find more information about standing as candidate in council elections and other useful information about Council elections from our website: https://tamko.fi/students-union/council/council-elections/ And follow our social media!
3. Become a Peer Coach!

Sports coach, finance coach, spiritual coach… What kind of coach YOU would be for another student?
Are you interested in supporting other students or would you like make TAMK even more communal and get study credits from it!? Become a Peer Coach!
Peer Coaching is indented for students from all the study programmes and all different phases of studies. Peer Coaches can support other students example when studies are not proceeding, when returning to studies after brake or when in need of social contacts. Peer Coach can organize one on one meetings, group meetings or events based on their preferences.
Student Union Tamko will train all the Peer Coaches together with TAMK. Training session is held during 4th October and you will be given support throughout the coaching. Coaching itself will be starting during second period. If you are motivated to support others and you have positive attitude, you are the person we are looking for!
Application period is from 19th of September until 30th of September 2022.
Apply here: https://forms.office.com/r/TVp3sqLQjZ
You can change the language to English from the upper corner
4. New student! There is still time to get your free coffee from Kide.app!

There is still time to get your free cup of coffee or tea to warm up autumn days!
OP Tampere is offering offee or tea for new students! You can get the free coffee by getting the coupon from Kide.app during the campaign, one coupon per student. There is limited amount of coupons available.
As a part of cooperation of OP Tampere and Tamko, this coupon is only for Tamko members, membership is checked at the cashier. The coupon is valid only in Campusravita or Mediapolis cafe until 30.9.2022 and applies only to normal, regular size coffee/tea.
Link to Kide.app coupon: https://kide.app/products/656602dc-8c6c-483f-a0c7-140712f8efa5
You can buy cute Tursas in coffee cup- overall patch from Solu!
5. Remember to pay student healthcare fee by this Friday 30.9.!

The student healthcare fee must be paid by students who are completing a degree at a Finnish institution of higher education and have registered as attending for the term.
- No bill will be sent on the healthcare fee, and thus you have to pay the fee on your own initiative.
- In 2022, the healthcare fee will be EUR 35.80 per term.
- The fee must be paid once per term (spring and autumn).
For the autumn term, the due date of payment for the healthcare fee is this week’s Friday 30th ofSeptember 2022, provided you have registered as attending by then.
NOTE: If you have social security coverage in another EU/EEA country or in Switzerland or the United Kingdom, you do not have to pay the healthcare fee. However, you are allowed to use the FSHS’s services.
Find more information on Kela’s website:
How to pay the student healthcare fee in higher education
6. Student, share your experiences and views on learning and studying in higher education

Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) evaluates the state and reform of higher education pedagogy in Finland. Important part of the evaluation is a survey for higher education students. The aim of the survey is to obtain diverse information on students’ experiences and views on learning and studying in higher education.
FINEEC hopes that every higher education student will respond to the survey based on their own experiences of studying. Everyone’s answer is important.
The survey is open until 7.10.2022. Responding takes around 20-25 minutes.
More information on the evaluation: Evaluation of the state and reform of higher education pedagogy
Once the evaluation has been completed, the responses will be archived, and they can be handed over for research use. The answers that will be archived will be anonymised. The results of the survey will be reported in a way that makes it impossible to identify individual respondents.
Thank you for participating in the evaluation!
7. Outdoor Express bus take you near the nature during autumn break in October!

Outdoor Express bus service trial continues on the autumn break in mid-October, when the bus takes you from the city center directly to Seitseminen natural park or Kintulammi nature reserve. Book your trip via outdoorexpress.fi!
At the end of the summer, the Outdoor Express bus service was successfuly trialed to Seitseminen and Helvetinjärvi national parks. The trial will continue during the autumn break week, when you can travel by Outdoor Express to:
- Kintulammi hiking and nature reserve on both autumn break weekends, October 15-16 and October 22-23. The bus goes to Kintulammi and back twice each day.
- Seitseminen national park on Wednesday and Thursday, October 19-20. The bus goes to Seitseminen and back once each day, so you can make a day trip or stay overnight.
We continue to collect feedback and suggestions from passengers on the bus trips for the development and expansion of Outdoor Express bus service. The feedback so far has proven that the service is needed, for example: “Excellent service, have been waiting for such for years now!”
Tickets, additional information and timetables: outdoorexpress.fi (apologies, only in Finnish)
8. OP Tampere student campus tour at TAMK main campus 6.10.!

Meet OP Tampere banking specialists on campus!
Let’s have a chat about banking and insurance topics, take part in lottery and enjoy Kismet chocolate bar! Come to see what else we have there!
-Tampere University, City centre campus, Main building Tue 4.10. 10-14
-TAMK, Main Campus Thu 6.10. 10-14
-Tampere University, Hervanta campus, Kampusareena Tue 11.10. 10-14
See you soon!