1. Tamko’s summer
2. By voting in the EU elections, you also influence students’ rights
3. Tursaspassi winners
4. Comment our regional and municipal election programme!
5. Entrance exams at TAMK, avoid moving at main campus
6. Kamula is open during the summer
7. SyysFest tickers are now on sale!
8. Meetings for student with kids at Kamula
9. Support during summer
10. FSHS serves students throughput summer
11. Loneliness survey for TAMK students
1 Tamko’s summer

Until 31.5. Solu is open as usual
Monday – Thursday 9-16
Fridays from 9-15
3.-14.6. Solu is open with reduced opening hours:
Mon-Fri from 10-14.
17.6.-31.7. Solu is closed
If you have urgent Tamko-related questions quring this time, you can send an email to office@tamko.fi or call +358 44 382 6561. Please note that due to summer holidays, there may be a delay in replies.
1.8. Solu is open again!
Monday – Thursday 9-16
Fridays from 9-15
New academic year stickers will be available to pick up from Solu from 1st of August.
The current 9/2024 sticker on student cards is valid until the end of September so there is no rush to sticker exchange. Also remember that as a member your mobile student card works in Tuudo and Slice even if you haven’t had time to change the physical sticker on your student card yet.
We will also start shipping the student card stickers in August, so if you live outside Tampere and cannot pick up the sticker, you can buy the mailing to sticker via Kide.app: https://kide.app/products/8987538d-0810-487e-8455-843b8a43ff73
Tamko’s weekly newsletter Tamko Topics will go for a summer break but will return in August!
During this time you can follow our summertime information in social media:
Instagram: @opiskelijakuntatamko
Facebook: Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulun opiskelijakunta Tamko
2. By voting in the EU elections, you also influence students’ rights!

Student, your future is worth your vote. Remember to vote in the EU elections!
Voting in advance 29.5.-4.6.
You can vote in advance at any polling stations, which you can find at www.aanestyspaikat.fi.
Election day 9th of June
On Election day you can only vote in your own polling station.
Remember to bring your ID.
Tamko is part of SAMOK (National Union of Students in Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences) and they have made a campaign with SYL (National Union of University Students in Finland) which has three focus points that affect students:
1. Ban unpaid internships
2. Make student exchanges smoother
3. A union more focused on peacebuilding
Use your voice to shape Europe’s future. By voting in the EU elections, you also influence students’ rights!
3. Tursaspassi winners

Which freshman was the most active? The winners of Tursaspassi 2023-2024 have been ruled!
The most active freshmen were awarded with the honorable titles Active-tursas, Boss-tursas and Mighty-tursas. This year’s Active-tursas collected 66 stamps, Boss-tursas 80 stamps and Mighty-tursas a whopping 83 stamps on their Tursaspassi! We also gave away Campusravita gift cards to four lucky Tursaspassi returners.
The winners have been notified personally.
Congratulations to the winners for having an active first year and a big thank you to all who returned their Tursaspassi!
4. Comment our regional and municipal election programme!

We, Tamko and TREY, work closely together regarding local city advocacy in order to keep Tampere as the best city to live and study in. We have jointly prepared a regional and municipal election programme, which outlines our objectives regarding the regional and municipal elections of 2025 and the advocacy work that will take place after the elections.
The draft of the election programme can be commented on until 1 September 2024. Tell us what you think of our local advocacy goals!
Comment form for the programme: https://forms.office.com/e/xd8LxgA3kp (log in using your tuni-account)
5. Entrance exams at TAMK, avoid moving at campus

The national UAS entrance examination of spring 2024 will be held on 27.-30.5. when six test events will be held at TAMK. In order for the entrance exam to run smoothly, we hope that there will be no unnecessary movement on campus these days.
If you have to come to the campus, avoid using the main door on the Teiskontie side between 8-9 am and 12.30-14 pm.
Thank you for your cooperation!
6. Kamula is open during the summer!

The student meeting place Kamula is open all summer. Kamula is open weekly, but during the summer we’ll do more outdoor activities, participate in events, and make day trips.
Upcoming events:
- Newcomers evening, Thru 30.5.
- Graduation Party for everyone, Thru 6.6.
- Manse Pride Parade Pre-Party and Parade, Sat 15.6.
- Newcomers evening, Wed 19.6.
- Midsummer Party, Fri 21.6.
Kamula is a free of charge and alcoholic free meeting place for students in Amuri (Mustanlahdenkatu 18).K Kamula opened on 12.9.2023 to strengthen students’ mental well-being and reduce loneliness. Kamula is a community and you are also invited to join!
More information about Kamula
7. SyysFest tickets are now on sale!

The fastest student event of the autumn in Särkänniemi on Tuesday 3.9.2024!
SyysFest gathers students together in Särkänniemi to celebrate the first big event of the autumn.
This is the fifth year when SyysFest will arrive in Särkänniemi at the beginning of the semester and it has been sold out well in advance in previous years, so be sure to get your tickets!
Tickets: https://kide.app/events/4b3e5113-92ad-4820-9090-1e93e80987de
WHAT?: SyysFest student event
WHERE?: at Särkänniemi, Tampere
WHEN?: 3.9.2024 at 16-21
HOW MUCH?: 15 € (+ Kide.app service fee 0,50 €)
Ticket needs to be changed to wristband.
Monday 2.9. 11am – 4pm
Tamko’s office Solu’s yard
At the day of the event 3.9. at 15.30-18.30
at Särkänniemi
8. Meetings for student with kids!

Meetings for students with families in Kamula starting on Mon, May 27th from 4pm to 6.30pm
- meetings every other Monday from 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM
- chatting for parents and playmates for children
- free snacks available, also heating your own food is possible
- an instructor who is responsible for general enjoyment is present
- children are under the responsibility of their parents
Kamula is a meeting place for students in Amuri, located at Mustalahdenkatu 18. The activity is free of charge and substance-free.
Welcome with your kids!
Registration: kamula.melvio.app
More information: riikka.manninen@ahjola.fi or tel. 044 553 8422.
This activity is funded by the city of Tampere and carried out in collaboration with Student’s Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences (Tamko) and Student Union of Tampere University (TREY).
9. Support during summer

TAMK Parvi would like to wish all TAMK students a relaxing summertime!
Parvi activities and workshops will end for the summertime at the end of May. However, you can use the Parvi space (B1-24) for independent studying also in June and July. Please keep in mind that help and support from our partner organisations is available both in the Tampere region and nationwide during the summer. So don’t be left alone with your concerns! In addition to this short summary, keep an eye on the upcoming news on summer services in Intra.
- Parempi mieli offers personalised counselling during the summer, too. You can book an appointment directly with the staff via a text message, email, or WhatsApp, as well as via Instagram and the online “I want to chat” button.
- Kamula is a meeting place for students to socialise and meet one another in relaxed atmosphere. For more information and a weekly schedule, see Instagram @kamulatampere
- For any feelings of loneliness summer might bring, check out what Helsinki Missio has to offer for preventing loneliness, both independently or with the support of free counselling sessions: For Adults — HelsinkiMissio, The Loneliness Workbook — HelsinkiMissio.
- Meeting place Mukana is an intercultural and relaxed meeting place in Tampere, open for everyone. You can find us at Rautatienkatu 17 (street level). In Mukana you can meet new people, play games, play sports, practice Finnish as well as take part in workshops and excursions. Mukana is open on Monday-Friday from 12 pm to 5 pm. Tel 050 3134 415. Check more at IG @kohtaamispaikka_mukana and Facebook.
- If you need urgent support in a crisis, you may call the Crisis Helpline in English 24/7, by MIELI Mental Health in Finland. Find out more via this link.
- Social counselling for international students will be on a holiday during 10 June – 14 July 2024.
Follow @tamkparvi on Instagram and keep an eye on Parvi’s upcoming activities in the autumn semester 2024! Don’t fly solo – join Parvi!
10. FSHS serves students throughout summer

We at the FSHS will serve students in higher education institutions throughout the summer.
The nationwide telephone services for the need for treatment assessments and service guidance are available throughout the summer Mon-Thurs from 8.00 am to 3.00 pm and Fri from 8.00 am to 2.00 pm. Please note that FSHS service units, SelfChat and FSHS nationwide telephone services are closed on Midsummer Eve, Friday 21.6.
SelfChat is open on weekdays
- in matters related to general and mental health Mon–Fri 9 am to 11 am
- in matters related to oral health Mon–Fri 9 am to 11 am.
- the chat line for hearing-impaired customers is open Mon–Thu 8 am–3 pm and Fri 8 am–2 pm.
FSHS´s service units in Tulli and Hervanta in Tampere are open on weekdays throughout the summer.
Read more: https://www.yths.fi/en/news/2024/check-fshss-opening-hours-during-the-summer-season-2024/
11. Loneliness survey for TAMK students

TAMK participates in the School to Belong programme, an initiative to reduce loneliness. The programme aims to recognize and alleviate loneliness. It is something the school community works for together.
We are interested in learning what experiences of loneliness or isolation you might have had. By completing the survey you will help your institution to reduce loneliness. Every response matters!
Answer the survey here: https://link.webropol.com/s/opiskelijat-stb-2024