Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences.
1. Solu is closed on Ascension Day 26.5.
2. Campusravita summer 2022 opening times
3. Check out what’s happening at Parvi
4. Avoid unnecessary traffic on main campus during national entrance exams
5. Open Call for Cultural Happenings
6. Questionnaire about bullying in higher education
1. Solu is closed on Ascension Day 26.5.

Solu is closed on Ascension Day 26.5.
Otherwise we are open regularly and you are welcomed for a coffee or borrow some sports equipment!
2. Campusravita summer 2022 opening times

30.5.-17.6. DeliCafe open 7.45-15 Lunch, take away and Delisalad from B-lines 10.30-14
Campus Shop on summer break 20.5.-7.8.
Personnel lunch line on summer break 30.5.-7.8.
Campusravita is closed between 20.6.-31.7.
3. Check out what is happening at Parvi!

Examples of activity taking place this week:
Parvi Chat is Open!
Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9-11
Tuesday and Wednesday at 15-16
The Finnish Language Club- Walk to Pyynikki Forest
Wednesday at 16-18
Get Stuff Done will be held during May on Tuesdays at 12-14, Wednesdays at 16-18 and Thursdays at 12-14.
CV-clinic every week this spring on Thursdays at 13-15 (Parvi). You can also find a Student Counselor/Teacher for Special Needs and Student Wellbeing Advisor have a walk-in nearly each day of the week at Parvi.
HOX! No activity on May 26th (Ascension Day).
Parvi calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=tamkparvi@gmail.com&ctz=Europe/Helsinki
Parvi’s Instagram: @tamkparvi!
Parvi’s Linktree: Linktr.ee/tamkparvi
See you at Parvi!
4. Avoid unnecessary traffic on main campus during national entrance exams

The national UAS entrance exams will be held from 31st of May to June 2nd when six examinations will be held at TAMK main campus. Please avoid unnecessary traffic on main campus during those days.
If you have to come to campus, avoid using the main door on Teiskontie between 7.30am and 9am & 12.30pm and 2pm.
Thanks for co-operating!
5. Open Call for Cultural Happenings

Operation Pirkanmaa is holding an open call for Cultural Happenings to take place across Tampere Region’s municipalities.
Between 2022 and 2024, Operation Pirkanmaa will continue the legacy of the Tampere26 ECoC bid and help implement numerous culture programmes planned during it. Now, the project has announced the first call for new cultural content. This open call will lead to over 60 cultural happenings in the Tampere Region from August to December 2022.
Operation Pirkanmaa’s Cultural Happenings have no admission fees, are open to everyone, can be participatory workshops or expressions of different art forms, and will take in place Tampere and elsewhere across the region. Their purpose is to increase cultural activity for the region’s locals in their everyday lives, as well as to enable previously planned ideas or artworks to be implemented in new environments.
Operation Pirkanmaa is calling for concepts of three different sizes. A remuneration of 1,500, 4,500 or 9,000 euros will be paid for each of the chosen events. A total of nearly 200,000 € has been reserved for this. The network of Tampere Region’s heads of culture will select which concepts will be implemented. The call is open until 2nd June 2022.
More information: https://www.operaatiopirkanmaa.fi/en/news/open-call-for-cultural-happenings/
6. Questionnaire about bullying in higher education

Roosa Vehviläinen is a student of education at Tampere university.They are doing a Master’s thesis about students’ perceptions of bullying in higher education. They invite you to participate in this research if you have any experience of this topic. Your experiences may be first-hand or you may have otherwise been involved in bullying in higher education.
The collection of data is carried out anonymously by using a questionnaire. The questionnaire contains five open questions and does not collect background information or any identifiable data of the respondent. Depending on the length of your answers the estimated time to complete the questionnaire is 10-30 minutes.
Here is the link for the questionnaire: https://forms.office.com/r/xQU3AtpaLC