Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences.
1. Solu is closing at 2pm this Friday
2. New overall patches from Solu!
3. Student-welfare for all -citizens’ initiative
4. SyysFest is coming in autumn!
5. Check out what’s happening at Parvi
6. Wellbeing and credits?
7. Study buddy Moodle
8. How to improve everyday safety at Tampere?
1. Solu is closing at 2pm this Friday

Solu is closing at 2pm this Friday 20.5.
Other than that we are open normally from 9am to 4pm.
You are welcomed to visit us!
2. Get new overall patches from Solu!

New overall patches have arrived! Fix up your overalls during the Summer using Tamko’s new patches. You can get them from Solu or straight to your home from Kide.app. Members can get the patches for just 2€ at our office, this deal you won’t want to miss!
We also have charity patches to support Pesu and Seta. Support a good cause!
Click here to go shopping: https://kide.app/products/4b31e96b-46ec-406e-bd06-e6d806e4a095
3. Student-welfare for all -citizens’ initiative

Higher education students are not covered by statutory student welfare, but some education providers pay for services offered by psychologists and social workers. At the national level, the availability of services varies and the services are not managed in a coordinated manner, which inevitably discriminates against higher education students in terms of service availability and quality.
For this reason, we propose that the Finnish Parliament take action to enact a law on the student welfare of higher education students to guarantee all higher education students equal access to services offered by psychologists and social workers. A separate law would recognise higher education students’ need for support, facilitate multidisciplinary collaboration and guarantee the continuous provision of services supporting student welfare from preschool education to higher education.
Sign the citizens’ initiative here: https://www.kansalaisaloite.fi/fi/aloite/10507
Unfortunately the website is only in Finnish and Swedish. You can still sign the citizens’ initiative by clicking “Kannata aloitetta” button and then using online identification to signthe citizens’ initiative.
4. SyysFest is coming in autumn!

Opiskelijan Tampere’s and Särkänniemi’s SyysFest is here again! For the fourth time this student festival will hit Särkänniemi right in the beginning of the academic year on 6.9.2022!
See Tampere upside down in X and be prepare for the last drop in Log River! SyysFest is the best way for students to get to know the pride of Tampere, Särkänniemi Theme Park. So find your overalls, invite friends to come along and have the most awesome night in the rides!
In SyysFest Särkänniemi Theme Park is reserved for students only! All the craziest rides are open and also restaurants, kiosks and games. More information will come along the summer, so follow our social media channels:
When? Tuesday 6th September 16−21
Where? Särkänniemi, Tampere
Where to buy tickets? from Kide.app:
Price? Ticket 14 € + Kide.app service fee 0,40 €
The ticket will be changed to a Särkänniemi wristband. You also need a valid student card or certificate.
Bracelet exchange:
Friday 2.9. 11am – 1pm at university, centre campus
Friday 2.9. 2pm – 3pm at Tampere University of Technology, TUT
Monday 5.9. 11am – 2pm at Tampere University of Applied Sciences
In the event on 6.9. at Särkänniemi from 3.30 pm till 6.30pm
5. Check out what is happening at Parvi!

Examples of activity taking place this week:
Spring Excursion to Makkarajärvi
Tuesday at 14-17
Nyyti’s groupchat- Can I Find My Position in Working Life?
Tuesday at 18-20
The Finnish Language Club- Visit to Tahmelan Huvila
Wednesday at 16-18, Tahmelan Huvila, Uramonkatu 9
Get Stuff Done will be held during May on Tuesdays at 12-14, Wednesdays at 16-18 and Thursdays at 12-14.
CV-clinic every week this spring on Thursdays at 13-15 (Parvi). You can also find a Student Counselor/Teacher for Special Needs and Student Wellbeing Advisor have a walk-in nearly each day of the week at Parvi.
Parvi calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=tamkparvi@gmail.com&ctz=Europe/Helsinki
Parvi’s Instagram: @tamkparvi!
Parvi’s Linktree: Linktr.ee/tamkparvi
See you at Parvi!
6. Wellbeing and credits?

Are you interested in your own personal development and growth? Have you been feeling stressed lately? Feeling stuck or overwhelmed with studies?
NN00FU47 Finding Balance In Student Life 3 cr is based on wellbeing and life skills program and offers practical tools for enhancing wellbeing and addressing motivation challenges as well as stress-related issues. Course consists of self-paced online learning (series of podcasts, videos and learning exercises), you will also need to acquire additional knowledge in literature. Individual assignments are learning diary and reflection paper. Learning materials are in English.
Enroll: 28.4.-13.10.2022
Course: 1.6.-31.12.2022
More information from Intra news: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/news/36411
7. Study buddy Moodle

Would you like to find new friends or peer support for your studies? Through Study Buddy Moodle you can find company for studying or people to hang out with or put together informal study groups.
You can leave your own announcement which you can use to indicate what sort of study company you are looking for. You can also find other students’ announcements on the Moodle area. Contact other students whose announcements catch your eye!
You can also put together informal study groups through the Study Buddy Moodle. Studying with a group can be very rewarding and effective, even if you don’t take the same courses. You can find study company from different degree programs.
You can find more information from Intra: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/news/36781
If you have any questions, please contact Student Wellbeing Advisor Annina Vilkas (annina.vilkas@tuni.fi)
8. How to improve everyday safety at Tampere?

How to improve everyday safety? Now all Tampere residents can vote.
Voting in the participatory budgeting of the City of Tampere will take place between 9 and 22 May 2022. In the vote, the residents of Tampere will decide how everyday safety in different parts of the city will be improved. Every Tampere resident, regardless of their age, is eligible to vote. Residents can vote on the mun.tampere.fi website.
More information: https://www.tampere.fi/en/city-of-tampere/administration-and-economy/decision-making/participatory-budgeting.html