Tamko wants to thank everyone for the year 2023!

A warm thank you to Tamko member!

With your help:

  • …we have been able to make made students’ voices heard in monthly meetings of TAMK’s management, in dozens of different working groups, in parliamentary candidate’s meetings, in meetings of the City of Tampere and in discussions throughout Finland and Europe through SAMOK.  
  • …we have been able to organize various events such as Autumn trip, Wellbeing Week, SiipiBingo, Students’ Mental Health Day event, Tursajaiset, sitsit and monthly Hangouts.
  • …we have been able to offer our members, security guard course, various student benefits, free coffee every weekday and communication on student related issues.

Tamko’s actors of 2023 have worked to build the community spirit of TAMK students in addition to their own studies. The new actors will continue with the same work at the beginning of January!

We wish all our members a happy holidays and hope to meet again next year!