Although an equal society must be actively built every day of the year, these themes will be particularly important in June, as Pride is celebrated for the rights of sexual and gender minorities. Pride is going on all over Finland and at the moment Manse Pride is happening in Tampere from 6th to 11th of June.
Pride is, above all, a human rights movement. Each of us can fight prejudice and discrimination through our own actions and by that be involved in creating a safe space for everyone in the university community and in everyday life.
Examples of concrete actions:
-Use of gender-sensitive and inclusive language
-Protecting minorities and addressing hate speech in their presence and in their absence
-Listening and learning something new
While it is not the responsibility of minorities to educate others, Instagram has several activist accounts as well as organizational accounts that you can follow to learn and understand more. To mention few:
@thejeffreymarsh @mattxiv @mx.deran @dakotarobinn
Tamko is committed to promoting equality and working against discrimination in its operations, and to taking students into account from a wide range of starting points and highlighting the diversity of students. We do this all year round and constantly learn more.