Edustajiston tiedotteet. Sininen edustajistohuppari etualalla ja opiskelijoita juttelemassa taustalla.


Council’s autumn meeting was held on the 14th of November 2022 in classroom B2-19 of TAMK’s main campus. The meeting reviewed, among other things, the implementation of the 2022 action plan, approved the action plan for 2023, and decided on the amount of the membership and joining fee.


  • The organization meeting 22.11.
  • Tamko’s and Polamk’s prison break sitsit 30.11.
  • Tamko’s Tasting: SiipiBingo 23.11.
  • Tamko’s Hangouts 21.11.

The Coucil’s Chairpersons’ action plan and teams’ updates

The 2022 action plan was reviewed point by point at the meeting. The Council’s Chairpersons told which points in the action plan had been implemented and which had not, and why some points had not been implemented. Most of the points were considered fulfilled, but a few had remained unfulfilled.

For example, in connection with the Council elections, the election machine was not implemented, but an investment was made in election communication and its accessibility and versatility. The voter turnout in Council elections also increased this year. This year, the Council’s Chairpersons have also been actively involved in the board’s daily activities. The Council’s communication has been made more accessible, for example by updating all meeting invitations and bulletins in Finnish and English on the website. The creation of the Council’s own communication plan was postponed to next year.

Nothing new with the teams.

The Board’s action plan

The 2022 action plan was reviewed point by point at the meeting. Each member of the board told in turn which points of the action plan have been implemented and which have not, and why a certain point has not been implemented. For almost every member of board, most of the points in the action plan had been implemented, there were a few points that had not been implemented for one reason or another.

For example, efforts have been made to develop and expand the “Portti työelämään” recruitment event. The history of Tamko was not brought out in the jubilee year, because there is no access to the national archive for research. Some parliamentary election candidates have already been met. The tutoring sector as a whole has been developed, for example through the development of training courses. Tamko’s evening parties have been reconceptualized and it will be called Hangouts in the future. With the new concept, the number of visitors has tripled. The big cultural event was not organized due to the change of welfare and culture manager in the middle of the season. The anniversary party was organized and it was a great success. The update of the sub-association regulations has begun, but the work will continue next year. The position responsible of communications has been established, but the job description will be shaped and refined next year.

Action plan for the year 2023

The action plan guides the activities of the year. The action plan has been prepared by the board and the Council’s Chairpersons during a weekend trip known as evakko. The action plan is divided into different sections, the tasks of the different sectors are reviewed. Next year is the year of sustainability, and the strategy points for next year are also mentioned in the action plan. The Council made a few changes to the action plan, after which it approved the action plan for next year.

Political program 2023–2024

The subject will be discussed at the Council’s meeting in December.

Amount of membership fee and joining fee for the year 2023

The membership fee and the joining fee remain unchanged.

Meeting fees and trustee fees for the year 2023

The subject will be discussed at the Council’s meeting in December.

Event coordinator’s fee for the Gateway to working life event

The subject will be discussed at the Council’s meeting in December.

Budget for the year 2023

The subject will be discussed at the Council’s meeting in December.

Selection of auditors

According to the board’s proposal, Tilintarkastus Lamberg Oy (HMT company) was chosen as the auditor, with auditor Tatu Lamberg (HMT) as the main auditor and possibly the deputy auditor from within the auditing company.

List-specific deputy members of the 2023 Council

According to the rules, the number of official deputy members per list of the next term of office must be decided at the autumn meeting of the Council. The Council decided to nominate all those who were not elected in the elections as deputy members. The Council justified this, among other things, by saying that some of the members of the Council will graduate in the middle of the term and that the deputy members are also important.

Save the dates!

Next council meeting will be held on 2nd of December at 12 am.

(The new Council’s organization meeting will be held on 22nd of November 2022 at 4:30 pm in E1-06 auditorium of TAMK’s main campus)

(Note that the council’s working language is Finnish.)