Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences.
1. There is still time to apply for tutoring! TURSASPASSI STAMP
2. We are seeking new Harassment Contact Persons
3. Apply for Tamko’s Board!
4. Dear student, how are you doing?
5. Last days to vote in Council elections TURSASPASSI STAMP
6. Advocacy days TURSASPASSI STAMP
7. Drawing Hangouts TURSASPASSI STAMP
8. Remember to pay the healthcare fee by 15.11.
9. KampusKirppis is coming again
10. Kirjolohi has started
11. Lumisadetanssit
12. Tolu’s recruiting sauna and general assembly
13. Parvi events in November
1. There is still time to apply for tutoring!

Have you thought about becoming a tutor?
There is still time to apply for degree tutoring!
As a tutor, you get new friends and awesome experiences! Sounds like a great deal, right? Tutoring also gets you study credits and by applying, you get a stamp to your Tursaspassi. So put your boots on and apply now!
Read more and apply here: https://tamko.fi/news/the-search-for-tutors-is-on/
2. We are seeking new Harassment Contact Persons

Tamko has had Harassment Contacts for years, who are students at TAMK. These Harassment Contacts provide help and guidance for students who have experienced disturbance in any form. We do not document these cases and the contact people have full confidentiality. Bullying, inappropriate or discriminating behaviour are taken seriously in TAMK and Harassment Contact Persons are supporting students in these kinds of situations.
The chosen persons for the position will be trained for the part, so we are searching for emphatic, listening and reliable students of different Degree Programmes. Tamko´s board member and employee are supporting these Harassment Contact Persons.
If you are interested, send a free-formed application via this form. Application period is open until Wednesday 20th of November 2024. All applicants will be noted after this time. Read more about the activity from http://tamko.fi/en/tamko-harassment-contacts.
3. Apply for Tamko’s Board!

Do you want to be involved in creating student life and community? Do you want to make an impact and advocate for students? Apply for Tamko’s Board for the year 2025!
Open Board meeting Mon 18.11. at 4.30 pm at Solu downstairs
Welcome to get to know and ask about being on Tamko’s Board! Good meeting snacks and good company are provided, and the sauna will be heated. All Tamko members are welcome to the meeting, whom can also apply for Tamko’s Board. See you there!
Constitutive meeting of the Council Wed 20.11. at 5 pm at TAMK main campus A3-27
Tamko’s Board for 2025 is elected here. The current Board will present their roles, after which you can stand as a candidate. If you want to prepare, you can think about what to say about yourself and why you are applying for the Board.
See frequently asked questions about Board recruitment from Tamko’s website:
4. Dear student, how are you doing?

TAMK students feedback surveys will be open until November 8th. In addition to course feedback, TAMK collect the feedback every autumn from new students, second- and third-year students and masters’ degree students who started their studies in spring 2024.
You will receive a survey by e-mail from studentfeedback.tamk@tuni.fi. If you can’t find the mail, check your spam folder as well.
Your feedback is important! Please answer the survey and participate in the feedback session for your degree program next spring.
More information you may find from here: https://intra.tuni.fi/en/content/news/60667
5. Last days to vote in Council elections!

You can still vote electronically in Council elections until Wednesday 6.11. 3PM through the link sent to your email. Choose your own candidate to vote for: https://tamko.fi/students-union/council/council-election-candidates-2024/
- The more students vote, the more students’ opinions have been heard. So now is your chance to influence who will be the supreme decision-making authority of Tamko.
- By voting for a candidate from your study field, for example, you ensure that the voice of the students in that field is also heard in Tamko’s decision-making.
- You also get the overall badge and stamp to your Tursaspassi!
The result of the election will be announced at the end of the vote the same evening on Wednesday 6.11. The result will be published on Tamko’s website and in social media.
6. Advocacy days

Tamko’s advocacy days are happening this week!
Tamko sub-association day is held on Wednesday November 6th from 10 am to 2 pm in TAMK main campus Teiskontie lobby. Welcome to get to know TAMK’s large variety of the club and sub organization activities at their stands.
The day after on Thursday 7.11. from 10 am to 2 pm, an advocacy organization fair is held in the same Teiskontie lobby, the purpose of which is to present the activities of organizations promoting the interests of students. Come tour the stands and get to know the activities of different organizations!
You can get stamp to your Tursaspassi when you participate in Advocacy days!
7. Drawing Hangouts

How better to spend darkening autumn evenings than relaxing and enjoying delicacies in Solu’s sauna. In November’s Hangouts, let’s get to draw!
So come to Solu’s sauna on 11.11. from 5 pm. There are accessories for drawing, but if you are a professional, you can also take your own accessories with you. You can continue hanging out until 10 pm if you wish! The sauna is also heated, so please bring your own sauna accessories. The event is free, alcohol-free and we offer some sweets.
See you in Hangouts!
WHAT? Drawing Hangouts
WHEN? 11th of November at 5pm to 10pm
WHERE? At Solu’s sauna
PRICE? Free! We offer some snacks!
8. Remember to pay healthcare fee by 15.11.

The fee must be paid by all students who are completing a degree at a Finnish institution of higher education and have registered as attending for the term in question.
Use the OmaKela e-service to pay the healthcare fee. In October 2024, Kela will send a letter to students who have registered as attending for the autumn term but have not yet paid the healthcare fee.
The healthcare fee is EUR 36.80 per term and the due date for the autumn term is 15 November, if you register as attending by 30 September.
If you cannot use OmaKela for instance because you do not have Finnish banking credentials, please pay the fee to Kela as a bank transfer.
Find out how to proceed if you have social security coverage from another EU/EEA country, Switzerland, Great Britain or Northern Ireland: https://www.kela.fi/how-to-pay-the-student-healthcare-fee-in-higher-education#eu-country
Read more: kela.fi/healthcarefee
9. KamppusKirppis is coming again!

The VETO club is organizing a flea market event for university students at Tampere University of Applied Sciences for the third time. The event works like a traditional flea market: students reserve a table spot and bring their items to sell for the day at TAMK’s main campus. All students from any campus are welcome to join! It’s that easy!
You can reserve a table here: Link to KideApp!
You can reserve a table either by yourself or with a friend.
Table reservations close on: Wednesday, 20th November, at 8:00 PM
Event date: Wednesday, 27th November 2024, from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Location: TAMK main campus, Stage C1 – 05, next to the Campus Café.
More information:
Instagram: veto.kampuskirppis
Email: kampuskirppis@gmail.com
10. Kirjolohi has started!

VETO students are organizing a peer support group by students for students as part of their studies. On Tuesday, November 5th, the theme will be “Time Management and Procrastination,” with experts from Omavoima joining us to share their insights!
The group is aimed at TAMK students on the neurodiversity spectrum. No official diagnosis is required to participate. The meeting will take place in Parvi, room B1-24, from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM.
You are welcome to join as you’re able and leave whenever you feel like. Joining the group does not commit you to anything. The group follows safer space principles.
11. Lumisadetanssit

The World Championships of Academic kyykkä’s joy has FINALLY arrived to cheer up the gloomy autumn nights!
TEA-club’s LUMISADETANSSIT conquers Ilona on 21st of November! Spinni and Puoliautomaattinen, competitions and raffles will entertain you through the entire evening!
At the party you can win the much desired afterparty tickets and pre-ordering privilege for the team tickets to the World Championships of Academic kyykkä!
The tickets to the coolest party of the fall cost 4€ and will be sold from 12PM onwards on:
Hervanta campus on 5.11.
City center campus on 6.11.
TAMK on 7.11.
The remaining tickets will be sold on Kide.app on 8.11. at 12PM
More kyykkähype and info on the event can be found on our instagram @kyykkakettu!
WHAT: Lumisadetanssit!
WHEN: 21.11.
WHERE: Viihdemaailma ILONA
TICKETS: 4€, 5.-7.11. Hervanta, city center, and TAMK campuses plus Kide.app 8.11.
12. Tolu’s recruiting sauna & general assembly

Hey there!
We are looking for people for our next year’s board! Are you interested in organizing fun sporty events for students? If yes, then come join us! Our goal is to organize sporty event that are easy to participate for students.
On Nov 8th we are having our autumn meeting at Solun sauna, where we will choose our next year’s board members. You can come to sauna even if you are not interested in joining us. Solu sauna is in our use from 5pm to midnight. If you are going to the sauna, please bring your own towel and swimwear. There are some snack there.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/urheiluseuratolu/
13. Parvi events in November

Sparriksia luvassa marraskuussa seuraavasti:
- 4.11. klo 15-17 (Parvi B1-24), Opinnäytetyöpaja (Eija Lähteenmäki & Arja Luiro)
- 5.11. klo 12-13.30 (Parvi B1-24), Keskittymisen tukeminen (Sami Salonen)
- 7.11. klo 15-16 (paikka selviää syksyllä), Esiintymisjännitys-workshop (Marianna Leikomaa)
- 11.11. klo 15 – 16 (Parvi B1-24), Vinkkejä lukemiseen ja luetun ymmärtämiseen (Maiju Ketko)
- 25.11. klo 15-17 (Parvi B1-24), Opinnäytetyöpaja (Eija Lähteenmäki & Arja Luiro)
Kuormitus hallintaan -ryhmä starttaa marraskuussa, lue lisää ja ilmoittaudu!
Kiinni opinnoista -opintopiirit jatkuvat keväällä 2025 ja ilmoittautuminen on jo auki. Tutustu täältä ja tule mukaan! (Tiedustelut: parvi.tamk@tuni.fi).
Uraohjaaja Minnan työnhakuklinikat 7.11 & 21.11 klo 13-15, lisäksi marraskuussa CV-työpaja 14.11 klo 14-15.30(FI) & 18.11 14-15.30 (EN). *CV-klinikat vaativat etukäteisilmoittautumisen JobTeaserin kautta.
Saavutettavuusviikolla (vko 47) 19.11 Parven edustalla Saavutettavuus-teemainen PopUp klo 14.30-16. Tarjolla ajankohtaista tietoa saavutettavuudesta ja yksilöllisistä opiskelujärjestelyistä opiskelijoille ja opettajille (Yhteyshenkilö: Maiju Ketko)
Liikkuva opiskelu -Pop Up Parven edustalla 20.11 klo 11-13. Tule juttelemaan keinoista tukea esim. keskittymistä liikkeen avulla.
Lisätietoja sekä Teams- & Zoom-linkit löydät Parven kalenterista. Parven tapahtumia voit seurata myös Instagramista @tamkparvi
Ihanaa marraskuuta kaikille!