Tamko Topics is a weekly newsletter of The Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences.

1. Tamko’s social media days 3.-10.10.
2. Stand as candidate in Tamko’s Council elections
3. The winners of Tursajaiset has been announced
4. The new price for student lunch
5. Student, share your experiences and views on learning and studying in higher education
6. Autumn greetings from TAMK Parvi
7. OP Tampere student campus tour at TAMK main campus on Thursday!

1. Tamko’s social media days 3.-10.10.

Tamko’s social days start today on Monday 3.10. and continue until next Monday 10.10.
During the social media days Tamko’s actors introduce themselves and talk about their roles.
You can follow social media days from Tamko’s Instagram and Facebook stories.

Welcome to follow along!

2. Stand as candidate in Tamko’s Council elections

Tamko’s Council elections for 2023 will be held between 26.10 – 9.11.2022. Twenty-one members are elected to the Council. All members of the Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences who are registered as attending and have paid the Students’ Union’s membership fee have a right to vote in the elections.

All members who have a right to vote may stand as candidates. The nomination of candidates is open until11.10.2022 12:00 AM. The forms for candidates and lists are available on Tamko’s website.

Why to stand as a candidate in Council elections?
– You will meet new people, make new friends
– You can influence Tamko’s activities and if you wish participate in e.g. organizing events
– You will learn important working life skills, such as meeting practices and you will understand the structure and operation of larger organizations
– You get to influence the student experience by bringing out your own and other students’ opinions
– Possibility to get study credits
– Add to CV
– You get new experiences

You can find more information about standing as candidate in council elections and other useful information about Council elections from our website: https://tamko.fi/students-union/council/council-elections/ And follow our social media!

3. The winners of Tursajaiset has been announced!

Tursajaiset is now over and it’s time to announce the winners of the event. There were many teams with same amount of points so we had to raffle the winner from the best groups. There were also so many great costumes so it was hard to choose the best costume theme.

Here are the winners:

HIGHEST SCORES: Sateenkaariperhe / 22SOD

Congratulations to the winners! Winners will be contacted through email. Thank you for participating the event!

If you were in the event and don’t have Tursajaiset overall patch already, you can come pick it up at Tamko’s office.

4. The new price for student lunch

The price of student lunch has increased by 0,50€ in most student restaurants since 1.10.2022.
The reason for the price increase is the increased costs due to inflation.

The new price for a student lunch is 3.20€  instead of the previous €2.70€.

Reminder: By showing your Tamko’s student card, you get a -0,10€ discount on Campusravita’s student lunch.

5. Student, share your experiences and views on learning and studying in higher education

Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) evaluates the state and reform of higher education pedagogy in Finland. Important part of the evaluation is a survey for higher education students. The aim of the survey is to obtain diverse information on students’ experiences and views on learning and studying in higher education.

FINEEC hopes that every higher education student will respond to the survey based on their own experiences of studying. Everyone’s answer is important.

The survey is open until 7.10.2022. Responding takes around 20-25 minutes.

More information on the evaluation: Evaluation of the state and reform of higher education pedagogy 

Once the evaluation has been completed, the responses will be archived, and they can be handed over for research use. The answers that will be archived will be anonymised. The results of the survey will be reported in a way that makes it impossible to identify individual respondents. 

Thank you for participating in the evaluation!

6. Autumn greetings from TAMK Parvi

Even birds fly in a flock – Don’t fly solo either!
Parvi is wellbeing and support services, peer support, and connecting with others, so that no student would have to be alone.

Walk-ins continue at Parvi (TAMK main campus B1-24)

  • on Tuesdays at 11-12 Student wellbeing advisor
  • on Wednesdays at 11-12 Special needs teacher
  • on Thursdays at 11-12 Student counsellor

Chat advisor online on Parvi chat:

  • on Mondays at 9-11
  • on Tuesdays at 9-11 and 14-15
  • on Wednesdays at 9-11 and 14-15

Ask Me Anything session on Jodel @tamk channel

  • on Wednesdays at 13-14

Welcome to ask anything what comes to your mind!

You’ll find all Parvi activities and times on Parvi’s calendar.
Feel free to follow @tamkparvi on Instagram to stay tuned.

7. OP Tampere student campus tour at TAMK main campus on Thursday

Meet OP Tampere banking specialists on campus! 

Let’s have a chat about banking and insurance topics, take part in lottery and enjoy Kismet chocolate bar! Come to see what else we have there! 

-Tampere University, City centre campus, Main building Tue 4.10. 10-14
-TAMK, Main Campus Thu 6.10. 10-14
-Tampere University, Hervanta campus, Kampusareena Tue 11.10. 10-14

See you soon!