For a new student

Congratulations and welcome to everyone who got study place at TAMK! We can’t wait to see you all in August!

So, what to do next? 

1. Accept your study place and register as present student

Confirm your study place via Studyinfo service
More information about accepting your study place

Register as present student at TAMK for academic year
Read more about registration

2. Join the Students’ Union Tamko

If you want, you can join Tamko and order student card from our here.
Also download Tuudo-app and app to get the mobile student card and thousands of discounts and benefits!

3. Get yourself an apartment!

Good places to look for a apartment are for example:

Check out Opiskelijan Tampere website where you can find available apartments for rent. You can also look for a roommate from there!

4. Apply for study grant and general housing allowance from Kela

Study grant:
General housing allowance

5. Pay the healthcare fee for students in higher education

All degree students registered present are allowed to use the healthcare services provided by the Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS). As you are entitled to use the healthcare services by FSHS, you must pay a healthcare fee to Kela. Students pay the healthcare fee twice a year, once for autumn and once for spring semester.

The due date for the healthcare fee in the autumn semester is 15 November so it is easy to pay it right away.

6. Activate your TUNI-account

Information about activating your TUNI-account

7. Check out Tursaspedia – Student’s guidebook

Tursaspedia is place where Tamko gathers all sorts of information about student activities and good tips for student life and studying at TAMK. We warmly recommend for you to check it out!

8. Enjoy the summer!

We will see you in August at orientation weeks! You will recognize us from blue shirts and hoodies, we will answer to any of your questions 🙂

Read further instructions from:

Whether you are entering student life for the first time of getting your second degree, Tamko is with you during all of your study years!