Tamkon edustajiston tiedotteet. Sininen värimaailma. Taustalla koulua kohti käveleviä opiskelijoita, joilla on siniset edustajistohupparit päällään.

The Council’s Meeting Bulletin 4.3.2025

Tamko’s Council had a meeting at TAMK Main Campus on 4.3.2025. What is going on in Tamko? 

Changes in the composition of the Council 

We granted the Council’s deputy-members Myy Björkskog and Rivan Azawi their resigning from the Council. We updated the composition of the Council and the orders-of-priority for the lists BBA Students and Soten Valitut Palat. This means that the next in line on the list will take the spot of the resigned Council member. 

The Gateway to Working Life 2025 event debrief 

The Council received a debrief of the Gateway to Working Life 2025 recruiting event. The event was held on TAMK Main Campus on 20.-22.1.2025. The event went well and students gave a lot of feedback!

What have Tamko’s actors been up to? 

Tamko published a statement taking a stand against the government’s draft amendment to the Aliens Act. The current proposal places Higher Education students in an unequal position, so Tamko took a stand against it! Tamko’s actors met with the head of TAMK over some morning coffee on 11 February where the situation of international students was discussed and TAMK was invited to publish a statement. TAMK made a statement against the government’s proposal too. 

Tamko’s actors have actively gone to degree feedback sessions to stay up-to-date on what feedback students have given and how the degrees are improving based on the feedback. 

Tamko’s student associations and student clubs had a training where their new actors were trained. Tamko’s actors met student-housing actors POAS and TOAS to discuss matters such as student housing. Together with sub-associations, Tamko met with the Bishop of Tampere area Matti Repo. Also, Tamko organized the traditional Siipibingo event. 

Intra Jones stand at TAMK on Tue 18.3.

Come to our Intra Jones stand to test your info-finding skills! Tamko’s Council is hosting an Intra Jones stand on TAMK Main Campus B0-17 on Tue 18.3. 10:30-13:30. We only have a limited amount of patches. The first 50 people who do the intra game on our stand get the patch. At the pop-up, your task is to search for specific pages on the intra. The correct pages are marked with Intra Jones character. When you have found all the pages, you’ll be rewarded with an Intra Jones badge! Hopefully you will continue to use the intra in the future.

Save the dates! 

Upcoming Council meetings are  

  • 2.4. at 16:30 in G00-10  
  • and the preliminary date of the Spring Meeting 15.4 in G00-10. 

Tamko’s members are welcome to the meetings!