Council election candidates 2024

A total of 60 candidates from 7 different lists were nominated for the Tamko’s Council elections.
Below you can get to know Tamko’s Council election candidates. Under each candidate, you will also find their key themes and other information if they have provided that to Tamko in English.

The voting for the 2024 Council elections will take place entirely online.
A voting link will be sent to each eligible voter via email, so please remember to check your spam folder.

16.10. AT 10.00 – 6.11. AT 15.00

Voting ends at 15.00 on the last day of voting and the result of the election is published on the same evening.


10 Myy Björkskog

Radiography and Radiotherapy

  • Student welfare and mental health
  • Equality between students

11 ada Dahlman

Social services

  • Bringing out the voice of students
  • Student welfare and mental health

12 Altti eskelinen

Nursing and Health Care

  • Improving the quality of education
  • Bringing out the voice of students

13 elisa koskio

Social services

  • Student welfare and mental health
  • Developing student community

14 Jenny mustikka

Nursing and Health Care

  • Improving the quality of education
  • Bringing out the voice of students

15 Aleksi saari

Nursing and Health Care

  • Improving the quality of education
  • Student welfare and mental health

16 anna tanila


  • Improving the quality of education
  • Student welfare and mental health

17 JUlia väänänen

Nursing and Health Care

  • Improving the quality of education
  • Student welfare and mental health

18 Saila viheriälä

Biomedical laboratory science

  • Bringing out the voice of students
  • Improving the activities of the Council

19 Nona wallasvaara

Emergency care

  • Improving the quality of education
  • Bringing out the voice of students


20 Tiuku akkanen

Textile and Material Engineering

“Representing us”

  • Equality between students
  • Developing student community

I am second year Textile and Material Engineering student and I want to be here to give voice to the Textile students as well as all the other English programmes at TAMK. To me the the most important issues are the inclusivity and diversity of TAMK and the well-being of the student body

21 juha hautakangas

ICT Engineering

  • Student welfare and mental health
  • Equality between students

22 santeri heino

Mechanical Engineering

  • Improving the quality of education
  • Bringing out the voice of students

23 aaro järvelä

Construction Engineering

  • Developing student community
  • Equality between students

24 aku käkilehto

Construction Engineering

  • Bringing out the voice of students
  • Improving the activities of the Council

25 kasper laaksonen

Construction Engineering

  • Improving the quality of education
  • Bringing out the voice of students

26 rosa lella

Mechanical Engineering

  • Improving the quality of education
  • Bringing out the voice of students

27 väinö mäkinen

Building Services Engineering, Electrical Systems

  • Development of the school catering system
  • Developing student community

28 helena pakarinen

Mechanical Engineering

  • Bringing out the voice of students
  • Equality between students

29 Sampo pesonen

Mechanical Engineering

  • Development of the school catering system
  • Student welfare and mental health

30 Daniel popa

Construction Engineering

  • Bringing out the voice of students
  • Student welfare and mental health

31 paavo pörhölä

Construction Engineering

  • Improving the quality of education
  • Developing student community

32 antti puranen

Electrical and Automation Engineering

  • Functionality of public transport
  • Developing student community

33 elmeri rantanen

Electrical and Automation Engineering

  • Improving the quality of education
  • Bringing out the voice of students

34 mikael risberg

Construction Engineering

  • Improving the quality of education
  • Improving the activities of the Council

35 Elsa suni

Laboratory Engineering

  • Improving the quality of education
  • Bringing out the voice of students

36 otto-oskari suuronen

ICT Engineering

  • Bringing out the voice of students
  • Improving the activities of the Council

37 herman terho

Electrical and Automation Engineering

  • Equality between students
  • Developing student community

38 eppu westlin

Construction Architecture

  • Bringing out the voice of students
  • Improving the activities of the Council

39 agilles wouda

Environmental Engineering

“We’re all in this together!

  • Bringing out the voice of students
  • Development of the school catering system

As an environmental engineer, I constantly strive for a better environment, be it simply my home or even the world. So, let’s focus on improving and protecting our study environment, one step at a time

bba students

40 Riina Ahvenus

Business Administration

“Your candidate

  • Improving the quality of education
  • Bringing out the voice of students

In the Students’ Union, I have rallied for students’ matters. I will continue this in the Council. If the quality of your education is important to you, vote for me.

41 Essi autio

Business Administration

  • Bringing out the voice of students
  • Equality between students

42 Rivan azawi

Business Information Systems

Choose me and everything Will work well”

  • Improving the quality of education
  • Student welfare and mental health

43 Le vinh dang

Entrepreneurship and Team Leadership

“What the sigma”

  • Improving the quality of education
  • Developing student community

I am Vinh, nice to meet you

44 Ron Efrati

Entrepreneurship and Team Leadership

  • Bringing out the voice of students
  • Equality between students

45 Aada Harinen

Business Administration

  • Bringing out the voice of students
  • Developing student community

46 Veikka Kairala

Business Information Systems

  • Bringing out the voice of students
  • Equality between students

47 Niko Karhu

Business Information Systems

  • Equality between students
  • Developing student community

48 Laura luga

Business Administration

  • Bringing out the voice of students
  • Developing student community

49 sebastian markus

Business Administration

  • Bringing out the voice of students
  • Student welfare and mental health

50 joonas nisula

Business Information Systems

  • Improving the quality of education
  • Developing student community

51 elina pärssinen

International Business

Someone legendary once said: Dance it out <3

  • Development of the school catering system
  • Developing student community

2nd year International Business student studying marketing and e-commerce. I want to make a difference and to make IB student’s voice heard! Hint: that someone legendary is from Greys Anatomy 🙂

52 Tatu Rajala

International Business

  • Bringing out the voice of students
  • Student welfare and mental health

53 Jenni räsänen

Business Administration

  • Improving the quality of education
  • Student welfare and mental health

54 tuukka rintala

Business Information Systems

  • Student welfare and mental health
  • Developing student community

55 Kharon saari

Business Information Systems

  • Bringing out the voice of students
  • Student welfare and mental health

56 niko saarikoski

Business Information Systems

“If you can’t be the best, you can sure as hell be the worst.

  • Bringing out the voice of students
  • Student welfare and mental health

Niko. 26. Single. Scared of stuff.

57 juho ström

Business Information Systems

  • Improving the quality of education
  • Bringing out the voice of students

58 Iida törmä

Business Administration

  • Student welfare and mental health
  • Developing student community

59 satu turunen

Entrepreneurship and Team Leadership

  • Developing student community
  • Equality between students

60 anna ylä-autio

International Business

“Equality for every student”

  • Student welfare and mental health
  • Equality between students

Hi, my name is Anna, I’m a second year International Business student. I believe that every student deserves to feel supported, heard, and treated equally. My top priorities are improving student welfare and ensuring that every student has access to the same opportunities. I want to help create an environment where every student feels valued, and where well-being is a priority.


70 Helena maijanen

Network Learning and Competencies

  • Student welfare and mental health
  • Developing student community

71 viivi niinisalo

Network Learning and Competencies

“Neurodiversity doesn’t limit equality, it enriches it!”

  • Student welfare and mental health
  • Developing student community


80 eelis danemann


  • Equality between students
  • Developing student community

81 venla heikola


  • Bringing out the voice of students
  • Developing student community

palveluliiketoiminnan mastercheffit

90 marianna aalto

Hospitality Management

  • Student welfare and mental health
  • Developing student community

culture and media

100 Tia Huura

Culture and Arts, Film and Television

  • Bringing out the voice of students
  • Equality between students

101 aaro karsimus

Culture and Arts, Film and Television

  • Bringing out the voice of students
  • Equality between students

102 Jenni määttä

Culture and Arts, Film and Television

  • Improving the quality of education
  • Bringing out the voice of students

103 Jenni olli

Culture and Arts, Music Pedagogy

  • Bringing out the voice of students
  • Student welfare and mental health