Tursaspassi winners

Which freshman was the most active? The winners of Tursaspassi 2023-2024 have been ruled!

The most active freshmen were awarded with the honorable titles Active-tursas, Boss-tursas and Mighty-tursas. This year’s Active-tursas collected 66 stamps, Boss-tursas 80 stamps and Mighty-tursas a whopping 83 stamps on their Tursaspassi!

The winners will receive these prices:

Gift card for electronics store 200 €
Finnkino’s gift card 50 €
NoHo’s gift card 50 €
Gift card for spa 200 €
Campusravita gift card 80 €

Gift card for electronics store 100 €
Finnkino’s gift card 100 €
NoHo’s gift card 50 €
Kesko’s gift card 50 €
Campusravita gift card 60 €

Gift card for electronics store 100 €
NoHo’s gift card 50 €
Rental of Solu’s sauna (Mon-Fri)
Overall patch

We also gave away Campusravita gift cards to four lucky Tursaspassi returners.

The winners have been notified personally.

Congratulations to the winners for having an active first year and a big thank you to all who returned their Tursaspassi!