Election announcement

The Council elections of the Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences (Tamko) for 2025 will be held between 16.10.-6.11.2024 Twenty-one members are elected to the Council. All members of the Students’ Union of Tampere University of Applied Sciences who are registered as attending and have paid the Students’ Union’s membership fee have a right to vote in the elections. 

All members who have a right to vote may stand as candidates. The nomination of candidates begins on 3.9.2024 at 9.00 AM and ends on 1.10.2024 at 12:00 AM. The forms for candidates and lists will be available on the www.tamko.fi website when the nomination of the candidates begins. Candidates must register for Tamko and an existing list, or alternatively set up their own list to register for. 

The electronic voting begins on 16.10. at 10 AM and ends on the official election day 6.11.2024 at 3 PM The electronic voting IDs and a link to the service will be sent to members’ official TUNI email addresses and, in exceptional cases, to the other email address the member has given for the membership register. Members who have joined during the elections will receive their voting IDs immediately by email. 

The elections are conducted as proportional list system elections. That is, voters will vote not only the candidate but also their candidate list. The composition of the elected Council is determined by the popularity of the lists. Candidate lists are available at least on the Tamko website and at the Student Union office (Solu). In addition, the lists of candidates can be found in paper form on the info boards of both TAMK’s main campus and Mediapolis. 

Electoral advertising may be carried out anywhere according to the Finnish law and TAMK’s and its campuses’ rules, except in the immediate proximity of the polling sites and the campuses’ IT facilities. Candidates’ election posters on Tamko’s notice boards must be stamped by the Students’ Union’s office. In uncertain cases, the Central Election Committee exercises its discretionary power regarding the removal of the advertisements. Requests for rectification concerning electoral registers must be submitted to Kia Kauppinen, Chairperson of the Central Election Committee, by 9.10.2024 at 12.00 AM (kia.kauppinen@tuni.fi) 

Chairperson of the Central Election Committee Kia Kauppinen 27.8.2024, Tampere