Bulletin from Tamko’s council meeting 2.2.2021

Year’s first council meeting took place on the 2nd of February via Teams. The meeting agenda included updates from the council’s chairpersons and board members, usage of Tamko’s funds and ordering hoodies for council’s use.


Tamko’s actor introduction weeks on Instagram start on the 8th of February.

Updates from the council’s chairpersons and teams

Chairpersons have taken part in board meetings and trainings, planned the year in advance and made preparations for the first council meeting. The council’s chairpersons also took part in the meeting with the principal and TAMK’s administration and attended the memorial in Suinula. Vice chair has also been planning our discount organization, Student’s Tampere, year forward.

Updates from the board

In addition to standard meetings the board members have taken part in trainings organized by SAMOK and the Western-Finland student unions. Board has also represented Tamko in several working groups, met up with the principal and TAMK’s administration and attended the memorial in Suinula. Orientation weeks went well, decisions about new tutors have been made and Portti työelämään -recruitment event has been held and wrapped up during January. The planning of upcoming events has also commenced.


The council decided to invest some of Tamko’s surplus to a low-risk fund. It was also agreed that in the future council members will be more included in the preparation process when it comes to financial decisions.

Council’s hoodies

It was decided to order some hoodies for council to use when the members need to represent Tamko publicly.

Save the date!

The next council meeting will be held 9.3. starting at 17 o’clock, all Tamko members are welcome to join (note: council’s working language is Finnish)!