


It is time for the legendary Soppasauna again!

Back in history the ancient Phoenicians had a tradition of holding a maze-beer drinking contest at the end of each autumn harvest. The goal was to drink as much beer as possible, and the last man standing received the honor of copulating with the chief’s daughter. For which the penalty was death. The games were, despite the penalty, very popular and ironically led to the final destruction of the Phoenicians.

In the honor of this fine tradition, TTO holds an annual event, Soppasauna. By completing the "Ladlemaster’s Degree" you will receive an award, the Master's Ladle, serving the role of the Chief's daughter. This is a highly prestigious award worth fighting for.

How do you complete to the LadleMaster’s degree? Form a pair, either with your friend or your enemy, and empty (by drinking) a crate of beer (24pcs) in three (3) hours - without letting go of the crate for a millisecond.

Where: in Kauppi's saunatila (Biokatu 8)
When? 19.10. from 6 p.m

This proud TTO tradition is very exclusive by it's nature, only a limited amount of participants will be accepted.So be quick with your registration, or be without!

The price is 65€/pair for TTO members, and 75€/pair for non TTO member. Pairs with atleast one TTO member will be classified as TTO membership pairs. The price includes the necessary performance "tools".

Sign up now and come and see if you can complete the Laddlemaster's Degree and become a Bucket Champion!

Tickets go on sale on September 22. at 4:35 am

For further information, contact

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