Opiskelijatapahtuma Pi**uralli 2024 2.10.

Pi**uralli 2024

Pi**uralli 2024


TARE; SOPU and Konekerho are joining forces once again in the form of Pi**uralli!

The year’s fastest event is held on Wednesday 2.10. starting at 16:00. Gather a team of four (4) people to complete different kinds of tasks in various bars all around Tampere city centre, all while quenching your thirst if you so desire. Your performance in these tasks will be judged and you will be awarded points accordingly. If you feel like you deserve more points, you can try and raise your points by for example performing something or giving a nice little gift to the judges. Points cannot be awarded for alcohol or nudity, so let’s keep those shirts on and flasks closed. The best team will get a prize for their great accomplishment!

The tickets will go on sale on Wednesday 11.9. on Kide.app. A team ticket costs 16€ for members and 20€ for non-members. To be eligible for a member ticket, at least half of your team has to be a member of one of the organizing parties. Please note that only one member of your group has to buy the tickets for the entire group! The ticket includes the round itself, a cool overall patch and an afterparty at Bricks.

More info about the event will be released closer to the event, so stay tuned! The event is completely harassment-free. Trained harassment contact officials will be present at the event and will be named later. If you experience or witness any harassment at the event, please contact them at a low threshold.

WHAT? Pi**uralli 2024
WHERE? Various bars in Tampere city centre
WHEN? 2.10. starting at 16:00
COSTS? 16€ for members, 20€ for non-member

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