Mushroom picking

Mushroom picking


Colder days are coming and it’s nice to enjoy the last beautiful days of Autumn by doing one of the most famous activities of the season, mushroom picking!
Join us in a nature immersed activity with Globe in Kauppi forest on 17.10.23 at 12:30. The activity will take approximately 3 hours, but everyone is free to join or leave whenever they want to. We will have our own nature guide from Ahlman with us and they will teach us about the edible mushrooms. The ones you collect you can also take home! If you do not want to collect mushrooms you can also come to hang out with us and walk around Kauppi! GLOBE will provide some snacks for the event. You can bring your own snacks if you want, as well as a warm bottle of tea since it should be cold already.

The tickets for members of GLOBE members are 0€, for all other students and non-members it is 2€.

For the walk, make sure that you are dressed warmly enough and cover your skin properly. We will be off trails so get your bad weather shoes and take the ones, which can get dirty. It can get cold in October so make sure to have enough layers. Kauppi is the forest next to TAMK so we can meet at Kuntokatu entrance and walk together to the forest. For people who will join us later, we will have shared location so they can find us easily.

See you there!

WHAT: GLOBE mushroom picking
WHEN: 17.10.2023 at 12:30
WHERE: Kauppi forest (Kuntokatu entrance)
WHAT TO WEAR: enough layers for the cold.
RULES: The nature guide will check the mushrooms you have collected before you leave, just to be sure.
Provided: Snacks

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