Pi**uralli 2023

Pi**uralli 2023


The fastest event of the year called Pi**uralli is back on 4.10! This fast-paced event is organized by Konekerho, TARE and SOPU.
Gather teams of four (4) people and start completing different tasks all around the central Tampere. Completing tasks will take place in different bars, so you should not worry about getting too thirsty during the round.

Points will be awarded for completing these different checkpoints. However, keep your caps closed and your clothes on when increasing the points. The best-performing team will receive an incredible prize!
The departure times on the event day are following: 16:00, 16:30, 17:00, 17:30, and 18:00. The starting location will be at Kaijakka.

Tickets for the event will be sold from campus. So come by our stand in the school lobby (on the side of Teiskontie) starting at 10:00 on September 11th! A team ticket costs 16€ (4€/person) for members of the organizing parties and 20€ (5€/person) for non-members. The ticket includes the round itself, a semi-cool overall patch, and afterparty at Kaijakka.

Note! A membership ticket can only be bought if at least 3 people from the team are members of one of the organizing organization.

The event is completely harassment-free. If you witness or experience any form of harassment, please contact the event's harassment contact persons on-site.

WHAT? Pi**uralli 2023
WHERE? Around the center of Tampere
WHEN? 4.10. from 16:00
WHAT DOES IT COST? 16€ for members, 20€ for non-members
TICKETS: https://kide.app/events/54c55704-5be0-4458-a618-7931a4a5377f

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